Golf in Pasito Blanco, Gran Canaria is a very costly affair. So expensive, that Hille and Torsten her yesterday wider plan by the rates rejected again. So nothing was out of the second cozy evening and again was "goodbye" on the agenda. Langsam hatte ich wirklich genug 🙁 Aber auch diese Beiden sehen wir ja nächstes Jahr in der Karibik wieder und bis dahin, There are so emails and WhatsApp. After all, a small consolation.
Today we wanted to do two important things. Since the Marina Pasito Blanco has no free wifi access, I also wanted to have a prepaid data card for the Spanish mobile phones. Difficult it would be, the yellow fever vaccine, I absolutely needed for my trip with my mother in January, to get here in the Canaries. This was the first clearly easier task of the Twos
Gran Canaria is a popular German destination and repeatedly we had seen advertising for a German medical center in Maspalomas. So our first road led us there. Clearly visible billboards were already placed on the main road, nevertheless it took time, until we reach a shopping center and the right in this tiny practice (Medical Services!) had found. Aber immerhin sprach man dort deutsch 🙂 „Gelbfieberimpfung, since it could not be helped further! Who could help since, no idea. Perhaps the Centro de Salud? Where would the next, but you also do not know ". On the prima, an hour later and not one bit smarter we were back on the road.
Perhaps could indeed help the Internet. So we got out the data card and drove back to the port. Unfortunately, the Internet was also no clear information on the web. So we tried it once at the Port Office, perhaps had even an idea. There, they sent us back to Maspalomas to the hospital and when that might not help us, then the Centro de Salud. As a precaution, Dietmar had already picked out the Spanish word for yellow fever vaccination = = fiber amarilla and vacuna. And that was a very good thing, because unfortunately understood the lady at the counter of the hospital not a single word of English, let alone German. After we had made us the extent understandable, we got the answer here, that one can not help us. So on to the Centro de Salud. Armed with our fairly stylized map we just needed the help of two passers-by, until we reached the Spanish Health Authority.
The building was then put "Please take a number". After some time, we were also on the number. Again our Spanish skills were required. After some back-and -give us and the support of a young Spanish woman as an interpreter, which as we waited in line, We were in the north of the island, nach Las Palmas weitergeschickt. The friendly lady in the hall wrote us the name of the corresponding Institutes of such vaccinations and a phone number on. But an address she could not call us, unfortunately,. After all, we were once again taken a step further. Also gab es keinen Grund nicht optimistisch zu bleiben 🙂
Meanwhile, it was now afternoon and a bit annoyed we were already. How somehow expected, we could under the given phone number unfortunately not reach anyone. So we asked yet again the internet and found after some searching to match it finds an address. With this we fed our GPS and set off towards the 60km distant city of Las Palmas in the north of the island. The navigation system led us far from the city towards the harbor to a shabby industrial area into it - It really will be our destination?!? It really could not even be now. Nowhere was a reference to the Institute to find. Utterly frustrated we turned around and made our way back
Our way home took us a short time later at the Centro de Salud of Las Palmas by. We had nothing to lose and also asked here again for the address. There, too, we could be (of course) not help, but one further referred us to the University Hospital of Las Palmas. Since this was on our way back anyway, we tried our luck there too. Even the journey was a challenge. To get into the car park, we cheated us through the ambulance entrance. The main entrance was completely blocked due to construction and the lady at the information desk spoke no English course. But you sent us further to the first floor to a nice gentlemen, with which we could discuss our problem in English. And you will not believe it: We were too late (now it was already after five clock), but apparently the right place. Morning aged eight clock would us on the second floor in module 5 can help. Overjoyed, we made our final way home.
But our search was not over yet, then as it turned out the next morning.
Not punctually at eight clock, but after about half past nine and further 120 Km drive, We were after a short search against module 5 on the second floor. Fortunately, we did not need to stand in line and were able to try, to carry forward our concerns. And again we encountered complete lack of understanding: Seeding would not be here J Since there but the injection point. The exact address, but you could not tell us. The injection site was in a brown building close to the "Place de Belem". This place turned out to be a huge roundabout out front of the industrial port. Brown building there were many. The last part of the way then helped the police on the jumps. Only 400 Meters still separated us from the target, lay on the edge of the shabby industrial area, in which we had been yesterday.
When we finally arrived at the right place, We were pleasantly surprised. After an extensive vaccination advice we only had to overcome one last hurdle: The inoculation itself could not accept money, and the reason they sent us an invoice to the next bank. After all the various challenges we mastered this easy exercise without problems and were finally at noon both vaccinated against yellow fever.
The rest of the day we wanted to use, to explore the north of the island. To us our way led first by Acura.

In a cozy bar with tapas we celebrated our vaccination success, before we pretty, old town and the famous rum distillery "AREHUCAS" visited. The disappointing short tour of the rum factory was compensated by the subsequent "witty" tasting again and we stocked up on plenty for the next long evenings a.

We went high up into the mountains to Teror. The old town was completely deserted us. Very sad, because the old houses and churches were really to look gorgeous. Maybe it was because of the uncomfortable weather, which reigned high up in the mountains.

Also, we shot a short round, since Dietmar with his short pants, it intends to carry on throughout the winter, doch etwas frostig war 😉 Natürlich nicht diese Hose im Speziellen sondern kurze Hosen im Allgemeinen 🙂 Zum Schluss unserer Tour hatten wir uns noch einen ganz besonderen Leckerbissen aufgehoben. South of Las Palmas is still obtain a complete volcano crater remained, one can overlook great from a nearby mountain.

On the way back we took advantage of our set of wheels still an IKEA visit. Here we bought some stacking boxes, with which we wanted to bring more order into our ship. After a brief visit to the box-host (Mc Donald) we enjoyed a quiet evening together on board.