Laundry day with harbor cinema and a fully locked island highway

Today is our last Port Day in St. Pieters Port sein. After Katja all bunkered 1 Pound coins has turned into the Laundromat in fresh linen, 'Summer' was once again transformed into a clotheshorse. The weather was beautiful, Sun and wind did the rest to. On the neighboring ship you had followed our example. But the difference was stark… We hung on one of the lines about. 8 fresh underpants and Mrs. neighbor only 4 on the same length. Man waren das Zelte 🙂 Parallel zu den häuslichen Arbeiten im Schiff begann dann draußen das Hafenkino. Meaning, the water ran one progresses tide in the harbor, the water level is above the threshold (Bar) was already 1.70 m and the first smaller boats with shallow draft already drove out of the harbor basin, to drive new targets in the distance.


….. there was suddenly a bang, which went to the bone. I almost fell off the washing-up brush from my hand and then we saw the mess. One older Dutch couple sat in the cockpit of their 14m large yacht and has a good piece full tilt on the threshold set. Klaro did not work any differently, because the ship has at least 2m depth and standing water for each well recognizable only 1.80 m above the threshold. From our own experience we know, what it does for a blow, if you have basic contact with stones. All the greater was the astonishment, than the senile button no 5 Minutes later with undiminished speed of all ansetzte to the horror and amazement for the second attempt. A soft grinding and scraping was the result, after the keel was then replaced and the ship was stuck crosswise in the driveway lying. With much fanfare and back engine power the ship came free again. Incredible! The skipper was the calm himself and pretended it would all this concern you. At least he had after the action all the laughs and everyone's incomprehension on his side. In the third attempt 15 Minutes later it went well. But the guy has learned nothing! He drove with significantly excessive speed through which the anchor mooring field on the open sea. I hope we never meet again the! But 100 Punkte für ein klasse Hafenkino 🙂3

In the second half of the day we then had a nice experience during our trip by bus in the westernmost part of the island. On the return journey the bus stopped suddenly in the middle of the “Island Highway” an. What we saw, has really amused us……


The day we were in an Italian restaurant round off, who had received very good reviews on the Internet. The testers had not promised too much!

So athletic that was not planned :-)

With my idea again today loszugehen walk, I could not trigger a storm of enthusiasm at Dietmar. Good, one must not do everything together. We are still in safe climes, I can sometimes go out alone.

My plan I had done it last night. There are a lot of cliff paths, particularly on the picturesque south coast. So my goal was clear: March from the port, always in a clockwise direction along the water. Since you can not do much wrong yes.

About eleven clock I made my socks, although the weather still looked after rain. Around the port around was really something going on. Today day was the open house at the fire department and police with all emergency vehicles and training course for car- and motorcyclists. In addition, the classic car club showed some of his old baby. To the delight of my husband and diverse group C and Formula racers were on display. Guernsey directed various mountain race in the year of.




Soon I had left the hustle and bustle behind me and walked along the coast uphill always steep and steep downhill. Actually, I was hoping, that the clip path would run along the top of the cliff. If I had planned it, wäre das auf jeden Fall so gewesen 🙂



After a good two hours, I was also finally arrived on the south coast. My original plan, to hike the entire south coast, I had but since already been buried. Whoever in our guide of 4,5 Miles wrote cliff paths, should definitely check his details again. At the end of the trip my GPS shows almost 15 Kilometers and considerable 1500 Altitude. Tonight I'll dream in any case of stairs and probably I can no longer move tomorrow. Furthermore, one thing is certain: Morgen fahre zumindest ich Bus 🙂

Despite the hardships, it was a great trip. The island is scenic just a dream. The following pictures just say more than 1000 Words.





In the evening we had another visit, this time Waltraud and Wolfgang von der SY MENTOR. The two are in the same direction as we go, but later turn at Gibraltar into the Mediterranean. Comfortable we sat for white and Kabbereien together and chatted about everything under the sun. After this nice evening we hope, that our paths will cross more often.

We are strange

Today we want to take a boat trip - we are strange and take the ferry to Sark. The SUMMER must remain in Guernsey, since there is no port on Sark. Of course we could anchor around the island, the bays should be very beautiful. But since the weather will be bad today evening (Rain and lots of wind), We choose this time, the simple and convenient alternative.

