After the stormy winds of the last few days the Atlantic was now calm again. Every day was clearly visible, as the salty wet became increasingly clear as usual and allowed the clear view down to the bottom of the harbor. After all, under our boat we had a water depth of 9 Meter. So turn back to the best conditions on "Scuba Diving" with ester and Marco of "AZUL DIVING". In Hinblick auf meinen permanent gewachsenen Waschbärenbauch sicherlich eine gute Entscheidung 🙂 Katja ist ja vor 2 Flown days after Leverkusen, to a number of upcoming appointments and work through exactly this situation I wanted to use, to move into a tougher stance on the pounds body. In order to combine the pleasant with the useful, I had booked a few days ago before a course for the next higher diving license to so-called "Advanced Open Water Diver". Meanwhile, Katja and I already completed a couple of dives. With each further digression we could the testimony of Marco "the best dive is the next dive" always agree more. With experience in the hitherto unfamiliar environment under the water surface also increased our well-being and sense of security.
Part of the course includes a dive at a depth of 30m. Previously, the limit allowed for us was 18m, which indeed is quite decent. Today it was so far as! For this event are esters and Marco had chosen a special place, the one but could only reach by boat. Promptly at 09:30 began the briefing for the dive, was planned with acetate as my "personal" Guide. Esters and Marco laid as always great value on, on the one hand to explain the area and the planned schedule in detail and to convey to the other making the necessary safety precautions and theoretical foundations. It was important to know, for example,, that the air consumption at double depth also doubled and significantly more nitrogen is accumulated in the blood, of the appearance in a so-called safety stop 3 Minutes in 5 Meters is again largely degraded. Now the time had come, wo die Themen Tauchplanung, Zero time, Safety Stop, Air consumption, Nitrogen narcosis and flow with more seriousness were applied. Which is precisely this professionalism gave us the good feeling and confidence necessary, to be with them both in very good hands. After 45 Minutes we were through with the briefing and it was time, to squeeze into the suit. My God, I'm glad, dass das Ding so elastisch ist 🙂 Schnell noch Maske, Hood, Fins, Taken flashlight and dive computer under the arms and then it was already going on. As always everything was perfectly prepared and the heavy equipment was ready for use on board.
The 250 PS des Yamaha Außenborders hatten leichtes Spiel mit dem Boot und wir kamen relativ zügig 🙂 am Zielort an. Our destination was located at the easternmost point of Madeira. Directly in front of us the rocks towered steeply from the sea. Here you could still clearly feel the fierce swell of the last days. The waves breaking on the shallows, and some outside the flow was further partially very strong. Just the idea, having to go through with our SUMMER here, caused a slight horror in my head.
Esters made a small test round and signaled us, that it was time to follow your into the water. Also on board was also Jürgen from Berlin. Jürgen had his underwater camera and appeared for several years in all parts of the world. A quick check of the systems and in "Three" we went by a backward roll into the sea, after all, was the 22 ° C hot. Slowly we emerged from. Immediately introduced himself as usual this wonderful feeling of wellbeing a. Only the bubbling of the regulator broke the silence. After a relatively short time my dive computer 31,8m indicated. The colors of many fish, Coral and stones get a blue tint, because with increasing depth, the short-wavelength red light is absorbed. One was different than usual. Because of the strong swell it went on like in an elevator and down and back and forth. It took me some energy out there to swim, where I wanted to also point. Esters and Jürgen were in it but very experienced. I constantly had to watch, I kept enough distance to both. After some time we went but still very good. Somehow I had the feeling, I pretty well had the issue with the balancing under control, for problems to keep the depth, I'd rather not.
After a good 40 Minutes showed the bottle a pressure of 50 Bar and we started as planned with the rise. Top Marco was waiting for us and took us to the weights and buoyancy compensators from. With some strong flippers and join forces entry into the boat easily managed. On the way back we were then all agree, that the area was beautiful and our team worked well.
In the afternoon, the dive number two was on the program. We again reached a depth of 30m and were treated to another great mining district on the doorstep of Madeira. I never thought, that diving would be so tiring. I felt as limp as long gone. To get me back into the boat, Marco had to help vigorously. On the return trip I was still nauseated, because I drank some salt water after surfacing. Blame yourself, if you take the regulator out of his mouth too soon and not enough air in the BCD pumps. Wieder was gelernt 🙂
In summary,, this day was extremely instructive and good for my confidence. Many thanks to Marco and esters of, who really did a great job. That makes you want to Me(and)hr.
As already said: „the best dive is the next dive“ 🙂
Hey, the pictures are great and when I read the, I also like to dive, but I once had problems with the pressure equalization, was elendig tat weh.
Enjoy the free time, I would have granted to Katja, but as I have again something of her.
Please post more pictures.
Lg anja