Frau Capitana, a mangy friend and a submarine for men

Five days ago, it is now, that life has changed radically back on board. The boss has again taken over the helm of your return. Gone are the days of the life Lotter! The pleasurable monotony in the composition of the fridge contents consisting of yogurt, Fried egg, Lindt chocolate brown / white and 3 different varieties investors beer is a much more varied range of rabbit food (Salads), Vegetable Cheese, Wurst usw. given way. The rest periods are of 02.00 Clock in the morning to good home 23:30 been brought forward. An outlier has yet been, that was a nice barbecue with Ralf, Kerstin and the two adult “Children” of the SY Lothlorien. Our sailing friends are a bit yesterday morning then hopefully with good winds back further than broken up towards the end of the holiday home moves for the family closer.


One of the extremely sympathetic experiences and acquaintances, which we were allowed to make here is that of Mr. Penguin. No one knows exactly how it has slyly the friendly gentlemen to Brest. Every morning greeted us the slightly mangy-looking fellow with a loud “quaakkk”, that the tone here is reminiscent of a large frog with a sore throat. Upon closer research on the internet Katja has our friend “Alk” and thus can be identified as a penguin. Only a female we can not discover. But whether this means happiness or sorrow for our friend sprung, weiß nur er allein 🙂



For over a week, a lot of action is all around us offered. Hundreds of young people of all nations and sporty appearance bring right next door every day your surfboards water and then gather on the open water, in order to discharge your races. For over a week, the World Championships are held here in windsurfing for teens. It's great to watch, the high level water sports are practiced here. Of course you fight and struggle for medals. But the sporting competition in the foreground and not the world political events. Evening celebrating the young people of France, Japan, Russia, Israel, USA usw. then their successes with each other in fellowship and peace. Class! Not, that we here in time, in which we wait for our friends from the SY MENTOR before we depart for La Coruna / Spain together on Sunday, had spent in vain. The slogan is still: every day a good deed, or? My interpretation of it was, pay a visit to the local yacht chandlers every day. Just yesterday I was once again “Friend of the day”. It was the lad is happy as the extremely massive theft protection for our outboard motor gone in my pocket. He literally said “Man, today was a very good day for me” (freely translated from the French). His joy was not surprising, because I would not know how many years he part the (Non-seller) has been dragged through the inventory. Previously I had gelöhnt the repair for the engine SY MENTOR and the mooring fees for both yachts (paid). My bank will certainly be surprised once again, what the Henke so all drives with his credit card. 🙂




Yesterday afternoon we saw something brilliant. A man has two “Water Jet Nozzles” strapped under her feet and a 80 Hp jet ski has urged by a tube connecting its water jet through the nozzle. The guy has a height of just over 10 Achieved meters and even beaten so Saltos. If it would just not always taste so good to me, I would also like to have a go the. At my weight, but would have a 130 PS Gerät herhalten 🙂



In the afternoon we were still in Brest and have the castle of Brest naval museum visits including. The castle was a very massive fortress-developed, which has the coming of the lake attackers prepares powerful headache.


My personal highlight was issued a German U-boat there from the 2 World war. It was in the year 1944 of the type “Seehund” 600 Produced piece. Supposedly, the U-boats were very seaworthy and highly successful! Es war 7-8 Days with 2 Crew and with 2 Torpedoes in the Atlantic on the way. These were men!


The increase over the “Seehund” to the third power was a floating torpedo with a man / woman crew. The part could not scuba diving and the “Captain” could aim only by a glass dome. If he at his destination “knocked” has, the number was also over for him. Respect for these heroes at sea! These boats are unfortunately no longer produced, otherwise I would certainly as one in the “Garage” stand. There were times, I would be only too happy once in one or the other comrades so “knocked” 🙂 Aber diese Zeiten sind seit gut 7 Monaten vorüber 🙂 Morgen am Sonntag wollen wir es wagen. It is planned, that we are to 9:00 Linens casting of lots and to our first real “Blue Water Adventure” break up. With Course 209 We leave degree France and sail directly over the famous / infamous Biscay (Bay of Biscay) La Curuna not (Spain). We will ca. 3 His days on the road and get a feel for the first time the long Atlantic wave under the ship. Let's see, whether we will accompany dolphins and if the depth gauge at 3000 – 4000 Metern Wasser unter dem Kiel seinen Dienst quittieren wird 🙂 Die Wetterbedingungen sind gut, the woman is in a good mood and our SUMMER chomping at the bit anyway. We will not adopt Mr Penguin front and then the journey begins! We will get back then when we arrived. Hi there!!!

