Explore the island with greedy buggers and some ups and downs

In Ramsgate driving traffic begins at five-thirty in the morning. Unfortunately all ferries had directly to our berth over what led to, that the buzzer rather violently tugged at their leashes and the threshold beat loudly against our hull. Somit begann unser Tag in diesem Hafen einmal deutlich früher 🙂 als gewöhnlich. After breakfast we went with the bikes on a discovery tour the north, always along the coast road. Only we had to find, that we could not be relaxed without major altitude differences on the way as the last time at this cliff. In plain text, each relaxed descent followed, unfortunately, an uphill climb. Today we were looking over each of the 8.Gänge our folding bikes. But a bit Exercising pity yes not sure, Sailing for work so more arms than the legs.

The coast north of Ramsgate and the city itself have enjoyed it very much. Many old buildings lined up along the coast, one more beautiful than the next. In between bathing beaches, we would not expect here. An ideal place to stay.





Our lunch (times classical English: Fish & Chips und Beef Burger) we enjoyed at the turning point of our tour. But outside on the terrace, it also had great winged parasites except for our food. We were observed in any case all the time sharp and almost made us feel a bit threatened. Diese verfressenen Nordsee-Möwen sind nämlich erschreckend groß und wahrscheinlich auch bissig 🙂



The summer day we left after a brief stroll on deck then finish with a beer and summer temperatures. On Thursday the crossing to Oostende / Belgium stands at. Since we want to cross the English Channel to the many waterways overnight, it can only be good, also rested sensible to go in the next day.


A perfect weather - and what really happened

For today, according to the weather we had the perfect weather for the trip to Ramsgate: Wind 3-4 aus West, later turning on Southwest. In bis Boo 5. Clear and sunny, no rain.

After detailed consideration of the tides, we wanted to go at nine clock, so in the evening we reach Ramsgate also run-in water. So it was at half past eight: Cast off and shortly diesel bunker on the other side of the harbor. After we had finally made it, to find the harbor master and fill our tank again, a policeman came to our boat: „Good morning, I`ll check your boat“ J Ok, we have nothing to hide and smuggled we do not have. Then new items, with the young man in the parlor. An endless form later we were released with best wishes again. With half an hour late, we went out into the river Chrouch. From the promised 3 Wind speeds was unfortunately only one half-site. Good, we thought, then we can finally try the Parasailor. When all the lines were ready prepared, then stood still over suddenly 12 Wind accounts on the display so repacked L-what the heck. So it does not rust at least one.

With a good pace we followed our planned route. But then around noon we witnessed, that slowly moved in together dark clouds around us. The wind fell asleep. On the prima! Yet appeared on our boat the sun, So we decided to an extended lunch break with Angel insert (unfortunately unsuccessful) and waited for what, were to come. They came but - thank God - not. The wind can again, the clouds broke up and before us came a wind farm in sight, I had overlooked in my probably planning. How annoying L So we put a new route laid on a flat. Driving over flat spots, which are at Tide to sandbanks, is simply nothing for my nerves. Although the water depth would have been definitely adequate for our 2m draft, I kept to the other side breath.

The last quarter of the way it felt the wind but then again pretty "good" with us. Or maybe it was a single, lasting three hours with gust 20 Node, which blew us quickly to our port. Once again, it was much more strenuous than we had planned. With more than seven knots speed on wind, against a short, bolt steep and high North Sea wave , shoveling hundreds of gallons of salty North Sea water over the deck. For the last 4 Nautical miles to the buoy we enjoyed the trip under engine. Shortly after eight o'clock we were alongside the western bridge in Ramsgate 5 Mooring securely moored.

Summer in Ramsgate

Maiden voyage on the banana boat and Katja gets into the mast

As usual, the day began with a delicious breakfast after we are already at 9:00 are crawled out of my bunk. Immediately after the visit from the local chandlery on the program. Das ist wie die Verlängerung von weihnachtlicher Vorfreude für den Mann 🙂 Seit Tagen quält mich der Gedanke, I again get more air into the limp Spherical, so he can just abfendern better in rough landing maneuvers to the noble boat skin better and thus protect. The solution was a bicycle air pump with another adapter (found at the chandlery) to equip and then to pump vigorously. A tribute to the talent for improvisation!

