Gloomy sentiment despite sunshine

Heute war der Tag 🙁 Katya und Per mussten zurück nach Schweden. We had got our car rental, so that we could drive the two to the airport this morning. In the meantime we had thought seriously about to feign a breakdown :-), Thus, they miss their plane. But that would have been even no solution at least on time.

Therefore, we adopted our dear friends just in time at the airport a short time later and were again times together but thank God not alone :-).

Katya had us from the past few days is still a “couple” their pictures (as. 400) da left :-), of which we you a few highlights not want to deprive. Also used it even once, I'm actually also included in this journey and not just a disembodied voice from the “Off” am, die den Blog schreibt 🙂

This image was out probably quite often the SCARLET crew from their cockpit, Since their yacht ashore is.


On the buzzer was cooked hard. Zusammen war es sowieso am schönsten 🙂 Aber viel Platz hat man nicht wirklich, aber man gewöhnt sich dran 🙂


A small addendum:
We have a new crew member named since Saturday due to the agriculture exhibition “Mr. Piggy”. Die genaue Geschichte hinter dem Schweinchen bleibt aber nur uns Vieren vorbehalten 🙂 Dietmar war so begeistert, the pig hidden in a bag had the whole afternoon and scared people with the grunts and brought the women to laugh, When he called to piggy in your Pocket “Shut up my friend” 🙂 im Supermarkt, im Café eigentlich überall 🙂 Erwachsen werden wird bei ihm ganz sicher völlig überbewertet!


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Hoch über der Stadt am Aussichtspunkt 🙂


Und wieder zurück zum Hafen 🙂


And at the end still a very rare example: ein Bild von uns beiden zusammen 🙂 Kaum zu glauben, but soon we are 10 Years married.


As I had seen all photos, was it already late in the evening. To the 400 Pictures of Katya were also still being mean 1200 Photos added :-). So we made our SUMMER still seaworthy, because tomorrow we wanted to drive over after Angra do heroism. Dort sollte ab Freitag das Fest des Jahres statt finden und uns dann auf andere Gedanken bringen 🙂



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