Luck fishing, a feasting and much investors beer

Today is Sunday and again in two days my Capitana comes back on board. We spend with each passing day aboard our SUMMER, also advances the “old life” further into the distance. Life in a port has their own dynamics and laws. No day is like the other and constantly meeting new people and perspectives arising for the day's activities and new destinations.
Last Friday, the highlight of the day was definitely the invitation to a feasting of the SY MULINE from Stralsund. On the menu, the self-caught sea bream from the day before and the eel were from our fridge in the program. About 15:30 it was done. Katja skipper of the MULINE submitted two really big shells fresh from the oven with fish, Potatoes and vegetables from the pantry up on deck. Die Crew der 11 Meter long SY MULINE is at least three adults and two small children. Respect to the cook, has conjured up an excellent meal in the heated with kerosene heater! There was even a tasty dessert! In the evening Katya had even already caught three bream. Petri Heil! Da habe ich für etliche x Euronen Angelzeug im Vorschiff gebunkert und habe bestimmt den Händler glücklich gemacht aber die Fische werden auf dem Nachbarschiff gefangen 🙂 Das ist wie im richtigen Leben: Soaps a strong one, and another shaved!
Plagued by bad conscience after looking at the imaginary “Honey To Do Liste” yesterday was the Haussmann day. For a hearty breakfast was not much time for who knows, if not, another orphan skipper would still get the idea, trying to impress his wife with freshly washed laundry. Quick turned the laundry bag on the left and sorted out all the white T-shirts by Katja. Then jumped on `s folding bike and sprinted with the stuff for washing machine. Cover on,Laundry pure and 3 Euros thrown into the machine. The problem with the program choice was made in the committee process and pressed the start button. After the rush of the water I noticed then another one, that there still detergent purely must. So up on `s bike and back to the boat and with “Persil Flüssig” under the arm back. Thank God I had pressed a button with prewash. The result was to be seen. At least everything smelled violently detergent in the boat which has probably as much to mean, that everything is clean, or?


Our mooring neighbor Heligoland with its old wooden yacht “Moby Dick” from Viersen had a greater task ahead. Already on Friday it had begun, to free the deck with unbelievable stamina with steam from loose paint residues. The paint had literally dismantled after the last hard winter in the water into its components. Heligoland is one of the species of the so-called hard-core sailors. He sails preferably in strong winds and storms in autumn and winter. His ship has no fixed port and he sails for years just keep the coast south along when he has the time to. In a small talk on the web and therefore a welcome interruption of busy work, we arranged for the afternoon to visit the local yacht chandler and the supermarket. Since Heligoland had traveled with his VW bus, we had the best transport for our project at the start. A unique opportunity, otherwise to be transported in bags or backpacks heavy drinks pleasantly easy to get on our boat. After an hour in the skipper's shopping paradise (Chandlery) have once again some Euros changed hands. Natürlich standen nur die absolut lebensnotwendigsten Investitionen auf der Einkaufsliste 🙂 Dann sind wir schnell noch zum Supermarkt gefahren, not to risk even an empty fridge. Shopping is hard work! My admiration the ladies, the sanity- and price-oriented the many temptations again standing, place a ausgewogende selection of goods unerringly into the Shopping Cart. I notice the very, very difficult! The cashier has also even wondered as then from my Shopping Cart 5 Pallets “Investors beer”, 3 Pallets of mineral water, diverse and many fruit juices plus yoghurts etc. ran across the band. For me looked Heligoland rather inclined to. Had I but told him as well as the other sailing friends long and wide, that I would drink alcohol only in extremely limited quantities and homeopathic. He must have wondered, as I define homeopathy.

