…..funny unfortunately not for everyone. Das mussten wir heute einmal wieder mehr feststellen 🙁
Right on time at 9: 00 Claudia and Reiner were at the gate of our bridge, ready for a sailing adventure with us and the SUMMER. Wind und Wetter waren günstig und schon kurze Zeit später stachen wir auch in See 🙂
Right after leaving we could put already sailing Marina and Dietmar steered a course of the wind. Then he handed over the control with the task to control exactly 60 ° to the wind Reiner. He did so with much skill and dedication and thus distinguished himself as a natural.
While Reiner went on in his role as helmsman, was Claudia, however, always silent. We knew this behavior but already and most of the time it was not a good sign. Unfairly hit the waves the female more “Landlubbers” on the stomach, While the men can not understand the whole.
So we turned back for good reason and were moored an hour later back safely in the Marina at our berth. On the way back, Claudia got a healthy complexion again, now wind and waves from aft came and the movement was significantly softer than on the way.
The planned picnic, that we wanted to do on the water, We picked up just in the Marina. Da konnten wir dann auch schon wieder das Anlegerbier mit integrieren 🙂 Das wäre unterwegs wohl kaum möglich gewesen 🙂 Gemütlich saßen wir im Cockpit und ließen es uns schmecken. Nach so einem anstrengenden Törn und so viel frischer Luft schmeckte es auch besonders gut 🙂
Somit ist es dann doch noch ein gelungener Ausflug geworden 🙂 Aber immer wieder stehen wir vor demselben Problem, If we get visitors on board. Most of our friends are more country people and a short trip on the wet element can be as easily to the problem once. It is the easiest way, If you at one “fixed” Place arranged and takes depending on the whim of there day tours. Sailing is just an additional option. Can you do, muss man aber nicht 🙂
After the exhausting trip, a break was announced for the two afternoon once, that they spent at the hotel pool. A little holiday must also be.
We use the time, to begin with the Organization of the next few weeks. Quickly our filled “to-do list”. There was but a lot to do :-). First, however, we set, When it should go back to the CESARINA. Already for the 8. September we could book flights. It is comfortable without train ride with SATA, the Azorean airline, directly from Faro to Lisbon, go then to Terceira and finally to Sao Jorge. We were once very relieved, all the way with only a provider without to carry out train or ferry at a good price.
Damit war ein Anfang macht und wir hatten uns wieder etwas Vergnügen verdient 🙂 Zum Abendessen machten wir zu viert die Hafenpromenade unsicher und ließen den Abend dann auf der SUMMER ausklingen. With revolver stories and much laughter it was already significantly after midnight, before the two to your hotel broke up. Tomorrow she would leave us for a few days., to see more of Portugal. After Lisbon the tour with the car should go and take three to four days. We would diligently in our time “to-do”-List could work, and hopefully much do. We'd also significantly relaxed, If our visit comes back.