What was a bit too short in the busy and windy Marina San Sebastian / Gomera, I was able to make up for yesterday and today extensively. The internal clock against said, 9:30, that I once again slept properly. Gorgeous! Very well I know, of course,, how that must sound in the eyes of those, every day to 6:00 aus den Federn müssen 🙂 Gestern hatte ich mit Veronika von dem “La Palma Diving Center” for today 10:45 appointment. She was so kind to collect me two other divers from Rosenheim / Bavaria in the parking lot in front of the Marina, and take her to La Bombia in the south of La Palma. This is really a great service! Once there, did any of the now 8 member group clearly his equipment for the first dive. Two groups were formed and separated the very experienced divers from the less experienced divers. With my first 20 Dives was the Englishman Paul I as “Buddy” allocated. A quick check of the equipment and then it went from a ladder into the cool water. Everything worked well and very quickly turned a sense of well being, that I had enjoyed in the great dives in Madeira as. Slowly it went on 24 Meters deep down and to my surprise, was excellent visibility! The black lava rocks and black sand formed a great contrast to the deep blue of the pleasant warm water. Now I knew at least, why me Veronica has seen so mischievously when I asked, ob ich besser eine Taschenlampe mitnehmen sollte 🙂
After a good 30 Minutes, she sent me to the group with the “old hands” because I had a lot more air in the tank as Paul. The buoyancy (Ballance) worked quite well, so I had to move very much, to remain in limbo. Little movement also means less air consumption. Logical! After 52 Minutes was the first dive ended and we had a common break on the beach, before we started the second dive. Veronika had even prepared some sandwiches for the general strengthening. Another great service and the atmosphere was accordingly excellent. It was only right for me, because Veronica commented very positively on the level of training, we have received at Marco and esters in Madeira. Such confirmation from a professional would do it any other good, or? 🙂
This time I dropped the lamp in the backpack and took the camera with water, which she got from me for my birthday. Schade, that Katja until today did not even have the opportunity, try them out yourself. It was fun to pull the trigger and nachzuschwimmen all, that moved.
After a further 50 Minutes showed the manometer 50 Bar pressure in the bottle, and so it was time, to swim back to the surface. A little groggy but in a good mood, we packed our stuff together and I had the good fortune, I was brought back to the boat back.
Thursday should be a day of rest and then for the next scheduled dives on Friday and Saturday, I wanted to get a rental car. Against 17:30 go diving equipment in fresh water washed up on the deck of the SUMMER to dry in the wind. Satisfied with the day was against 23:00 also taps!