Back on the boat was then screwed diligently on the boat and installed the purchases of chandlery. Besides a few other challenges it has given me a block on the mast particularly impressed. The part has the function of a case (Rope with the e.g.. a sail is hoisted) set. Such a block I wanted to open and then had the handle in his hand. Canceled due to material fatigue caused by UV rays. That can not be but! Since the part is not made so simply unscrew, it was just executed with the pipe wrench. Here, the “Henke” persönlich Hand angelegt 🙂 Damit wurde eine kleine Eskalationskette weiterer “Ailments” triggered, I do not want to describe them here. Tomorrow I have to give once more to chandlery.

Slowly we went on to the fun part of the day. At the very moment when I was doing the shopping to create below deck, came even the crew of the SY swantje from Port William in the form of Karsten and his cute girlfriend Stefanie from Austria with a few cans of beer investor in the luggage, determination toward SUMMER. Straight 2 Minutes earlier also Heligoland and his girlfriend Rosi have come on board, after the two deservedly sandpaper and brush had laid after many hours of drudgery out of hand. What followed was a fun evening. Finally I could even sprinkle investors beer in the round. Karsten and Heligoland sailors have told stories at its finest and it was laughed a lot. In the morning at 01:30 then was the end of the nice round. I then cleared some empty cans and the half-full bottle of rose from the table. Exactly such evenings like this I wished for on our trip. Just to be able without having to look at the clock and think about the morning enjoy the moment with nice people. “Life is wonderful” and if my Katja had been there, wäre es sicher noch schöner gewesen 🙂

Moulin Blanc – Fahrradtouren, Crepes, Radio rounds and an unemployed hunger whip


As I sit alone on our SUMMER at position 48 ° 23.588 ° Nord/004,25,739 West in the Marina “Moulin Blanc”, which means as much as “White Mill”. Whatever the reason, that is so has not yet revealed to me until now. For that reason alone because Katja is increased yesterday in the plane to Leverkusen for home leave, to share with your mother (my mother in law) the world festival of equestrian sport-CHIO Cup- to visit in Aachen. This morning on the phone said Katja, that much paperwork would be to do. Recht so, because my hardworking woman should but want to come back with pleasure to Brest on board back:-) Our dear sailing friends from the MENTOR have also taken equal to the opportunity for a short furlough and are not there also. For me they both have a 600 Leave oz filet steak, that amateur chef Wolfgang had hidden for special occasions deep in the fridge. I had to control myself directly, to cut only the first half in the pan and set aside me the second half for today. It was extremely delicious! THANK YOU!


My task for the time as Strohwitwer was clearly defined and precisely defined. I'm supposed to take care of both ships, Allow the engine professional for a repair to be carried out on board the MENTOR, our ship where necessary to bring in income, Discover Brest, Catch fish, Sailors to know, be on the road as a tester for the best crepes, constantly thinking about my wife and let be a good man to love God. All tasks, die einen echt fordern 🙂 Nachdem Katja Ihr Gepäck im Kofferraum des Taxis hat verschwinden lassen und mit dem selbigen von dannen geeilt war, was first necessary to equip the new pantry can be stocked. The supermarket should be located around the corner still the same. My best friend, the folding bicycle was therefore put into combat readiness and already started the Gaudi. 1 1/2 Hours later it was clear, that was not the supermarket in the suspected area. Each slope until then, I have noted with joy because finally makes every course known slim. As a reward, each stood a “Chocolate Crepe” and a “Crêpe Sucre” from the creperie at the port on the program. Yummy! As punishment for 2 Eat pancakes instead of just a crepe I have once again undergone a complete revision of all pumps and valves, the on-board toilet and then thoroughly cleaned the whole bathroom. Das ist Strafarbeit aber einer muss es ja machen 🙂 Heute morgen habe ich dann den Supermarkt in ca. 4,5 Km found!



Ever Marina is the “Moulin Rouge” highly recommended. There is enough space for Guest mooring available, all plants make a clean and well-organized impression, the port is protected and the berths are affordable. After all, there are good here 1600 Boats of all sizes and all Brest seems to be love watersports. Every day, legions of children with small sailboats and surfboards on the water on the road and you see a lot of families on sailing yachts. That's exactly the other way around here in Germany. There one sees mostly elderly relative solely on your ships in the harbor. Equally striking is, that here or anywhere else in France (at least there where we've been) hardly overweight children see. Water is great for the kids! First, they are in good hands, Second, even healthy and fun it is also! The next few days I'll go take a bus to Brest in.


