Today is Sunday and again in two days my Capitana comes back on board. We spend with each passing day aboard our SUMMER, also advances the “old life” further into the distance. Life in a port has their own dynamics and laws. No day is like the other and constantly meeting new people and perspectives arising for the day's activities and new destinations.
Last Friday, the highlight of the day was definitely the invitation to a feasting of the SY MULINE from Stralsund. On the menu, the self-caught sea bream from the day before and the eel were from our fridge in the program. About 15:30 it was done. Katja skipper of the MULINE submitted two really big shells fresh from the oven with fish, Potatoes and vegetables from the pantry up on deck. Die Crew der 11 Meter long SY MULINE is at least three adults and two small children. Respect to the cook, has conjured up an excellent meal in the heated with kerosene heater! There was even a tasty dessert! In the evening Katya had even already caught three bream. Petri Heil! Da habe ich für etliche x Euronen Angelzeug im Vorschiff gebunkert und habe bestimmt den Händler glücklich gemacht aber die Fische werden auf dem Nachbarschiff gefangen 🙂 Das ist wie im richtigen Leben: Soaps a strong one, and another shaved!
Plagued by bad conscience after looking at the imaginary “Honey To Do Liste” yesterday was the Haussmann day. For a hearty breakfast was not much time for who knows, if not, another orphan skipper would still get the idea, trying to impress his wife with freshly washed laundry. Quick turned the laundry bag on the left and sorted out all the white T-shirts by Katja. Then jumped on `s folding bike and sprinted with the stuff for washing machine. Cover on,Laundry pure and 3 Euros thrown into the machine. The problem with the program choice was made in the committee process and pressed the start button. After the rush of the water I noticed then another one, that there still detergent purely must. So up on `s bike and back to the boat and with “Persil Flüssig” under the arm back. Thank God I had pressed a button with prewash. The result was to be seen. At least everything smelled violently detergent in the boat which has probably as much to mean, that everything is clean, or?
Our mooring neighbor Heligoland with its old wooden yacht “Moby Dick” from Viersen had a greater task ahead. Already on Friday it had begun, to free the deck with unbelievable stamina with steam from loose paint residues. The paint had literally dismantled after the last hard winter in the water into its components. Heligoland is one of the species of the so-called hard-core sailors. He sails preferably in strong winds and storms in autumn and winter. His ship has no fixed port and he sails for years just keep the coast south along when he has the time to. In a small talk on the web and therefore a welcome interruption of busy work, we arranged for the afternoon to visit the local yacht chandler and the supermarket. Since Heligoland had traveled with his VW bus, we had the best transport for our project at the start. A unique opportunity, otherwise to be transported in bags or backpacks heavy drinks pleasantly easy to get on our boat. After an hour in the skipper's shopping paradise (Chandlery) have once again some Euros changed hands. Natürlich standen nur die absolut lebensnotwendigsten Investitionen auf der Einkaufsliste 🙂 Dann sind wir schnell noch zum Supermarkt gefahren, not to risk even an empty fridge. Shopping is hard work! My admiration the ladies, the sanity- and price-oriented the many temptations again standing, place a ausgewogende selection of goods unerringly into the Shopping Cart. I notice the very, very difficult! The cashier has also even wondered as then from my Shopping Cart 5 Pallets “Investors beer”, 3 Pallets of mineral water, diverse and many fruit juices plus yoghurts etc. ran across the band. For me looked Heligoland rather inclined to. Had I but told him as well as the other sailing friends long and wide, that I would drink alcohol only in extremely limited quantities and homeopathic. He must have wondered, as I define homeopathy.
Back on the boat was then screwed diligently on the boat and installed the purchases of chandlery. Besides a few other challenges it has given me a block on the mast particularly impressed. The part has the function of a case (Rope with the e.g.. a sail is hoisted) set. Such a block I wanted to open and then had the handle in his hand. Canceled due to material fatigue caused by UV rays. That can not be but! Since the part is not made so simply unscrew, it was just executed with the pipe wrench. Here, the “Henke” persönlich Hand angelegt 🙂 Damit wurde eine kleine Eskalationskette weiterer “Ailments” triggered, I do not want to describe them here. Tomorrow I have to give once more to chandlery.
Slowly we went on to the fun part of the day. At the very moment when I was doing the shopping to create below deck, came even the crew of the SY swantje from Port William in the form of Karsten and his cute girlfriend Stefanie from Austria with a few cans of beer investor in the luggage, determination toward SUMMER. Straight 2 Minutes earlier also Heligoland and his girlfriend Rosi have come on board, after the two deservedly sandpaper and brush had laid after many hours of drudgery out of hand. What followed was a fun evening. Finally I could even sprinkle investors beer in the round. Karsten and Heligoland sailors have told stories at its finest and it was laughed a lot. In the morning at 01:30 then was the end of the nice round. I then cleared some empty cans and the half-full bottle of rose from the table. Exactly such evenings like this I wished for on our trip. Just to be able without having to look at the clock and think about the morning enjoy the moment with nice people. “Life is wonderful” and if my Katja had been there, wäre es sicher noch schöner gewesen 🙂
Hello Dietmar, have just learned win nice word from you: Eskalationskette 😉 bisher war das Wort Eskalation mit der Job bedingten Verlagerung von Problemen in die Hirarchie belegt.
You've conjured up a truly entertaining post.