The project Bananaboot

The project Bananaboot

Thus in high spirits we have taken the project banana boat attack. It involves an ingenious folding boat, which is produced in Germany and is to be indestructible. If sharp coral heads from dinghies “Rasierpinsel” make, to the banana boat no problems getting. We will eventually find out and report. After a good hour all attachments were there where they belong, Brand new Yamaha hung on the transom and the boat was ready for the first ride.

Woman can be driven

Woman can be driven

River Cruise in Banana Boat

River Cruise in Banana Boat

The motor jumped on and off we went. Does the mood made! Even a seal we could for some close-ups on “Eye level” inspire. After about an hour, the test drive was completed successfully. We had to hurry because a storm was on its way. Quickly washed off the boat with fresh water, Engine again hung on the stern pulpit and then everything again lashed and stowed safely.
In the afternoon, the backpacks were shouldered and it went to TESCO supermarket, to the provisions to replenish. Annoying are always only the many water bottles in the luggage.

Capitana im Mast

Capitana im Mast

One is the small :-)

Man ist der klein 🙂

All good things come in threes! Thus Katja was finally motivated to get into the mast today. One of our Fallen (Linen) had wrapped itself around the radar and had to be freed, before it damaged still one of the sensitive cable. Double backed it up was a breeze and the case was klariert. Since the Katja's climbing experience has really paid off. There were nevertheless already 7 Meters.
A very good English steak with salad and fresh fruit for dessert rounded off the evening. Katja has once again our route planning for the next destination, the Hafen Ramsgate, checked. Wind, Weather and power seem to be perfect. Departure is tomorrow 8:30 be.

An ordinary English summer day

Today we can all tackle time a little more comfortable. Yesterday's sailing has yet pretty geschlaucht us. So sleep and nice breakfast, but not English :-). The galley had scrambled eggs and bagels on offer, served with fresh fruit, Tired of tea and coffee.

Had frittered After we read some time and write emails, it was time, finally to explore the area further away. Quick unfolds the wheels and on the lake. After more than two weeks in England, we expected us good chances of survival in left-hand traffic from. About two hours we rode back and forth across the area. Es war toll, to be traveling by bicycle once again. Although I'm sure, I will surely regret it tomorrow. Unfortunately, none led the way we tried then ultimately to the sea. But that was not really matter. The journey was the reward. Und der war für den ersten Tag mehr als ausreichend 🙂

On the way back we stumbled by chance on an enchanting, old church with a dilapidated graveyard called “St. Mary The Virgin”. Inside the church we received the friendliest. Two Lady led us right through the entire interior and told us all the special features and historical background. When we told them both, that we would travel by sailboat around the world and England is our first stage, we were supplied directly with excursions for the next days. Only after we had entered our guestbook and handed over a business card from us, durften wir weiterradeln 🙂 Es ist immer wieder schön, to meet such nice and interested people. This happens mostly surprising and unexpected!

St. Mary The VirginChurch windowThe chef and our bikes

Conclusion of the day:

Even though I have long been the butt not hurt so much as it is today has (and Dietmar felt the same way), it was a great day. Why we were before so rare with the wheel on the way, will give me less and less clear. Ab jetzt machen wir das öfters und zwei neue bequemere Fahrradsättel stehen seit heute auch ganz oben auf der Wunschliste 🙂




A restless night, haired journeyman and a windy crossing

Friday 6. June: The ringing of the alarm clock to 6:00 was very unusual, because we have become accustomed in recent weeks because, just as long to sleep, open up the eyes of its own. Not so today, since we need run-off flood, to speedily reach the North Sea with the flow. About 7:00 it was cast off and down into the lock of Ipswhich Harbour. The lock keeper was once again very friendly, as it apparently is the type of Englishman early in the morning. With perfect weather and plenty of sunshine, we went quickly to the Orwell River downstream, again towards the North Sea. In addition to the steering wheel was a steaming cup of coffee and a delicious bagel for breakfast.

Roughs Tower

Roughs Tower

The way to the open sea leads directly to “Roughs Tower” past. Originally this was a military naval fortress from the Second World War. In the 60s were from the Tower “Pirate Broadcaster” operated. 1965 Paddy Roy Bates has the Tower to independent principality “Sealand” proclaimed and appointed himself and his wife (a former Miss England) to unrestricted rulers. It even has its own currency. It's worth it at WIKIPEDIA even have to read the eventful history. The vintage 1965 scheint besonders gut gewesen zu sein 🙂
After a nice day of sailing we are on the recommendation of a sailor, we have come to know in the Suffolk Marina, been run in the Hamford River. A short time later the anchor and 35m chain were then applied and we hung securely on the “Hook”.

