Since the crossing to Calais was scheduled for tomorrow, stood again today housework on the plan. Actually a shame for the excellent weather. But while the laundry hanging on the clothesline, was still time for a bit of reading in the sun. In addition it is nice vacuumed and mopped in the ship, cleaned and waxed. Although the area is quite manageable, is the number of corners and edges to infinity. True busywork! I never thought, I would even get there, to use a toothbrush to clean.
The last Belgian treats still were stashed the end and then everything was ready. At a quarter past a seven then traveled the captain himself highly by train. Despite Umsteigeschwierigkeiten in Brussels, we were complete again. For dinner, there was still one last time delicious baguettes with North Sea shrimp salad and Belgian cherry beer.
Tomorrow it goes to France. Belgium is the second country on our list. This time, the farewell is probably not so difficult, because no one is on the harbor and waves. We have also enjoyed Oostende and the Belgian coast long enough. A beautiful place, we got to know. Fully developed for tourism with all the advantages- and disadvantages. Now it is time again, To discover new. We look forward!