Monday morning announced the RAYMARINE technician with bad news from our radar. It would take at least another week, would up the repaired antenna in England back in Lagos to be. As long as we did not want to wait.
So we went to anchor and headed for Vilamoura. In this safe harbor, we wanted to wait for the next days, to a low pressure area with lots of strong winds from the south pulled over our heads was. Since the distances between individual ports in the Algarve are relatively low, we took it this time sporting, that the wind as ever came from the front and crossed diligently against. Finally a day of sailing even if crossing means, double track and triple way! Soon we had to run the machine, otherwise there was all the time wonderful silence under the sails. Only the sound of the waves and the wind were heard. Contrary to the weather forecast, the sun shone with a pleasant 25 ° C. Perfectly.
In the early evening we reached the beautiful marina of Vilamoura, in which a luxury motor yacht was lying next to the next. The SUMMER looked between them from something small and lost. The harbor is the center of the small town and is surrounded by restaurants and bars, invited to linger. The evening we spent on board, as always actually, if you come back has Internet access. In addition, still had to be made some preparations, because on Wednesday our first visit, my mother, expect.
The JOY OF LIFE permanent unfortunately Prev Next Lagos, but we are looking forward to our next reunion.
Bom dia und moin,
ich freue mich, dass Ihr jetzt die Algarve geniessen könnt. Ich verfolge Euch über die
ais-traffic-list und lese die tollen Berichte. Bin richtig neidisch, denn es kommen die
Erinnerungen wieder zum Vorschein. Wir sind nächste Woche für 3 Wochen in Porto
Colom/Mallorca. Planen auch schon für März 3 Wochen Algarve, Olhos de Agua, östl.
von Albufeira, knapp westl. von Vilamoura. Wenn Ihr noch weiter ostwärts segelt,
unbedingt nach Olhao/Culatra vor Anker gehen. Später dann Taviar und Rio Guadiana. Dort den Fluss hoch bis Alcoutim/San Lucar. Traumhaft!!!
In Vila Real de Santo Antonio/VRSA Grüsse an die Hafenmeisterin und die internat.
Seglergemeinde von der SAMIRA-Crew.
Fair winds und schöne Urlaubstage wünschen Ingeborg & Dierk.