Seal hunting

Seal hunting

Actually, the man had told the truth. Left and right emerged from us 5 funny and hairy fellows from the floods on. It's just a completely different number, when you meet the animals in the wild. The joy was enormous and we had the best evening program, that you could wish for.

Sunset in Hamford Water

Sunset in Hamford Water

With these pictures we went early in the bunk. At least my confidence in the anchor was large enough, that I could sleep well. In the night we had a thunderstorm and again much wind between 15-18 Node. Our Summer has certainly pretty on the chain “danced” Katja and hardly slept. The only thing was was something to me in the stomach, I in the bilge in the engine compartment ca. 10 Liters of seawater had to pump out. As the water came only in the ship? Engine and sea valves were tight. Solution: The seals of the lockers are not tight enough, if sailing is too much sea water over the deck.
Saturday: Anchor up and breakfast on lake. So it was this morning. Our destination was the Marina “Burnham Yacht Harbour” in the “River Crouch”. After this crossing we decided, more intensively to set us apart with the topic of weather and route planning. Were announced 3-4 Beaufort and Boen with 5-6 Wind strengths. According to the motto “already fits” and it is eaten as hot nothing, as it is cooked, I have also made me not have to worry more. Katja slept below deck and I actually had everything pretty well under control. The mainsail was reefed in time and the heeling of the boat (Angle) was thus in the green area. Eventually we went, however, go. The Coast Guard began for commercial shipping warnings for strong winds (Galewarning) and high threshold (Dünung) Send to. The high point we reached at 11:00 resistant than the display 25-30 Knots of wind speed indicated. The wind was in the right against the current and then causes short and high waves. Unfortunately, we had to sail exactly counterclaims, as in Lee (Windschatteseite) numerous shoals were. It was very wet and the deck was constantly flooded by seawater. Katja came sometime on deck and said only: “I find it not so bad today! Probably I'm already hardened….”

Seehunde  im CROUCH River

Seehunde im CROUCH River

Im Crouch River Regatta. In the UK Sailing is a popular sport

Im Crouch River Regatta. In the UK Sailing is a popular sport[]Burnham Yacht Harbour Burnham Yacht Harbour

At exactly 16:50 we then created our Summer at the dock B40. After an investor beer and a visit to the harbor master a little trip on foot was hot in the city. The swell in the legs has made us very to create now. Ich hatte ständig das Gefühl mich an irgendetwas festhalten zu müssen 🙂 Nach der Rückkehr an Bord hat unsere Sumsi eine ausgiebige Süsswasserdusche bekommen. As a sort of compensation for the salty crossing!





He had

He had


Burnham City

Burnham City



About the city and the harbor lay a mantle of silence and peace. Once again, making a sense of “here I want to stay” wide. So similar it feels good to, when someone is in harmony with the world. Simply beautiful!

A trip to London

We are since 2 Days in the marina of Ipswhich. We are not quite come from the place, because us by pulling low pressure area has prevented from Continue. Low pressure areas usually mean rain and lots of wind. Both are weather conditions, the sailors any more like like a normal sentient human being a dentist visit. According to the motto “we make a virtue of necessity”, today was a visit to the capital of England on the program. Promptly at 8:30 were the walking shoes on the feet, charged the batteries of the camera and strapped backpacks on their backs. The transportation of our choice was the train, the us after the hour ride into the center of London, zur Liverpool Street, has brought. Katya had organizationally again everything as always followed confidently in control and I am your. If it were not for that stupid bank, with your boards from Ironwood in shin height, stood right in the way! One has the hurt, as I ran at full speed towards the thing and with a gallant “Flachköpper” about the bank, before the eyes of other tourists, im Sand gelandet bin. “Ouch-Ouch” I can say only! A little later, however, it was going on with our tour. Our first stop was the Tower Bridge, which probably everyone knows from the English lessons.



After two hours of walking and a delicious cup of coffee at the marina, we decided, up the River Thames with a riverboat up to Westminster to drive. The poor steamer really had to fight against the flow of water running off.

Anleger vom Riverboat

Anleger vom Riverboat

It was not just a welfare for the feet, but also a delight for the senses.

