Above the clouds

If the weather on the coast looks rather uncomfortable and thick clouds covering the blue sky, Tenerife is an ideal opportunity, to escape the gray. Most of the clouds are a clear view of the sun block, at a height of 1000 to 2000 Meters. Tenerife has but a lot of high mountains and volcanoes to offer, to which one can escape up through the clouds. That's why we planned another trip to the Teide National Park for today rather gray day. So "snaked" we are with our Fiat Panda again high up into the mountains and eventually drove the last gray and damp clouds. Then finally we arrived in the sunshine. Below us, the cloud cover spread like a carpet of. A sight, probably everyone knows from the airplane.


Despite the good 2000 Altitude it was very warm in the sun. After this first photo stop we followed the only road in the Teide National Park. The air up here was wonderfully clear and the sky was deep blue. The landscape, who had created the volcanic eruptions up here, ranged from bizarre, sharp lava rock fields over flat, black and gray sand dunes to greenish shimmering boulder. This impressive images could not even escape Dietmar and up here we also need our favorite topic Do we need again to stop and make "a photo?“ nicht zu diskutieren 🙂 Nach knapp einer Stunde erreichten wir das Besucherzentrum inklusive einem Café und beschlossen, take a lunch break in the sun. Before we made a short trip to the souvenir shop. Here Dietmar soon found. Since we intend in the future to sail in rather warmer climes, I could but persuade him, that this great hat makes no sense on board with us.


From our place in the sun on the terrace of the cafe had a great view of the summit of Teide. This was about another 1500 Lightly covered feet above us and was covered with snow. Not far away we saw the cable car, almost all leading up to the summit. The gondola really seemed tiny against the massive mountain. We had to take a closer look and were on our way.


Although still pleasant temperatures prevailed at the base station, it has already been alerted on large table : On the top: 5° and 40 km/h Wind !!!! Meeting, but also a bit Winterfeeling. We were well prepared. Dick packed we were five minutes later with his feet in the snow and marveled at the great view.


A narrow path led around the crater , which we arrived in the hope, that it would be a trail, followed. After a good 25 We gave them hope minutes but up and turned around. This path led clearly back to the base terminal! The guide I read, that it would be about five hours to get there on the road. We had not planned, denn wir hatten doch schon die Rückfahrt mit der Seilbahn bezahlt 🙂

On the way back to the station it was perceived dimensions uphill all the time, and the thin air made us very to create two. We fought so both the whole time against our evil Canary cough, of refusing to be recovering from even despite intensive "zone therapy". Good, das wir unsere Reise im Auto fortsetzen konnten 🙂

At the end of the national park could be seen on the ridge several unusual looking building. It was the "Izana Atmospheric Reseach Center". Up here you can because of the particularly pure and thus clear the air and mostly cloudless skies particularly well explore the stars and the universe.


With a clear view of it was for us unfortunately over a short time later, denn es ging wieder bergab 🙂 So kamen wir zurück an die Küste unter den dichten Wolken und mit Nieselregen. Today we had rain Weather successfully struck a bargain! Let's see, whether we will be back tomorrow so successful.

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