At eight clock passed the ferry. When the alarm rang at a quarter to seven, I introduced myself dead and was still quite musty, as Dietmar me finally schmieß out of bed just after seven. We quickly ate breakfast and we were on the way to the ferry port. The ferry on time verließt St. Peters Port. The hour-long crossing had my optimistic captain (traveling only in shorts and t-shirt) determine, that it is at sea was still quite fresh in the morning at eight. Especially when even thick gray clouds obscured the sun.


So we arrived on Sark had to first buy something warm to wear for the now-quite-frozen captain. So we sacrificed 35 £ for a warm fleece pullover. This sacrifice to the weather gods of Sark led to, that after 30 Minutes the sun came out and it was so warm within an hour, that the new sweater could wander into the backpack immediately.


On the island of Sark there are no cars. The locals use either tractor or horse-drawn carriages. So it's a bit like time travel into the past. Scattered on the island are individual houses, a real village but there is not. About 600 People living permanently on Sark. On arrival port we took the tractor bus up to the middle of the island. Then we went on foot to the north. Can run you can not really, the island, with its 5,5 Square kilometers yes manageable size. At the edge of the road are always small, pretty stone houses. The vegetation is lush, many flowers and palm trees. Unfortunately, each tractor swirls a huge cloud of dust from the sandy paths on. Rained it had probably disappeared long ago,. We passed the house of the island doctor and the police station.


Soon we reached the coast again, steep but beautifully green with many small islands. Looking for a cafe we ​​came across an old manor house "La Seigneurie" with exceptionally beautiful garden and many outbuildings. After a snack, we visited the entire property.



Then we wandered further south. A particular favorite is the link "La Coupée" between the island of Sark and the neighboring island of Little Sark. This narrow, paved path was only after the 2. World War created artificially. The view is impressive, right and left it goes 100 Meter steep in Depth. At the end of the day we are 15 Kilometers walked back and forth across the island. A great trip down memory lane.


About 16 Clock we were back in time back to the ferry and could this time thanks to the warm fleece pullover along the sunny crossing also enjoy on deck. Just before we reached Guernsey, the wind picked up considerably and also the sea was rough. Just before the harbor entrance still got the entire rear bench seat on the port side of a small shower off and shortly afterwards we were again safely on the quay. The rain clouds had almost caught up with us and shortly after we arrived on board our SUMMER, it started to rain. I would say, so sieht optimale Tagesplanung aus 🙂

Our trip we had planned exactly, that we have the World Cup game Germany - France can look at our web neighbors Antje and Ingo from the AMAZONE on board with us would. Unfortunately we had in our planning forget the one hour of time difference between Europe and Guernsey. Antje and Ingo was but our planning errors noticed and they were already at just after five with us on the boat. They gave us a half hour of time to prepare dinner and we watched the second half together with spaghetti, Salad and a delicious bottle of red wine. In the end, we celebrated the victory of the German team. As a precaution, Dietmar had obtained and hidden our German flag before the game. Now we are together with frustrated for obvious reasons French web neighbors and football fans on Guernsey. Sie scheinen aber gute Verlierer zu sein denn niemand hat unsere Festmacher heute Nacht durchgeschnitten 🙂


A tax haven, tight calves and fresh water from the harbor basin


There are places, as you just wake up in on with a pleasant feeling. Among the very lasting positive impressions of yesterday evening and the feeling of Atlantic flair and wanderlust, was getting up this morning an easy exercise. Come straight out of the shower I heard through the open hatch in the bathroom, Katja with the two harbor masters on a “Special Rate” spoke for our mooring the next few days. Only at the end of the conversation, I then noticed quite by accident, that probably all the time must have been my necked butt right in the point of view of men. Do not even want to know what the boys thought……. 🙂


Not a cloud in the bright blue sky and shortly after breakfast were our steel horses ready saddled at the dock. Today, a sporting tour of the island was on the program. After only 30 Minutes in the suicidal, at least for me and initially dense left-hand traffic on the awfully narrow streets, the innocuous-sounding tour description was aware only really at once. It was said about “… a hilly tour of the island if you have once housed the first 800m height difference behind….”. We were convinced, that we had chosen the easier option. Of course that was not conducive to my mood. After my dear wife has unpacked your hidden talents as a motivational speaker and my ambition and felt the last energy has teased out on the mountain with insightful phrases like “You want to discover the whole world so stop whining like a little girl”. The number of the girls has somehow drawn and after that it was at times as if by the numerous climbs up following. At times, frustrating, that Katja has improved stamina because I could only fast descents depend. Otherwise, it was run partly as tandem; You turn to you after you Have a blast and she is still on your rear wheel.