Das "Eye of London"

The “Eye of London”

Style the British have also

Style the British have also

River Landscape

River Landscape

After a good 45 Minutes we arrived and on we went walking in the city. Maybe us happiness is yes again hold and Prince Harry remembers our meeting on the Suffolk Agriculture Show. A cup of tea would be there but probably mounted at least. But first had to Katja leave a good impression with the guards.

Katja hat den Wachmann vor dem

Katja has ever voted the guard friendly

But here Harry was not to be found so the next station.

 "Golden Tower"

“Golden Tower”

Garden in front of Buckingham Palace

Garden in front of Buckingham Palace

Ein harter Job: Security guard in front of the Palace

Ein harter Job: Security guard in front of the Palace

Teatime what over and the door remained closed! Schade!

Teatime what over and the door remained closed! Schade!

We have then a short walk to Picadilly Circus, Hide Park Garden gemacht und Courts. The parks are extremely well maintained and have otherwise made a very good impression.

Droll Squirrel even eat out of your hand

Droll Squirrel even eat out of your hand

Equally positive was our overall impression of London after a stay of good 9 Hours and 20.000 Units on the Pedometer! Certainly the impressions were partially “oppressive” after the many quiet days on the water, but it was a very worthwhile visit this very interesting and beautiful city. We can in any case only report best and express a clear recommendation to an imitation! Am Ende des Tages, just before we rose in the train, are we still have a funny colorful “Bird” seen..

So you can also lure people into business

So you can also lure people into business

Tomorrow it goes to 7:00 early start again. We want to use the flood, to go running off with water back into the North Sea. The next night we want in a river, spend the Hamford River at anchor the night. There will even give seals. Ganz sicher haben wir dort aber kein WLAN und deshalb musste der Bericht noch heute fertig werden 🙂 Es ist jetzt 23.42 Clock and the skipper is now ending. Good night!

Farewell to Ann, Tom und Felixstowe

Felixstowe coastal road

Felixstowe coastal road

Farewell dinner at Fludyer `s

Farewell dinner at Fludyer `s

Everything comes to an end even if one would like to hold on to the wonderful memories. We had the great fortune, that our two dear friends and welcoming hosts have shown this part of their home. A beautiful country with a great nature.





Every day was a special day and has made us more than a lot of joy. We are especially made welcome and great hospitality impressed. We have decided to try, that we wherever it goes, other people want to be like good hosts. But exactly these experiences and interpersonal relationships are there, enrich our journey and our lives. Many thanks to you, dear Ann and dear Tom, that you have given us your time and attention. All the best for you and please stay just as you are. THANK YOU!

We have planned, today against 10:00 cast off the lines and continue to sail along the coast of southern England along. On Katie's Wish visit to a marina is right in the heart of England: London! Das verspricht interessant zu werden 🙂

PS: I'll never say again, dass man in England nicht hervorragend essen kann 🙂

Suffolk– A lot of nature and a prince

Sheep Show and dancing sheep

Sheep Show and dancing sheep

Edle Rosser

Edle Rosser

Thursday May 29 In Ipswhich finds 1x a year, the so-called Agricultural Fair (Agriculture Show) instead of. We did not expect, that this fair has the dimensions of mega-events. The range of local products and presentations was correspondingly interesting and complex. In addition to dancing sheep a Sheep Show, giant breed sows with piglets sweet, gigantic bulls, noble steeds and Springtunieren the classes E to S, an albino hedgehog there were also beautiful English cars to see. Me most was the “Three-Wheeler” Morgan and a “Noble” Anglo-eight. Klar sind Boote schön aber manche Autos auch 🙂

Prinz Harry

Prinz Harry

Albino Igel

Albino Igel

Conservation is a top priority at every corner

Conservation is a top priority at every corner

Part of the action and unexpectedly suddenly a young man in front of us, who seemed vaguely familiar. When the people around us enthusiastically proclaimed it sounds, everything was clear to us. Der Bursche war Prinz Harry, However ein Royal usefull. Beautiful, that the English were so happy. Harry has also presented very sympathetic. Therefore forgive him but you probably also easier the scandals of recent years.

Old Steam Engine

Old Steam Engine

Noteworthy is the great love of nature of the English. At every corner you can find conservation organizations, particularly the children of the flora and fauna explain thus make a very valuable service to society. Finally, the children are indeed our future. Class!

