The past few days we spent felt rather below than above water. Dietmar La Palma wanted to leave with a passed examination for "Rescue Diver" and I wanted my dives for the "Advanced Open Water Diver" (AOWD) graduate.
So we emerged on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday to us on Wednesday, the weather took a spanner in the works. Between dives and at night we had to continue their education in theory, where Dietmars course was still much higher than those of my.
In contrast to the AOWD must be, to become a Rescue Diver, pass a practical examination Learned. This should take place on Thursday in the outer harbor of our Marina. Veronika, the owner of the diving school "La Palma Diving", wanted here anyway even perform a dive and explore the underwater world from the Marina. Thus, it was obvious to, To examine Dietmar right there.
In all equally unknown waters he first had a missing diver (Veronika) find with compass and using search patterns, then bring to the surface, exempt from the equipment, drag toward the shore, while all 5 Sekunden per Maske beatmen, remove to the country and there Resurrect. Veronika hat es auch tatsächlich überlebt 🙂
The practice also pursued even a written examination. As I sat with the others in the harbor restaurant already at the lunch table, Dietmar could still have fun with the questionnaire. But soon he had his food deserved and we could all congratulate him on passing the test. Now I need me to definitely spend less time worrying about my safety, since I am a rescue diver by my side white. I only hope, dass er mich nicht eines Tages loswerden will 🙂
Congratulations guys, well done!