There are two further things , which occupy a special place in my life on board. The radio every morning round on 8297,00 Mhz USB and my fishing rod. But the best thing at a time. The first day I had to draw lucky to find a beautiful eel from the Atlantic, of the piece of salmon fillet on the hook could not resist. That was it but also. Since I see every day how other anglers get buckets of sea bream from the water. Only my hunger whip remains unemployed. NIX!!! Had even forgotten the fishing catch overnight. This morning were ALL bait still there. But one has explained to me, that there should be no eels here allegedly. Sounds strange, but is so! But that it works every morning with the radio round on the marine radio frequency 8297,00 Mhz USB and afternoon on 12359 Mhz USB. Here “meet” to yachts with a SSB radio (Seefunkanlage) equipped are moderated by Joerg from the SY-Harrier / to exchange experiences and to nice discussions. The yachts are in Denmark, Sweden, Finland, France, Spain, Portugal, Turkey on the way. A great story and a good community of sailors. Later in the Caribbean, in the South Seas and the remaining areas of the world to us the radio with valuable weather data and provide us with other sailors to Contact. We are glad of any radio round, in which we may know our system better. We seem to have taken it very well with our system because we are always very good to understand and we also receive other sailors clearly. Meanwhile, other yachts have to contend with significant problems and disorders. The topic Installation and tuning is so complex, that we have made it seem right and have left the installation of the company RADIO YACHT. Of Resultat: a clean and reliable functioning system with the best performance. As far as I've gotten to know, run all of the facilities has installed trouble-free. If I have learned anything in my professional life in the high-tech industry then the: Complex tasks and things which are “it matters” I leave to professionals, who are familiar with it. Just so our customers have even worked with us. Es könnte so einfach sein 🙂 So jetzt aber Schluss damit, the chapter we already left behind!
Let's see what the neighbors have fished on the SY MULINE so. Am besten gehe ich gleich mal rüber 🙂
PS: An addendum: tonight at 21:15 I have worked with Katie's help (Wife of Christoph von der SY MULINE) die grösste Dorade des Tages aus dem Wasser gezogen 🙂 Morgen gibt es ein gemeinsames Mittagessen auf der MULINE.

A stone's throw to Brest

In the late morning I went out with Waltraud and Wolfgang, to explore the headland. Dietmar was glad, times to be me so easily rid of a few hours. Finally he was able to extensively tinkering with the boat or surf the web and answer emails.

I was looking forward to someone on the way to be, who had also fancy a trip. We walked almost to the end of the Headland along the cliffs.

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When we got back to the boat in the early afternoon, Dietmar had been waiting for the engine and tightened the belt, unfortunately had enough play, that there had been neatly chips… Good, that he had seen soon enough. In addition, he had filled with the watermaker our tanks. We drank a leisurely coffee, before we left at five clock Properly Brest. I do not know, when we had the last time you traveled such a short sea crossing. At 10 Nautical miles it is worth it but not to set sail, or?

But as the weather and the wind were optimal, course was sailed. My racer grabbed once again the sporting ambition and gradually a boat was gelt verse after another. The SUMMER ran amazingly fast. Apparently she likes it well in the Atlantic. If it was up to the captain, we had even brought out the Parasailor for the short distance, but as the crew mutinied but then.

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Almost too soon we arrived at the Marina “Moulin Blanc” on the outskirts of Brest. As hoped, proved our selection as the optimal place for a longer stay and offered optimal conditions even cheap prices. So you want it. Only the many chandlery are to be found here, make me a little scared. Whether I should really let Dietmar here alone?

After checking in, we treated ourselves to the end of the day with the crew of the MENTOR still a "investors beer" in the bar on the promenade.

Can turn on the light times a?

If rings at a quarter past five of the clock and it's still dark outside really makes you wonder, why such a thing does to himself. But here now give the tide times the daily routine before. So grit your teeth and get out of the warm springs.

Actually, we had expected, that it should already be significantly brighter in the morning to six in summer. But fog and rain clouds hung over the coast and left little light to us through. So we dawdled a bit and there was as usual delicious breakfast. A little more light would have been nice and a little less rain also :-). But when it was already busy then walked to the bridge on the MENTOR before us, we made the SUMMER also clear and put together from.


