
Today was the last day of the ARC, and the awards ceremony was supposed to take place this evening, as always. After that, the boats will scatter in all directions, or more precisely: To the north or to the south???? That was also the question, that we faced 
Today we went south again with the local bus and the crew of the SY INFINITY to Castries. This Saturday was market day and we hoped to be able to stock up on supplies there more cheaply than in the marina. In addition, the island capital is always worth a visit 
We had chosen a favorable day, because there was no cruise ship in the bay. We were at the market for more than two hours. The offer was overwhelming. So viele verschiedene Obst- und Gemüsesorten 🙂 Da würde Dietmar wohl etwas leiden müssen, bis ich die Zubereitung der unbekannten Zutaten auch im Griff haben würde. So wanderten unter anderem Okraschoten (es lebe das Internet) und kleine, scharfe Mini-Paprika in meinen Einkaufsbeutel. :-)Whether I could put together a decent meal afterwards from the rather strange combination, would show up later.
After failing to find a trustworthy restaurant in Castries, that was not already completely occupied, we fortified ourselves in one of our favorite restaurants in the marina.
At around half past four, all four of us were sitting together again in the taxi shuttle for the award ceremony. The ARC had specifically invited friends and family. Many boat owners had already disappeared back home, but many, who were still there, hosted friends or family. That was of course a special pleasure for us, to spend the evening with Hille and Thorsten.
The award ceremony was divided into two parts. It started with the "less important" prices. The ARC is actually not a real race either, but rather a rally and intended to sail the long distance across the Atlantic in a community. This year all groups received prizes for the 7. and 10. Allocate places for the individual classes. Because this placement cannot be planned  I particularly liked the idea. Another very central theme of the award ceremony was the children :-). The fastest boat with children, the youngest fellow sailor ... the list of prizes awarded here was about as long as the list of the children. Everyone should get something 
Auch Dietmars Tätigkeit als Net-Kontroller für das ARC-SSB-Netz brachte uns eine Flasche Rum ein :-)Aber das besondere Highlight des Abends war für uns der Preis für das älteste Schiff, das dieses Jahr an der ARC teilgenommen hatte. Drei Nächte im der Marina in der Marigott Bay mit Nutzung des wunderschönen Hotels des Luxusresorts. Das werden wir uns zu Silvester gönnen. Irgendwie hatten wir erwartet, auch einen Preis für den 1. Platz in der Open Class zu bekommen, aber hier wurden gar keine Preise vergeben. Das war irgendwie schon sehr merkwürdig, aber morgen würden wir im ARC Büro mal nachfragen. Keinen Preis zu gewinnen, war ja nicht schlimm, aber es wäre schon schön, wenn man auch verstehen könnte weshalb 🙂
In the break before the second part of the award ceremony, there were delicious snacks and drinks again in the well-known manner, while a steel band filled the hall with good music. After that it became very official and even the Minister of Tourism was a guest. Large trophies and fine silver plates were given to the group winners, while the second place received huge gift baskets. I would have preferred to have finished second then. I'm not that big of a fan of silver dust collectors, but to a delicious food basket :-), I wouldn't say "no".

2 thoughts on “Price-Giving-Party

  1. Hi Katja and Dietmar,

    zwar in letzter Minute, aber immer nochb rechtzeitig …. FROHE WEIHNACHTEN ….!
    Hier in Kiel haben wir absolut keine winterüblichen Temperaturen, at 13,6 Grad
    gehe ich gleich mit dem Hund durchs Düsternbrooker Gehölz zur Förde und es stürmt aus Nordwest (typisches Rückseitenwetter mit viel Regen heute nacht).
    Bei Euch da unten ist es sicher im Schnitt mind. 12 Grad wärmer! At the 12.12. haben wir das erste Crewtreffen der Crew Nr. 3 von der ARNDT auf Gut Bossee (nahe Westensee/Felde) Started at the Christmas market and then savored in the truest sense at Stöbi in the ALTEN MEIEREI in Bossee.

    I have now started reading your reports with interest and I hope you do
    continued good luck and make the right decisions. We're about to go on a short visit to Hamburg. Goodbye and see you soon Jan

    1. Hin Jan, We are indeed blessed with the weather here. Only the permanent ones 20-30 Knots of wind at the anchorage are a bit strenuous. The phenomenon here is called Christmas Winds. Have fun in Hamburg and have a good new year.

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