Portugal wants to let her live us

Lunchtime, we ended up with a lot of luggage as planned in Faro and later deposed us a taxi to the Marina. Been still busy on the CESARINA, sowohl innen auch als außen 🙂



By the rains in the last few days were the work on the deckhouse unfortunately significantly behind schedule and thus we come away from here in the direction of Canary Islands. At the earliest on Tuesday the carpenters could be finished when weather would play with. Thus, we got the impression, dass uns Portugal einfach nicht ziehen lassen wollte 🙁 Aber auf die paar Tage kam es jetzt auch nicht mehr an und wir fügten uns in unser Schicksal.

Auch die Programmierung unseres AIS wollte am Samstag nicht im ersten Zug gelingen 🙁 und es stellt sich heraus, that a plug was defective. This is of course even better, as if the entire antenna would not work. But it was still annoying. Since today we are but at least www.vesselfinder.com again to find online. While we still lack a beautiful photo, but that I will furnish any day. Sorry, no images are accepted in portrait orientation, so ein Pech aber auch 🙁 Morgen steht also noch ein ordentliches Foto-Shooting auf dem Programm.

Otherwise, the last days have been determined by the weather. Portugal presented itself further with an awful lot of rain autumn. It was great for us to determine, that our repairs were crowned all along the line of success. No more water in the ship, which was previously run by improperly mounted bracket of the liferaft in the interstices of the ceiling and walls. Each cabinet and each compartment – absolutely dry. A great success, of a very relieved wellbeing below deck. One might not always think about it yes, in welchem Schrank das Wasser jetzt gerade wieder irgendwelchen Schäden anrichten könnte 🙂

If we do not continue assorted things below deck and verräumten, was finally time again for a good book – almost like the German Autumn. In the now completed equipped kitchen there was also quite excellent cook and also it was now once again time. Our pressure cooker, which is unused for Grömitz with on the trip, durfte endlich in Aktion treten 🙂 Ich muss gestehen, I am but until then been very suspicious. So far I had not used such a device. Not, dass ich das Boot in die Luft sprengen würde 🙂 . With two 11-kilogram gas cylinders on board the buzzer, the incentive was, To save gas by the use of the pressure cooker, always been too low. So I had to push myself successfully before use. Now we have but “the only” two 5-kilogram gas cylinders available. That had me motivated, the first goulash “under pressure” prepare. Although I had decided, prefer to watch my pot during cooking with distance from the salon :-), but the result could be really. So I'll experiment from now on continue. Especially the cooking times are purely a matter of practice. Until I've got the hang of it, We are probably still several times mashed potatoes instead “al dente” essen 🙂

In order to keep the list of open work on Gran Canaria as low as possible, haben wir heute morgen noch einmal für zwei Tage ein Auto gemietet, denn Einkaufen kann man ja bekanntlich auch bei schlechtem Wetter. Und alle haltbaren Lebensmittel, die wir jetzt schon gebunkert haben, brauchen wir in Gran Canaria nicht mehr zu kaufen 🙂 So sind schon größere Vorräte an leckeren Obstsäften und Süßigkeiten unter Deck verstaut. Die muss ich nur noch vor dem Kapitän schützen 🙂 Nicht, dass ich auf den Kanaren wieder von vorne anfangen muss 😉



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