Since morning at seven clock yesterday morning he is traveling alone, my captain. Of course I do not like, but what should I do. Of course I would prefer it. But at least I'm pretty close. Es lebe die Erfindung des Satelliten-Telefons 🙂
At noon, we could not normally talk over cellular network, then the distance from Madeira was unfortunately too large. But I got a few pictures, I do not want to hide from you.
So Dietmars day started well at this ungodly time (siehe Foto). Outside it was still dark and I had to think long, when we left the last time so early. Since yesterday was the strategy for his first one-handed laying maneuver, but still it was for him a strange feeling, drive off alone.
The first call I received as arranged directly after it left the port and set the sails had. The first hurdle was taken before. He had mastered alone Easy Storing and the journey could begin. We still use the land near (and thus the mobile network), to talk about a bit and so I was least acoustically with this, Dietmar as a group sighted whales. I am really looking forward to the pictures, obwohl live natürlich schöner gewesen wäre 🙂
The wind was unfortunately distracted still very weak and strong in the land cover of the island of Madeira. A short time had run with the engine, but with increasing distance from the land of the wind veered to the right direction and also participated in strength to. So then I was able to follow the Internet, as the SUMMER with speeds between six and eight knots south made good progress. Only the weather forecast makes me a little uneasy, there had formed exactly on Dietmar way a strong wind zone. So had the evening for the first time the satellite phone to believe it and I was relieved, when I listen to voice Dietmars. On the SUMMER everything was ok, although the wind had freshened considerably and yet already established a pretty high wave. Dietmar had therefore greatly reduced the sail area and looked quite confident now his first-hand counter-night. To calm my nerves, we agreed, to call all two hours.
So I felt like the next morning as I had even watched through the night on the SUMMER. Dietmar had the strong wind to 30 Node coped well and sounded on the phone and the circumstances of freshly. So we moved us during the day on e-letter, to the board cash to spare some. Thus, the mails were shooting during the day again more to the meal planning as the weather events, because the wind had clearly lost on day one force.
In the night I will have to miss out on further inspection calls and hope, to be maintained by occasional emails to date. Tomorrow at noon Dietmar will then reach Gran Canaria. Then I make three crosses and look forward, dass ich die nächste Überfahrt wieder live mit dabei sein kann 🙂
Good morning Dietmar,
when I read the report by Katja is indeed a baptism of fire for you, for the first time
started as a single-handed sailor and that too at night !!!
I do not know anything here, especially since I ago 20 Years with a yacht
also got to experience day and night.
Du hast Bald density of Gran Canaria (hopefully) and then the recovery begins ?
Greetings from Lauenburg
Dein Daddy
Moin, Dietmar.
Toll gemacht. Bin in Gedanken oft bei Euch. Habe viele gute Erinnerungen an diese
Törns gen Süden und dann nach Westen. Hoffentlich ist Katja bald wieder an Bord, denn allein ist es dooof an Bord und beim Segeln!!!
Fair winds und liebe Grüsse aus Neustadt