Something overslept the next morning we decided, pay the old town of Albufeira before dropping even a short visit. Along the coast brought us our first way to many unfinished buildings over and left a rather oppressive impression. But Albufeira but in itself was very much alive. In the narrow streets of the busiest and on the marketplace invited several cafes to linger. Wir entschieden uns für ein Cafe mit einem Ausblick auf das Meer und bestellten uns zwei Cappuccino 🙂

Around noon we left the harbor and sailed along the coast back to Lagos, For us the most beautiful port city in the Algarve. Often, the coastline is unfortunately very obstructed, but in some places where nature is still untouched and uniquely beautiful. The coastline of the Algarve rock is characterized by caves and dens. The rocky cliffs with small sandy coves and long sandy beaches was repeatedly interrupted by upstream and sometimes bizarre cliff formations. So we enjoyed the afternoon sailing and later unfortunately once again for lack of wind under the engine and reached Lagos in the early evening.

With our visit we made today just a short trip to the old town and let the evening in one of the many, end cozy fish restaurants with a good white wine relaxes.

Sunday after breakfast we sat once again in a big group together. With Frank of the CAYLUNA and Lars, Jana and Alia of the JOY OF LIFE we met in one of the many harbor-side cafes. We had almost a week not seen yes, there was of course much to tell J . In the afternoon we took the dinghy clear, to again go to the caves before Lagos. The three of us had a lot of fun and my mother could make lots of great photos. The first time we did not dare take us a great camera but now we knew from experience, how our boat behaves in the waves. So we dared also, to pass through a narrow passage between two high rock. Only the small, narrow caves, we were still the knowledgeable local boaters. Vielleicht beim nächsten Mal 🙂 Diesmal bekamen wir da draußen auch noch ein besonderes Schauspiel zu sehen oder besser gesagt zu hören. In one of the boats with a Portuguese bagpipe was traveling, played the typical tourist Portuguese songs.

Back at the port we were allowed to girls before going into town for shopping, while Dietmar nor the dinghy was cleaning and moored up on deck again. My husband can be a true dream man, if he only wants :-). In the netten, small shops of Lagos then was also found for each of us a matching beach dress. Sowas kann man sogar auf dem kleinsten Boot oder im kleinsten Koffer noch unterbringen 🙂
In good spirits, we collected Dietmar At the harbor bridge and went to third again eat delicious fish. Because if you're already so close to the sea, you should also take the opportunity to enjoy the fresh fish, so far we like the Schupp cornered animal. We also treated ourselves to a carafe of white sangria for dinner.

For the later evening, another visit announced. If you want to schedule, would never work. Friends of my mother took a bus tour of Portugal and had just arrived that evening in Lagos. So we agreed to meet at the harbor. After Christiane and Anja first "visited" our SUMMER had, we made the four of us still a fun girls night in a small bar on the harbor. Dietmar rather let us go out alone. Bei so vielen Hühnern wollte er nicht Hahn im Korb sein 🙂

Despite Sangria and Vino Verde, we wanted to run early in the last day of my mother walking towards the cliffs. Dietmar preferred to stay a little longer lie and let both of us armed with our cameras go out alone. We enjoyed the beautiful, warme Wetter, the still empty beaches and the many great designs and managed with difficulty, ten clock to be on time as arranged for breakfast at our favorite cafe.

Two clock we were unfortunately already in the Leisure Train, which would take us to the airport Faro. Were the five days have passed so quickly. During the nearly two-hour train ride through the back country we were entertained by a Portuguese loudly extended family. This directed us something of the sometimes quite bleak sight from, who moved in front of the train window by. But on the way back, I should find, that the prospect of the sea more beautiful and the houses much less broken and decayed were. We had chosen well on the way to a seat on the wrong side of the train.
In Faro at the station it was time to say goodbye. My mother disappeared with the taxi to the airport and I turned in my wait yet a little exploring round by Faro. Unfortunately the time was quite short and the area around the station is not very inviting. Also, my search for a PC store was unfortunately unsuccessful. So I was sitting in the train back to Lagos and was received at the station already by my husband. We decided, go directly to food, as was already gone into the country for some time since having breakfast together. A short time later, Frank and Lars joined us yet. We spent a fun evening together, while my mother safely returned back to the cold Germany.

Without a visit on board life took its normal running again. However, a very special highlight was for this Tuesday on the program. Our radar antenna should be repaired returned today. Long enough we had been waiting for. In the afternoon, the long-awaited technician came with the antenna in the luggage. For safety's sake RAYMARINE had really changed everything but the outer shell and then tested for several hours in the laboratory. Then it should finally be all good, or? After the technician had the antenna mounted again and installed in the mast, showed our radar already in the harbor such a clear image, as we had never seen previously. Each web and even almost every boat was seen. And it ran and ran and ran all night. Now we are really very optimistic, dass das Radarproblem Geschichte ist 🙂
In addition, we chose, the upholstery work, we had not in Porto because of our schedule could implement, to give here in Lagos in order. From the SY INFINITY, we finally met in person, we got here support. Hille and Thorsten had let in Lagos already done upholstery work and were able to convey the same two contacts. For herself she had already made appointments, because we could also equal to-hang. So our dinghy and outboard are now getting our new coatings and the cushion of the sofa in the saloon also get washable covers. Since such work always take some, We still make a little vacation here. At the moment there is anyway no suitable weather window to Madeira.

So I met on Tuesday evening again with Christiane and Anja, while Dietmar spent a fun evening with Mr Lars and Frank.
The next day was washed and cleaned, cleaned up and sorted out. Of course, in between also time for the Internet. The new on-board computer was put into operation and all other ships in the harbor groaned probably have a terribly slow internet connection, while I patiently downloaded an update after the next.

Meanwhile, another German boats in Lagos were arrived: the ITS LUBINI, SY ONCE AGAIN and SY MANATI. Mutual acquaintance we all met on Wednesday evening aboard the SY INFINITY. Hille had prepared to the delight of tasty tapas and appetizers. Then we moved on to a small seafood restaurant on the fishing port. They discussed and exchanged experiences from target. A funny, Grand Rounds, which only dissolved, as the fish restaurant was as good as closed.