Further, we celebrate :-)

After the strenuous race on Saturday we had the Sunday something go. Even if we celebrated yesterday itself won't be so long, had music made up morning to half-past four strong the others at the port and that had gone without a trace over to us. Ohrenstopfen hin oder her 🙂

So it moved us only in the evening again in the city to the “Desfile do Desporto”. Hid behind the relocation of sports clubs. Now not so spectacular sounds, was it but.

Live total on the island of Terceira 55.000 People and it is really amazing and impressive, How many clubs participated in this parade, and with how much effort and attention to detail the clubs have presents itself. More than one and a half hours took the move and there were almost all kinds of sports, that you can imagine. Focused on this evening most definitely rather young athletes, die sich hier stolz präsentieren hatten 🙂









The next day, the sense was me then after contrast and I wanted to take a trip on the Mont Brazil, während Dietmar am Hafen anderen Booten schöne Augen machte 🙂 Eine Schönheit hatte es ihm ganz besonders angetan 🙂 Ceserina


The Mont Brazil is the local recreation area of Angra and very well developed. One finds also a picnic area with large children's playground and some birds in aviaries in addition to the usual here hiking trails. Even outhouses can be found at several, zum Teil überraschenden Stellen 🙂

Once at the top a great views over Angra on one side and the small Caldeira overlooking the sea on the other side, I had.




And also the many different flowers were my photographer heart beat.




For the evening we wanted to continue but the Festival program. It would be so bad, If you missed something. Tonight there were two different program points: “Desfile de Carnaval” and “Animação pelos Grupos Folclóricos municipality de Angra do Heroísmo”.

So we went first to the parade of carnival groups. After the Carnival in the Canary Islands we hoped us here color magnificent costumes, Samba groups and lots of music. We got music, but unfortunately no dancing ladies, but actress gentlemen. Funny and fanciful costumes were listed on the flyway skits and jokes. That was very funny, zumindest wenn man Portugiesisch verstehen würde 🙂 Die anderen amüsierten sich also köstlich und wir schauten eher in die Röhre.



Good, dass es noch ein Alternativprogramm gab 🙂 So sahen wir noch mehrere Folkoregruppen mit Gesang und Tanz, bis der ungewohnte Musikstil dem Kapitän zu viel wurde 🙂




Down at the port, we drank another beer and a Calpi ordinary pop music, bevor wir unsere privaten VIP-Plätze für das Mitternachtskonzert in unseren Betten auf der SUMMER aufsuchten 🙂 “They are always in the front row with us :-)”






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