However, the reward for our efforts was worth all the trouble. Guernsey and the other Channel Islands are as tax havens for example,. “Private Equity Fonds” known and accordingly disproportionately wealthy are also a large number of residents. Left and right of the road, a dream castle strung to the next. We have also seen other wonderful areas, but the maintenance condition of the buildings and gardens, and the cleanliness of the streets and open spaces has now reached a new top level.


After an hour we were the heavy traffic going on and the southwestern coast was in sight. The impressions were overwhelming! I would love to reach for new superlatives, to describe the experiences but on a scale of 1-10 has the beauty of nature and a perceived 9,5 achieved. (0,5 Points deduction for cars :-))


In the afternoon we were back in St. Peters Port and have us in good 30 Indulged kilometers on the folding crepes with ice. A new experience it was for us, that the ice has melted faster in the sun than we could weglöffeln it.
A great sense of achievement, there was still the afternoon. I managed to Betriebssdruck in water makers of 36 Bar auf 55 To raise bar. Result: now the unit produced instead 25 Liter set 60 Liters of drinking water per hour from the sea water. Was für ein Tag 🙂

Tomorrow we will visit the Channel Island of Sark ferry. Will be exciting because there are no cars but only wheels and horses there. Let's see what we encounter exciting! Now I have to make it a day and welcome the newly arrived sailors times, like us, the TO-Stander (December Vereinswimpel Trans Ocean) go.

Ready for the island

In bright sunshine the morning we wanted to use our supplies to replenish, before the trip should go to the Channel Island of Guernsey. Nothing easier than that! Take a bike and looking for a suitable supermarket in the immediate area. Felt 5 Miles later…..finally a mini Carrefour Cite! Tiny, overcrowded and shopping carts there were no. So the optimal place for the relaxed bulk purchase. Despite the adverse conditions, I managed, buy so many foods and drinks, that the cutting back of my bicycle after loading was no longer possible. Aber immerhin konnte ich es noch sicher zum Hafen zurück schieben 🙂

Back at the dock I was already received by the press. Well…I believe, waiting rather on the winner of the “Figaro Solitaire der Regatta”, a single-handed sailing race, the last stage in the late morning to go to the neighboring land-to-end in Cherbourg. After we stretched tracked the inlet of the racing boats and the award ceremony was almost over, was there for us at the time, to make their way.


Before such an audience with so many spectators we wanted to shine. Therefore, we took a lot of time and discussed the berthing in all details. It should not be in the paper the next day yes: “German yacht sunk when berthing the winning boat of the "Solitaire de Figaro”. Confident and sure we maneuvered the SUMMER backwards from its case and left the port facilitates. Ein Ableger wie aus dem Bilderbuch 🙂


Our route planning turned out to be the right. Soon we pushed vigorously the current direction Guernsey. When the wind died down a bit, we sat still Parasailor and verses are a few boats, who were traveling in the same direction. The captain was holding times racers, that can not easily take you

Front of the harbor of St. Peters Port we joined in the queue of the waiting. The waiting pontoon was very well filled, Boats lay partly in twos and threes in the pack. In between the two flitted very nice harbor master with their inflatable boats back and forth and assorted boats to draft. The marina has a Barre, which prevents at low tide, that the harbor basin becomes dry. So muss man also warten, available until enough water over this bar, to enter the port can. Eventually, the time was also come for the boats, the 2 Have meters draft as the SUMMER.


Now we are here in this beautiful harbor with a great old town scenery. Everywhere grow flowers and even the first palm trees. Since it is already really late, we will enjoy our dinner at Harbour Restaurant today. To explore the island, we want to take more time and look forward to tomorrow.


Maybe we should set a submarine?

After a long and exciting, or rather nervenauftreibenden football evening we overslept the next morning. Finally awakened but then we were in a great mood to discover the city. Especially it was us, the museum “La Cité de la Mer” done, where we spent the entire afternoon.


Here you could the French nuclear submarine “The Formidable” visit. With 128 Meter length and a diameter of about 10 Meters it is the largest submarine, that is available to the public. Armed with an audio guide we disappeared for nearly an hour in the fascinating labyrinth of lines, Machinery and equipment. Maybe we should continue our journey under water and only show up at the most beautiful places? Dietmar practiced the taxes already times a submarine simulator, until he was ousted by a school class.


But not only with the submarine could dive into the museum in the depth, there were other amazing dive boats from the deep sea diving history to visit. From simple diving suit with lead boots to high-tech diving bell for dives up 10.000 Meter.


