Apparently we had consumed over the last three days our entire contingent of wind for this crossing. Eventually it was then no longer be prevented: we had to recover the genoa and start the machine. At 2 to 5 Knoten Wind brauchten wir uns auch über unsere Leichtwindsegel keine Gedanken zu machen 🙂 Das ist sogar für diese zu wenig Wind.
Since our autopilot with no wind so can steer a course close to the wind, we had now time to think of something again. Somehow, our good Hydra yet again be convincing, to steer a compass course?! And really, after a reset of the system and wagemutigem Click through the entire menu (we had nothing to lose) standen plötzlich 225° Steuerkurs auf der Anzeige 🙂 Somit waren wir für die restliche Strecke von 300 Nautical miles from “Rowing-go” befreit 🙂 Jetzt konnten wir uns wieder ein bisschen entspannen.
But inaction is nothing for my captain. So finally the watermaker was tested. Without murmuring and Zicken this began work and produced about 55 Liters best drinking water per hour. Just as we had expected even when the long time proven H2O Factory quality. Soon our tanks were all refilled and wearing the 5-liter water cans from the supermarket now has an end.
On the evening of the fourth day we had then finally land in sight: Lanzarote was found just before sunset.
Die Temperatur in der Nacht war angenehm warm und der Himmel klar mit vielen Sternschnuppen 🙂 Trotzdem war es keine ganz ruhige Wache, because the land near took the amount of tankers and freighters again clearly. One last time we had on this trip carefully keep your eyes open. Our installed in Vilamoura AIS course had us a great help. It's great, wenn die Technik funktioniert 🙂
We were pleased both very, as the next morning Gran Canaria appeared in the haze ahead. We also passed another large group of dolphins, which could not be disturbed at her breakfast.
Around noon we moored at the reception jetty. For the 698 Nautical miles, we have pretty much used five days. When we left the boat, traf uns der heftige Seegang an Land doch recht unvorbereitet 🙂 Solche Seebeine hatte ich noch nie gehabt. Since I was happy, when I finally safe sitting in the chair during the registration. The crew of the marina in Las Palmas was very friendly and helpful. We had requested in advance, if it would be possible, to get a place alongside on a web or Hammerhead. With the narrow yacht stern and the windvane it is very, very difficult, to come back from board. Unfortunately, our mail went missing somewhere in the system and so had to be now searched for a solution spontaneously. There was finally still a nice spot for CESARINA short Sidebridge to A- und Aussteigen für uns 🙂 Souverän bugsierte Dietmar unser Schiff zum ersten Mal rückwärts in die doch recht enge Box. Endlich angekommen 🙂
After we had the CESARINA desalted extensively, it was time for a snack in the Sailor Bar.
On the way we ran Jörg Drexhagen from maritime radio stations on the way. He was also reached grade, to his work from tomorrow (Installation of SSB radio equipment) take to the ARC and ARC + boats. Aber heute hatte er noch Zeit für ein gemütliches Bierchen 🙂 Und nächste Woche stehen wir ja sowieso auf seiner Liste. It really is time, dass wir wieder eine funktionierende Kurswellenanlage an Bord haben 🙂