Still not quite there and gone again

My first day back was on the SUMMER not as relaxed as hoped. In the morning after breakfast, the weather report showed a perfect weather window, um nach Süden an die Algarve zu segeln 🙂 Das hieß, that we would start early tomorrow. 330 Seemeilen und zwei bis drei Tage auf See 🙂

So brought things had to first be sorted and stowed. That is unfortunately quite a while, but around noon, which was then done.

After a probing look into the fridge was also shopping on the program. Could our inventories even more than “manageable” call. Und es sollte ja kein Diät-Segel-Törn werden 🙂 Bevor wir uns zum Supermarkt aufmachten, I quickly put on a bread dough. He could go up neatly in the meantime :-).

We stopped first at the Marina Office, to pay our Bill. Porto was one of the more expensive ports on our route and we expected a neat “Lid”: 25 Days a 47 € per day… cardboard style. But the friendly staff had a great idea, because 25 Days would be almost a month. Here we should pay better than the monthly price. Which amounted to 465 €. We thought not to trust our ears. That were just 40% and gave us a daily rate, He was comparable with Baltic prices. Quickly, we paid the Bill. Nicht dass sich die nette Dame verrechnet haben sollte 🙂 Bestens gelaunt machten wir uns auf den Weg zum Supermarkt 🙂

Heavily laden with everything, what the heart so coveted and went in the supermarket, were we in the late afternoon return to the boat. I swung myself right in the kitchen, What tasty for our trip to cook in. Das Brot war in der Zwischenzeit auf eine stolze Größe aufgegangen 🙂 und wurde direkt im Omnia (our new camping oven, the above can be on the gas stove, in order to save gas) properly baked .

In the PFM above the Marina, we enjoyed a delicious farewell dinner us. Von Porto hatte ich diesmal gar nichts gesehen 🙁 Das war eigentlich anders geplant gewesen. Because the tooth had made me a spanner in the.

Aber Porto ist immer eine Reise wert und irgendwann führt uns unser Weg sicher auch mal wieder hier vorbei 🙂


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