Friday: Inspired by the magnificent scenery in this part of England, and the impressions of Agriculture show in Ipswhich we have another event in the context of “Suffolk Walk Festival`s” booked.

Felixstowe Beach

Felixstowe Beach

A Ranger, responsible as a conservationist for the coastal region in Felixstowe, has us in a 2 hour tour, demonstrated and explained a lot of interesting animals and plants. Of particular interest was, that there different birds are caught with nets and then ringed. There was also to see some birds, who have well camouflaged brooded on the floor. As was yesterday you get a feeling, how valuable and absolutely worth protecting our environment!
In the evening Katya has conjured up a delicious time aboard the SUMMER. It was a pleasure for us to spend with Ann and Tom a nice evening on board.
Saturday: All good things come in threes! Ann and Tom did not take it let another nature reserve on the English coast to show. Today was Minsmere, das Eldorado der Tierfotografen auf dem Plan! The park shows three paths in each different environments wildlife in open areas. Mainly it comes to birds, which lie in wait for the animal lovers and photographers with impressive telephoto lenses on exposed sites and monitoring stations.

Bird diversity

Bird diversity

Free-living Lanhornrinder

Free-living longhorn cattle

That ca. 8 Kilometers, we then discovered off the beaten track a green woodpecker, who has just drilled its long beak into the ground, to peck at some tasty insects. 🙂
We have then the woodpecker done the same and delicious a piece “Carrot Cake” (Carrot Cake) gepickt 🙂

Sunday:Ipswhich but also has an incredibly beautiful “City Marina” to bieten.Kein miracle, that property prices are just explode in this time forth on. In the harbor two very special ships, we noticed. The first was a ship with which you can explore and observe whales in polar regions. I have rarely seen such a stable and interesting ship with a mast and crows nest in a platform over the rear area.



Song of Whale

Song of Whale

100 Fuss in Holz. A Dream!

100 Fuss in Holz. A Dream!

Ipswhich- a sailor's paradise

Ipswhich- a sailor's paradise

Similarly, we have the body of a 100 (as. 35m) Seen foot long classic wooden yacht. This boat is built in Ipswhich and can safely be described as the final stage of the boat-building. Tom was proud to be clear and right to his countrymen! The boats are from 3,5 Traded millions of pounds up.

Almost a family

Almost a family

The conclusion of this beautiful day was an invitation from Ann and Tom to raclette at his home. All resolutions were paying attention to the calories then. Thank you dear family Montagu for this delicious Malzeit

Crossing to UK – a stormy experience

Everywhere rigs

Everywhere rigs

Sunday 25. More: We had a nice sailing day with little wind and pleasant temperatures. Against 22:00 We were blessed with an incredibly beautiful sunset. Solch intensive Farben und Kontraste haben wir auf dem Wasser zuvor noch nicht gesehen 🙂
Sunset without words

Sunset without words

At times, the North Sea seems to consist only of oil rigs and wind farms. At night, the islands look like a Weihnachtsmaerkte from, because they are similar brightly lit. Only once we have received a slight shock because no rig was there to see, where should be according to the map a. The Loesung: all the lights were turned off because it was just working on the gas lines. Macht Sinn 🙂 Wir wurden per Funk gebeten, to bypass the monitored supply ship with nautical mile distance. Once again I am pleased about the decision, ein weiteres Funkgeraet im Cockpit installieren zu lassen 🙂
Otherwise, the night went smoothly and without problems vorrüber.
Visit by the Coast Guard in the morning

Visit by the Coast Guard in the morning

Monday 10:20: We are just sitting at breakfast when suddenly a rapidly coming closer Motorengeraeusch leaves us jump in seconds on deck. In such moments do wonders, whether the same darkened the sun and the bow of a tanker thick stands before the ship. Creepy idea! But then we see a propeller plane area from the Dutch Coastguard at low altitude (really deep!) come to us. The crew looks at our SUMMER and right after the Coast Guard notifies already by radio. Then, after we do that in the best of English who, whence, why and where have you clarified Team wish us a good onward journey. The guys have scared us though but we were treated extremely friendly.
Butterfly Sailing