Also we went to dive trip, if only virtually. How to Phantasialand we were shot in a submarine simulator formally in depth and allowed us the world as in Jules Verne “20.000 Leagues Under the Sea” look at.

XKH_1587 XKH_1586

Of course, the inhabitants of the seas came not just to. In a circular basin, which covered three floors, turned shark and skate their rounds surrounded by a beautiful, living coral reef with hundreds of different species of fish and all sorts of other animals.

Finally, we visited the current exhibition “Titanic, return to Cherbourg”. Cherbourg was the port, from which the Titanic 10. April 1012 to their legendary, and with known outcome,, Drive launched. In the original Art Deco Hall, which was then used for the handling of luggage, Get a great insight. Many photos and documents let the time come to life almost back.


At half past six we were swept by the staff from the museum. Pity, it would have been determined still much to discover.

We splurged in the restaurant at the harbor nor a fish dish, but unfortunately much worse than our own fried, fresh plaice was. Tomorrow it will then go on to Guernsey, but at midday. Detailed sailing trip in the morning had shown, that we should only by one clock run out at noon, so as not to have you back as a car in the wind tunnel, the flow against us. Let's see, ob unsere Berechnungen stimmen 🙂





Finally, because….

We have already covered much longer stages, but somehow I have this 150 Nautical miles far brought most. After we had continued to fight until about a clock against the always fickle wind becoming, Dietmar brought by a wind shift of 360 °, the sail. So we ran under the engine while on the right course, but stop being too loud. After all, we came closer to our goal of making great strides. As we found, but we were too fast. The current was still exactly when approaching Cherbourg against us. Although we went with seven knots through the water, we arrived our destination only 1-2 Knots an hour closer. It is quite amazing, as long 10 Can be nautical miles. We motorten bravely and were glad, when we finally reached the port to two.

So today was not great after school program and we relaxed after a short round through the city with a good dinner on board and enjoyed a lazy football television evening.


Sorry, we had ordered North Wind………..

Where the coming of the West Wind forth all over the world? After this morning, the rain clouds had finally vanished into thin air, it looked after a great day of sailing. Wind from the West, 3-4, afternoon turning to North. Now it's a quarter past nine. Have I misunderstood something? In the ship everything rattles, always goes above water and the SUMMER down hard with the bow into the wave.
In the middle of the whole, quite noisy mess: The captain sleeps peacefully in the salon. It's his right, since I have the first watch. Nevertheless, I am always impressed, the conditions under which this man sleeping and that too so relaxed.
To twelve clock I'll try, here to keep the position and bring us to our goal as close as possible. And of course, keep us neugirigen tanker from the body. They have well today especially bent on the SUMMER. Even the Second, the quite close to us passed. But do not get us, da bin ich wachsam 🙂

Fast Cars, a fork of action and big fish

12 Hours prior to departure from Boulogne Sur Mer to Cherbourg is at the time, to reminisce the day again. The day began very early for our new conditions in the so-called long travel mode. Point 7:00 it said to leave the cabin and take a hot shower on board. Soon, the first coffee was drunk and then it was already going on for the first weekly market in France. The differences are already apparent very quickly when you have left the first two horses butcher behind. With a somewhat strange feeling, at least I had to think briefly of my mold, which it recent pictures after going very well in his new barn. The chickens at the market stalls have their heads still attached and the hare without fur also. Katja said only, that is intended to make sure no “fake rabbit” to blow away. For this was the offering of fruit, Honey, Bread and cheese more enticing. Heavily laden with a jumble of shopping bags and all kinds of delicious a went back quickly to the boat for quality control. Das zweite Frühstück war also eingeläutet und wurde feierlich zelebriert 🙂
In the marketplace

Strengthened and satisfied with the selection of our purchases was a visit to the sea aquarium “Nausicaä” on the agenda. It is probably the largest and most beautiful of its kind in Europe. Since time immemorial we love the sea and its inhabitants, and thus the anticipation was correspondingly large. To get to the point, it was well worth it! The impressions of the natural beauty of the oceans were sometimes moving. Only right at the thought, that we will see many of the subject areas shown in the coming years, live and in color. Ingenious idea!
As any dentist gets wet eyes!

Thuna Yellow Fin

Beautifully and very toxic

We should greet the comrades in the Caribbean from your

On the bridge of a research vessel



Of course these are only excerpts from a variety of highlights!

