Once we were in the port actually been all week indispensable and could not move away far from the boat us, We had considered on Sunday, yet again to ride Santa Cruz. But not just, to once again spend a day in the city. We had other plans. Since last week, the SY Atanga is up here in Santa Cruz Harbor. Sabine and Joachim have we met in La Coruna and have since then via email loosely in touch. They both have similar plans as we, but let it tackle almost quiet. So they were in the last few months always a bit behind. Now we are finally landed times together on an island. The 55 Kilometers could be overcome but wonderfully with the car.
After we filled up at the farmers market in Las Chafiras and the fishmonger in Los Abrigos our supplies for the next week without a rental car, we went against two clock on the way. So we met as agreed previously (Although it should be a surprise visit, but no muggings are) one against three clock at the harbor.
Just in time before the first rain we went on board and are likely to make ourselves comfortable under a roomy cockpit tent in the cockpit. After so long, there is much to tell, and the time flew by, while it was raining cats and dogs outside. Since a trip to dinner at the nearby old town in this weather no one particularly irritated, Sabine improvised on board even a dinner for us. Noodles with pork and broccoli in a creamy sauce. The combination sounds a bit unusual to, aber dabei war sie nur ungewöhnlich lecker 🙂
When we made ourselves but about ten clock after the fun night on the way home, I had to find, that I had left my shoes at the dock in the rain. Sehr erfrischend 🙁 Dietmar hatte seine sicherheitshalber in seinem Rucksack verstaut. Sehr nett, Dear Husband, dass Du meine nicht mit genommen hast 🙂
Hi Dietmar,
what you're in for a Krampe, pack only your shoes.
Beautiful, Be good that you come home. Until next week.
LG Sabine