Dietmar was already on Tuesday morning in wanderlust. On Wednesday morning, he would (At last) fly to Germany and to take part in the 25 H race of VW fun Cup at Spa. I wanted to take advantage of his absence, um einmal wieder richtig Urlaub zu machen 🙂 Und damit ich nicht so einsam sein würde, had I invited especially love family visiting from Germany: meine Mutter 🙂
Anyway, far too many people lived on Sao Miguel and especially Ponta Delgada to Dietmar taste. According to the other islands, it was also a little culture shock for us. Here live together as many people as the other eight Islands on Sao Miguel. Ich war aber am Dienstag trotzdem auf Inselerkundung eingestellt und wollte mit dem vorbestellten Mietwagen lieber früher als später aufbrechen 🙂
Nevertheless, was already clearly but then after lunch, When we were finally on the way. Our excursion was at first under a lucky star. The weather was pretty much to be desired and when I me right on the edge of the city of Ponta Delgada also still firmly proceeded, war der Ausflug eigentlich gelaufen 🙁 So beschlossen wir für uns, an diesem Nachmittag besser getrennte Weg zu gehen 🙂 Ich ließ meinen Mann mit seiner “Ring mood” am Hafen zurück und machte mich alleine auf die Socken 🙂
Sao Miguel is the island of hot springs and it steams and stinks in many different places.
My first exploration led to the next hot spring and the associated fumaroles. Good, that's no “Smell photography” are, denn die Schwefelgase können schon recht unangenehm stinken 🙂
Unfortunately you could in the place visited by me, use the water of the sources just in a not particularly inviting bath house in old bathtubs. So also no one gave this “Pleasure” Hin. Such an uncomfortable day a warm bath would have been something great, especially for sailors without bath on board.
But in Furnas, which should be possible in the next few days. Other sailors had raved about this place and very recommended visit. It is then for the next few days on the to-to list.
So I brought even a little criss -cross through the western part of the island, aber das Wetter trieb mich dann doch zurück zum Hafen 🙂 Ab morgen soll aber wieder die Sonne scheinen. Best conditions, with my mother make the island uncertain.
Wednesday after breakfast we made our way to the airport. He was just around the corner and the Marina in the flight path. Good, that here mass tourism still not arrived. Die Lärmbelästigung hielt sich somit in einem akzeptablen Rahmen 🙂
Dietmar would disappear with same machine direction Germany, with my mother angekommt. Everything was perfectly organised. So we drank a farewell coffee at the airport, caught my mom in the “Arrival” AB, put the Dietmar “Departures” off and were an hour later back on the buzzer.
After the luggage and the souvenirs from Germany safe on the boat were stowed, We had to get into the holiday mood, a lunch in the restaurant at the port taste us. After such a long time, there is of course much to tell – especially, wenn Frauen unter sich sind 🙂
My mother was just as eager and curious to the island as I. Deshalb vertrödelten wir keine Zeit 🙂 Dietmar kaum weg als wir auch schon mit dem Mietwagen unterwegs waren.
Our first destination was the fog Lake, It is located pretty much in the middle of the island. In my travel guide, he was described as especially beautiful, If there above the clouds spoil one not the view. Und heute sah es sehr vielversprechend aus 🙂
The Lake was actually scary beautiful. Down on the shore, one could also observe even a few a few people while bathing. Leider fehlte uns sowohl für die Wandertour als auch für ein Bad die nötige Ausrüstung 🙁 Aber aufgeschoben ist ja nicht aufgehoben.
Außerdem schoben sich doch hier oben schon wieder ein paar lästige Wolken vor die bestellte Sonne 🙁 Daher flüchteten wir lieber hinunter an die Küste und ließen am Strand noch ein bisschen die Füße im Wasser baumeln.
Back in Ponta Delgada's continued in the old town. Here we had to find out more, What of with the “Holy Spirit”-Festival has to, the of the 9. up to 12. July will be celebrated in the city.
Preparations were in any case already in full swing. The city centre was beautifully adorned with flags and pennants.
A large Crown was built on the square in front of the gate of the city. After dinner we made unsafe the Internet on the SUMMER to find out, What to see will be here in the next few days. The website was quickly found, aber sie war leider nur in portugiesischer Sprache verfügbar 🙁 Das Problem war für uns ja nicht neu. Tomorrow we will try, with the help of “Leo” some clarity in the matter to bring. It would also be nice, auch etwas über die Hintergründe der Festivität zu erfahren 🙂 Aber Eile mit Weile. Tomorrow is another day.