Afternoon boat care was announced. The bent Seareeling was directed, Forged freed from rust and chipped pods for the foreseeable next use our Parasailor. Nach Abschluss der Arbeiten gab es die nächste Belohnung 🙂
Strawberry Shortcake…. brilliant!

Short yet spotted the emails and downloaded the team photo of the 24H race at the Nürburgring. What a contrast! Last Sunday I am still with over 200 Km / h gebrettert on the Nordschleife and 2 Days later under sail with 12 Km / h over sea `s gefahren.Das called a contrast.

Our team at the 24H race 2014

Our team at the 24H race 2014

At the end of the day there was a repetition of our fork battle. Will mean, that today we are again 3 Bought fresh from the cutter plaice, were prepared and eaten in the traditional manner. Re always just lay a clod to time on the plate, which we then plastered together and at the same time. Kann man sich dran gewöhnen und der Abwasch hält sich auch in Grenzen 🙂

Tomorrow morning continue to Cherbourg. We plan on Monday evening, arriving there. Katja is prepared and delicious potato salad ate breakfast at sea. We do not want to lose no time.


The next goal, that was in France on our Itinerary, was only a short distance away and was called Boulogne-Sur-Mer. The removal of 25 Nautical miles should be easy to deal with on an afternoon under sail. So we decided, Calais erst gegen 14 Clock, So two hours after high water, leave. So we would benefit on the way of the flow, which would then sail on us towards Boulogne.

So we still had some time in Calais, we wanted to use for a trip to the ferry port. With every step on the way there, the impression reinforced, that the environment is always dismal and neglected appeared. For example, we passed a site, on the asylum seekers hoping to find a way to England, were housed in tents. To see the true us very sad. So we decided to march towards the center again. Just as we were going to march, we ran an English television crew into the arms, that made a documentary about the asylum seeker problem in Calais. So we learned, these were the people actually on the way to England and are stranded in Calais. A difficult and stressful situation in every respect for all involved. Let's see, ob meine persönliche Meinung irgendwo in England im Fernsehen ausgestrahlt wird 🙂



Back in the Summer we prepared for the opening of the Harbour Bridge 13:45 Clock before. Everything was ready on time and we were able to relax arriving in the outer harbor. There, however, we received from Port Control, we had this time directly dutifully radioed and asked for permission to leave the port, to make the statement still settle four ferries in the harbor, before we finally were allowed out motors. So we shot almost half an hour our circles and burned expensive diesel, while a thicker pot after the neighbor went to the docks.



Then finally there was for us the green light and we looked quickly into the distance. The 25 Nautical miles in sight of the French coast were a real walk. Half past six clock we entered the port of Boulogne-Sur-Mer. It is the largest fishing port in France and can be run at any tide. Nevertheless, it is a strange feeling, retract into a port and first 5 Having to look upwards meters, to see the edge of the quay wall. The marina is located at the very back end of the port facility and was unfortunately quite busy. After some back-and-forth we were able to moor as a second boat to a top web. The sailors of the other yacht impressed us with their very “great helpfulness” and drew their yacht but actually after repeated requests by the harbor master two meters further forward. Nevertheless, still stuck 5 Meters from our stern pretty unhappy about the bridge out into the entrance of the basin. Among sailors help each other actually getting when you see, that a hand is needed. The boys were probably the one percent, which never needs the help of others. See you always twice…. 🙂


Just in time for the second half in the game Germany:United States was finally the TV. The transmission quality was indeed for the most part really catastrophic, but at least we have seen the gate….but only 5 Minutes after falling. Hopefully we can enjoy the next game in better quality.

The next morning we went on a sightseeing tour, uphill to the old town. Everywhere buzzed English schoolchildren through the area. We did not let us disturb and visited the surrounded with a fortification upper town and the Basilica “Our Lady” in great detail.



After a coffee break with typical French crêpes, we wanted the sea aquarium Nausicaa (Centre National de la Mer) visit. Once there, we had to find, that there were an amazing number of school children traveling. So we postponed our visit rather on the next morning. Ganz ohne Fisch 🙂 wollten wir aber auch nicht zurück auf Boot. On the way back we bought directly from the cutter two huge floes for dinner for the fabulous price of 2 € per kilo. Unimaginable low, but really tasty. The preparation on board is a bit tricky, since we only have a large pan (and that was for a clod already too small). Der Trick: eine Scholle fertigbraten und dann zeitgleich über den gemeinsamen Teller herfallen 🙂 Das schärft die Reflexe und hebt das Gemeinschaftsgefühl! And because no one has been injured, there will be tomorrow night again plaice.