Viva Columbia ... or a really windy pleasure


Uwe and I knew from the outset, to travel to Santa Marta would be a test. Shortly before Santa Marta it did come in really big for us as we had passed the Cape in the north. The wind increased from 30 Knots on violent 40-50 Knot abruptly. We have the foresail furled quickly and are just the mainsail in the second reef in 3-4 gerauscht meter high waves confused our goal counter. I really had to keep all the difficulties CESARINA on track and the violent gusts of up to 50 auszusteuern node. But at some point we had reached the bay and decided against Santa Marta, to drop anchor in front of the Marina, and calmly consider, how would we go.


It already looked scary to see from, with what power the strong wind was tearing at the cleats and linen webs yachts. Again and again our wind indicator showed a value of 46 Knoten an! We checked the weather forecast and saw, that it should not be better but rather worse the next day. So there was no other choice. We had to go in there!


After we 15 Minutes are circling in the harbor, we got our berth at the end of web e assigned. Now it was about the sausage! Backward against the wind in the box and then also just before the stone wall at the end of the basin. It was clear to me, I would have only one attempt, to maneuver CESARINA in the gap. On the other hand, the wind would have us to be very threatening.


So I positioned the ship at an angle of 70 Degree front of the box and then gave back full throttle. The so-called wheel effect pulled the rear then the rear elegant and perfect to port in an arc in the gap in. After 2 Minutes was CESARINA then laterally to the web and Uwe mastered perfectly his job, to position the mooring lines in the right places. Am Steg already waited several friends and Dockmaster. Most seem to have been impressed(I believe), was as confident and calm the maneuver expired. This challenge we had so mastered.


In the evening there was something powerful to drink and we were celebrating our first together and successful trip. It may like to go to Australia. On Wednesday 18. January, will then go on towards Panama!

3 thoughts on “Viva Columbia ... or a really windy pleasure

  1. Hey, sehr cool, ins besondere bei dem Wind in der Marina anzulegen. Hut ab!
    Wir sind seit heute Morgen Gott sei Dank mit einem dann doch gechillten Manöver wieder ins Wasser gegangen. Geniesst Colon 😉 und vor allem den Panamkanal. Wir sind oben im Gatun Lake an der riesigen Mooringboje baden gegangen, das war aber vor der Warnung vor den Crocs, den Badegang also vielleicht besser auslassen.
    Geniesst den Kanal und besonders den Moment wenn die Tore der Miraflores Schleuse auf gehen. Vielleich kann Katja ein paar Screenshots von Euch über die dortige Webcam machen.
    Liebe Grüsse

  2. Hallo Kasper die Karte aus Kuba!!!! ist immer noch nicht angekommen . Jetzt einen Panamahut. Gruß aus dem vereisten Wendland.Ulf

  3. You really did a very good job entering the Birth in Santa Marta. Good team, the two of you! I just noticed you are getting ready to pass the Panama Channel Monday.

    The Pacific is waiting for you and Cesarina. Hope Katja will join you to Galapagos.

    Have a save sailing!
    Len & Sip

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