Butterfly Sailing

Another highlight was the discovery of “Wing to Wing” or “Butterfly” segelns. The rate rose equal to a node and the so-called violins (lurch) was eliminated. In other words, we had peace at last ship! Once again, we have learned something about. This course we are on the way from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean with the trade winds in Back System so mainly drive.
22:30: The wind dies down more and more to and the waves are also higher and higher. For this reason, we recover the spinnaker tree and roll the genoa completely a. Since we strong wind to 30 Expected node, we also reef the mainsail to 60% and set the tree with the Bull Stander fixed. Our intention is, to make as much way as possible to south, to the bad weather as possible to drive them. The barometer is in 10 Hours of 1021,5 fallen to 1010.5 mbar! In the textbooks it is strongly recommended not to leave under such conditions , because it can be very uncomfortable on the Nordee. So it was then also. Thank God we have a good ship, which even at 6 (in Boen 7) Beaufort has taught a lot of security and brought us through the night safely. The sails were well trimmed, so we had not even out on the deck.
Wir sind so happy, that we have a deck saloon yacht and can watch from inside the events at sea. This type of vessel was exactly the right decision for us. Katja hat die Nacht quer im Bett gelegen und wie ein sattes Baby geschlafen 🙂
How can one sleep so blissfully?

How can one sleep so blissfully?

The next morning we have then seen in daylight, has with which waves our Summer fought all the time so bravely. It was good, that it was too dark at night, to see the lake……. Katja said on morning: Such nights at sea as children get. Is it finally managed, dann sind die Qualen schnell vergessen und man erfreut sich statt dessen am Ergebnis 🙂
In the afternoon we then also the first visitors had on board. A Schwalbenpaerchen has made it cozy on the wings of the wind generator and is then hitchhiked a good piece sailed with us. These experiences are the salt in the soup and make us as animal lovers a lot of joy.
18:15: Das Anlegemannoever im Suffolk Yacht Harbour am Steg West 30 was exemplary. You can see very clearly, that a certain routine has set. Our dear friend Tom was already on the spot. Quick our SUMMER was still “landfein” made before we went with Tom to his home to Felixstowe. These links traffic I will never get used!!! At least 3 times I have chased away neatly when the cars came from the wrong side. Katja was there more relaxed. A heartfelt “Hello” Ann was then the reward for the drive. You have to understand, Tom until today works as a driver for a car dealership and the most Exalted, the clientele Ferraries, Bentleys usw. brings home. If hot, love Tom can drive excellent car!
Ann was so kind to provide us with their washing machine at your disposal. Katja has enjoyed a hot shower and then it was already in bed. It was a nice reunion with Tom and Ann!
Continental Breakfast mit Ann und Tom

Continental Breakfast mit Ann und Tom

Dienstag um 28.Mai 08:00: Ann has made us happy with a Continental Breakfast. Tom could not believe, that someone can eat for breakfast cheese and sausage. No wonder, Tom preferred rather beans, Black Pudding 🙂
The two are really incredibly warm and so full of hospitality, that one knows sometimes almost not deal with it. You just have these people like to have. Tonight it goes with Ann `s “Wein-Club” to a wine tasting. Let's see how the number for we run out. Katja is determined again very funny and I affectionate. In an hour, Tom picks us.

Good Bye Germany

09:30 Leinen's Marina in Cuxhaven, through the bascule bridge in the harbor forebay, Crossed the fairway and then on course 330 Degree at running off flood.

Bye Bye Heimat

Bye Bye Heimat

All is well and the sun is shining, after having driven the fog. The departure from Germany can not be better.
The Kugelbake is the landmark of Cuxhaven

The Kugelbake is the landmark of Cuxhaven

The Elbe estuary in the sunshine :-)

Die Elbmündung bei Sonnenschein 🙂

Katja controls our SUMMER next to the main fairway on the planned route to England. The weather is supposed to the next 2 Days stay nice and loud WEATHER WORLD. In the English Channel, we expect on Tuesday 5 Beaufort Wind. We have time, slowly to get used to it. Before the GSM network is gone, say we now Tschüüüß and see you soon!
17:25 Contrary to expectations, but once again the GSM network when passing from Helgoland. Quick once shot a picture and brought to the site. The wind freshened up quickly and it is going well. I even have the annoying squeak- can and squeaks Thanks Martins panacea FLUID FILM beiseitigen. Herrlich diese Ruhe 🙂 Danke Martin alter Kumpel!
Links im Bild die "Lange Anna" the landmark of Heligoland

The left are the “Lange Anna” the landmark of Heligoland