When it comes to Germany, needs to be done before much. Not only, that the packages already stacked with my parents, We have ordered in advance on the Internet, travel always useless things, you are just too good to throw away or give, back to back. It is always a good opportunity, mal ganz gründlich klar Schiff zu machen 🙂
On the other hand, you want even people, meet you again after a long time, etwas mitbringen 🙂 Madeira hat ja mit dem Madeirawein und verschiedenen anderen Leckereien viele Möglichkeiten, others to make an unusual joy.
Since shopping (with a few exceptions, in General four wheels or a hull have) not so Dietmar thing is, I went to Funchal today afternoon alone. After my last purchase in the market Hall, I was on the hat. Here I would all get, what I wanted to do with, but would also match the price or would I annoy me again?
Arrived in the city the huge cross ship in the Harbour was just me. Today, hustle and bustle was right here. So I was not the only victim least and could look around the market stalls at rest.
After my last shopping experience, I took a stroll through the market first, to compare the prices. All goods are actually awarded, but many signs are draped beautifully between the goods, that you can not read the price. Oder die Schrift ist extra klein und undeutlich 🙂 Die Preisspannen waren wirklich beeindruckend. You could pay between one and ten euros for a kilo of Annona. And so it was not, that the expensive ones had the better quality and vice versa. So I bought two large Annona and had to shell out for a euro, also I took a kilo of passion fruit bananas for scarce three euro. I was allowed to choose even myself that, so that migrated only beautiful fruits in my bag . So shopping was fun.
So I can each, He's coming to Madeira and to Funchal, highly recommend the market Hall, denn mit offenen Augen hat man hier unglaublich viel Auswahl und super Qualität auch zu vernünftigen Preisen 🙂
After two hours, I had done all purchases and drove back to the port. Packing tomorrow still enough time is. Tonight, emails are written again diligently, the blog updates and the newsletter sent. A good feeling, If everything is on stand, before it disappears. Tomorrow in the morning we're still together beautiful clean boat, the last wash and just in time to 17 Our plane in the direction of Düsseldorf will take off and watch.