Get out of the L'But we had although the flow already with us, reason, however, the wind, however, and had the “Races” fight back with confused and steep waves. But when we were able to create our course toward Camaret it went under sail and calm sea progressing well, to once again asleep the wind. I had the last night somehow not slept so great (Maybe it was the disco flickering beacon, which stood right next to the SUMMER at the harbor entrance?!) So let me skipper still catch up on some sleep. At ten clock I was also awake again and went back useful.


The MENTOR followed us on their heels and we use the time for extended photo shoots. Thanks to three node power from behind we still came good progress, even if subsequently the machine had to run along. We enjoyed the stunning and rugged coastal landscape with more and more holes in the cloud cover and then reached the harbor of Camaret in the sunshine.

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The small town just outside of Brest seems to be a popular outing place. Many had used the long weekend and the lands were already unpleasant fully. Unfortunately no friendly Marinero was on the spot and therefore had himself looking for a suitable place for the thick SUMMER.

From the perspective, that this should possibly be the place, at the Dietmar was to spend the next week alone as a watchdog for the SUMMER and the MENTOR, we tried to choose our mooring as, that was near capacity for the second boat. Otherwise Dietmar would have had to ask for mileage allowance! When we moored, made himself another boat just across from us slowly ready. Optimal, now we just needed to wait and defend the place. The young people on board, but had no particular hurry. It takes almost one and a half hours to the Four her seven-meter sailboat ready had. Dietmar was near the heart attack. And the more he applied on to the web and ran from, more slowly ran the preparations for the other boat. But eventually it was also done and the MENTOR was against us.

I had already had a nice conversation with a French woman on the web (sie sprach hervorragend deutsch 🙂 ) and was informed about the place precisely. So there was always aged four clock fresh fish and shellfish directly opposite the fishing harbor. Evening party was then announced with big firework. That would not have been necessary! Beautiful, that the French national holiday so wonderful match fell on the day after the World Cup final.

We had not had any more fresh fish on the plate for Boulogne-sur-Mer, led us to our first trip to the fishing port. Unfortunately, there was now only crustaceans, this but in impressive quantities and impressive size. Even though I like to eat once in the restaurant sowetwas, I wanted my night's dinner not take alive with home. The fridge would give also something else.

After our tour of the city, past picturesque, totally rotted cutters back to the harbor we were actually safe, that Dietmar here wanted to spend a whole week. The port is also rather small, crowded and very noisy for us and was not an ideal place. So stand also schon bald fest, Tomorrow we move to Brest. This is only a stone's throw from 10 Nautical miles. One can thus easily be at half past seven in the evening flood in Brest and still explore the great coastal still all day.

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Getting up early would be tomorrow does not come into question, no two days in a row :-). We also wanted to watch the final on the SUMMER with Wolfgang and Waltraud together tonight. Of course, we hoped, that there would be no penalty shoot-outs. But you do not always, how it goes and Götze has then also directed. With our concerns so we were not so wrong! When we were earned after extra time world champion, It was shortly before midnight. The fireworks of the French began unfortunately few minutes early. The goal for Germany was not made until shortly before the end, but it was definitely a sight. We had our ceremony to be slightly shorter and were tired in the bunks.


A lazy rainy day

Sometimes a rainy day, exactly, what you need. For sailors, it would be optimal, to combine a rainy day with a good Internet connection. Now it's been ten clock and it is still not succeeded me, upload all pictures. To eleven clock I'll still try, then it goes into the trap. Morning at six clock we set off towards Carmaret, our first real Atlantic Station.

Today was through and through a lazy day. After a late breakfast we had indeed move the boat, but that we are making now with the left. The night we spent alone in a double box and now the berth holders of the second mooring was returned. He had to find, that in addition to our thick SUMMER unfortunately there was no room for a second boat. Sehr peinlich 🙂

Now we are back alongside the MENTOR by Wolfgang and Waltraud. Very handy, as we were invited for a sundowner at the two of them. Sundowner way you can drink very well without sunset, with would of course have been even nicer.

