Ready for the island

In bright sunshine the morning we wanted to use our supplies to replenish, before the trip should go to the Channel Island of Guernsey. Nothing easier than that! Take a bike and looking for a suitable supermarket in the immediate area. Felt 5 Miles later…..finally a mini Carrefour Cite! Tiny, overcrowded and shopping carts there were no. So the optimal place for the relaxed bulk purchase. Despite the adverse conditions, I managed, buy so many foods and drinks, that the cutting back of my bicycle after loading was no longer possible. Aber immerhin konnte ich es noch sicher zum Hafen zurück schieben 🙂

Back at the dock I was already received by the press. Well…I believe, waiting rather on the winner of the “Figaro Solitaire der Regatta”, a single-handed sailing race, the last stage in the late morning to go to the neighboring land-to-end in Cherbourg. After we stretched tracked the inlet of the racing boats and the award ceremony was almost over, was there for us at the time, to make their way.


Before such an audience with so many spectators we wanted to shine. Therefore, we took a lot of time and discussed the berthing in all details. It should not be in the paper the next day yes: “German yacht sunk when berthing the winning boat of the "Solitaire de Figaro”. Confident and sure we maneuvered the SUMMER backwards from its case and left the port facilitates. Ein Ableger wie aus dem Bilderbuch 🙂


Our route planning turned out to be the right. Soon we pushed vigorously the current direction Guernsey. When the wind died down a bit, we sat still Parasailor and verses are a few boats, who were traveling in the same direction. The captain was holding times racers, that can not easily take you

Front of the harbor of St. Peters Port we joined in the queue of the waiting. The waiting pontoon was very well filled, Boats lay partly in twos and threes in the pack. In between the two flitted very nice harbor master with their inflatable boats back and forth and assorted boats to draft. The marina has a Barre, which prevents at low tide, that the harbor basin becomes dry. So muss man also warten, available until enough water over this bar, to enter the port can. Eventually, the time was also come for the boats, the 2 Have meters draft as the SUMMER.


Now we are here in this beautiful harbor with a great old town scenery. Everywhere grow flowers and even the first palm trees. Since it is already really late, we will enjoy our dinner at Harbour Restaurant today. To explore the island, we want to take more time and look forward to tomorrow.


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