Even at noon, we had used the new neighborhood, to discuss the next day's course and resolve technical hiccups along. This is simply much nicer than always alone. Beautiful, that we store tomorrow at six clock with the same destination port.

Prohibited abbreviating

When the alarm rang, we were both excited. But punctually at seven clock we untied the lines. Next to us on the MENTOR Wolfgang and Waltraud were already in the starting blocks. They had the same goal as we do and we were looking forward to another nice evening with the two of them.

This morning there was around us general optimism. More than ten yachts were getting ready. We occupied in the deposition race a sovereign position 2 and were able to leave the port even before the incoming large passenger ferry. Outside awaits us once again a rough sea, because the wind was still against the current. We entered the bull by the horns, and gave full throttle, so that the rocking should come to an end soon. I also have not really trust my stomach on the way and was well-behaved on deck and noticed all the rules, which should help against seasickness. When we were finally removed so far from the coast, that we were able to create course toward L'But wrac'h and could also set the sails , it was equally enjoyable and the buzzer was quiet in the water. Although we had to cross, we were able to defend our second place and approached by noon the mouth of the L'Aber.


The landscape was breathtaking. Countless small and large island lying off the coast of scattered. As we reached the river at low tide, were the right and left of the fairway wide beach areas, Oyster beds and boulders in the sun. We carefully followed the well-stressed waters. This would have an abbreviation probably fatal consequences. Even the captain, the happy times schnibbelt a corner, hatte heute alle Zeit der Welt 🙂

In the harbor we were greeted warmly and led to a free space. Ein toller Service, we have ever enjoyed in France and also in Guernsey very. Without the hassle Want one is moved to a place with a rubber boat, is large and deep enough for the yacht. This saves one the hassle and embarrassing Wanted.

Es ist toll, to arrive so early in a new place. The whole afternoon was still ahead. First, Dietmar but made his way, to help on the MOLINE Christoph and Katja problems with the shortwave radio system. Then we visited, As is so often the first local supermarket. This was even further away than in Roscoff, hatte aber immerhin geöffnet 🙂 Wenn man mal seinen gesamten Wocheneinkauf zu Fuß nach Hause getragen hat, do you only really appreciate the luxury of a car. But this time we were lucky. A young woman took pity and drove us to the port. Had we known the, hätten wir doch noch eine paar Flaschen Wasser eingekauft 🙂

After a very late lunch with French sausages, we took the dinghy clear and made our first major trip to the neighboring islands. For safety's sake was only the small second camera, packed in a plastic bag along for the ride. You never know .... So practiced we are not yet. But we reached our destination safe and dry. The coastal landscape is really beautiful and impressive.




After the early morning start our evening ended early. After the dinghy was back safely stowed on the SUMMER and Dietmar had washed extensively with the large water hose all, anything not tied- and almost brand was (unfortunately, through a slightly open hatch my laptop, but which is actually waterproof), gab es noch leckere Crepes. I used the rest of the evening, to restore order in my photos and sort the images for the Internet and prepare. For tomorrow, Saturday Rain was announced: Time, to bring the website back to stand and to finally answer a few email.

Completely knocked out :-(

The combination of seasickness on day and evening wine (even if there were only two glasses) have unfortunately led me to, that the next morning I had the kapitalsten hangover of my life. Since the bed had proved yesterday to be very comfortable in the salon, I decided, meinen Tag auch wieder doch zu verbringen 🙁

Dietmar thus had the whole day, to have fun at the chandlery and then try his purchases at our SUMMER. Thus, our autopilot has now new control cables made with Dyneema (The Ferrari of linen :-)). And otherwise are yes for the boat lovers always different things to do on board.

About three clock my spirits were then revived again in so far, I could imagine a trip. First stop should be the supermarket, to us the friendly harbor master had even kindly marked on the map. At the dock we met Antje and Ingo von AMAZONE, who were traveling to the same destination. So we went together on the journey. After a long time (felt) we finally reached the supermarket and had to find, that it had closed. Since I fell like scales from the eyes: Ralf from Lothlorien had told yesterday, that had flown away to the supermarket from Roscoff in the spring of the roof. Schade, that had not yet got round to the harbor master.


In the city center but we were successful, starve, we had not so. In a tiny grocery store we stopped with our bulk buying traffic on.


Nevertheless, we decided, after we had carried back the purchases to the boat, to enjoy our dinner at a nice French restaurant on the harbor. The French cuisine did not disappoint. The rest of the evening on board we used is the Internet connection, to the site to feed again with new reports. For images, the time was unfortunately not enough. The next morning an early start was in fact planned by seven clock, to achieve with the power our next destination L'But wrac'h in the shortest possible time.


Record run with all-in-effect

After a restless night rang the alarm clock at six and we went without breakfast on the way towards Roscoff. Die Yacht, the morning had yet alongside made at half past two on us stuck and was torn us from sleep, was miraculously disappeared again. The wind, who had the whole night crying so loudly in our Rick, turned out in daylight as a decent breeze. But that was not nearly as scary, how she had heard in the night.

With reefed sails we made wonderful way through the water, repeatedly stood above 9! Node on the Sign. Kein Lamborghini würde dafür Benzin verbrennen aber für unsere dicke SUMMER ist das schon eine ernsthafte Ansage 🙂 Die Sonne strahlte, the wind whistled tidy and our goal approached in large steps. As we sailed out of the land cover of the island we had to find, that the strong north-west wind the last few days quite a high wave (2-3 Meter) had built. When, after some time, was the flow of discharge water against the shaft, it was really uncomfortable. I've been out of action since this morning (seasickness) and dozed off lying in the salon below deck so in front of me. Dietmar had to do almost everything alone because of me that day was no special help to be expected. Gratifying quickly we reached our destination after only 11 Hours and in the harbor we were greeted by Waltraud and Wolfgang von der SY MENTOR, the kindly was right next to us in the box. What a nice surprise after these long seascape! Then we woke once our spirits with a hearty dinner.

The football look this evening we had 2 more sailors, Kerstin and Ralf from the SY Lothlorien, an Bord. The merry round but the football game was only a minor matter. Cute conversations and interesting experience among sailors was clearly in the foreground. So it is supposed to be and is another reason to venture such a journey.


Farewell to Guernsey

For us, it was time, To say goodbye to Guernsey. Since we wanted to run out on Wednesday against six clock direction Roscoff, to the 75 To create nautical miles in daylight, we wanted the SUMMER embarrassed today at noon flood before the port to the waiting web. Morning again was a load of laundry on the program, which could then be stored clean and dry before storing. In the afternoon I had a short trip for me to “Little Chapel” planned, I absolutely wanted to see. Enough time yes we had and the waiting bridge was indeed connected with the mainland.

Then, when two clock was enough water over the bar, to leave the port safely and without embarrassing snagging, we were on our way. Front of the harbor but we had to find, that all places on the pontoons, which were connected to the mainland, are now occupied. Nur am letzten Ponton waren noch Plätze frei 🙁 Hier gab es leider keine Festlandverbindung.

What should become of my trip? And the postcards I had not yet put into the letter box. Dietmar's good advice, I could swim, too, would be yes as far, not brought me further and. My plea, but inflate the dinghy again, was categorically rejected: Far too expensive!

After I had quarreled with ever deteriorating mood with my terrible fate for nearly two hours, took pity on my captain and makes the dinghy ready. A short time later I had another land under their feet and could go jet. But first we went to the city, to purchase a new pair of pants, I had unfortunately strayed a larger wave in the dinghy. Salt water does not dry easily and on a “Wolf” hatte ich auch keine große Lust 🙂 Vielleicht wäre schwimmen doch einfacher gewesen 🙂

The small chapel was really worth a visit. With wonderful mood I was unfortunately now in the pouring rain at the bus stop and waited for the bus, that would take me to the port to. Kindly, had a friendly motorist pity on me and took me to St. Peters Port mit. Am Steg also waiting my dinghy taxi to SUMMER. I was very happy and satisfied about the great end to our time on Guernsey.

And then again Football Time: Luxurious way we can namely also watch TV without shore power, since we have an inverter. The making of our 12 V board supply voltage needed the 220 V for the TV :-). We could not believe it almost, appeared as more and more goals for Germany on the display. For the Germans it was of course a great success and we look forward to the final on Sunday, but somehow did us the Brazilians but really sorry. So a defeat had they really do not deserve.