That was really the last time in 2015 :-)

In the first week of my last home leave year 2015 I've organized dutifully and diligently all remaining things and done. That's why I had must reduce to a minimal level visit to friends and acquaintances. The stack of things grew daily in our apartment, You should be still on the CESARINA. Dietmar remained on board the CESARINA, to to to- and after finishing work on the ship. In addition he would have probably not so good survived the flight with his back.

The most important was the same at the beginning of my stay. Our eagerly awaited ship's certificate by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt when my parents arrived on Thursday after my arrival. Straight fit, because the Federal Network Agency had reported already morning email to me: “Unfortunately, you could edit the application for a call sign and a MMSI without extract from the register of ships.” No problem, He has been with the certificate with this. Quickly I had scanned it and sent by mail. Thus were the last missing official documents on the way.

Otherwise I had but in Germany to get a few more things. In part it was quite trivial things like for example fitted sheets. Our new berths are clearly narrower than those on the buzzer. In Portugal, I had already tried lucky shopping, but the quality of the sheets has can convince me not. Irgendwie bettet sich der Portugiese anscheinend anders und wir wollten auf die gewohnte deutsche Qualität nicht verzichten 🙂

Two additional points on my to-do list had sneaked through the boat Exchange. On the SUMMER I had the luxury of, to my nice comfortable aboard your own laundry. Now we are among the 90% the sailors without washing machine. I had heard of other sailors of long journey, that bags would be very helpful with the ship's name.

My last encounter with a sewing machine is already a few years back but. No good conditions, to handle a such tasks. Also, I would have to buy a sewing machine erstm once again on the first train. That would have not expected to. Good, When you have people in his circle of friends, die sich ganz hervorragend mit solchen Dingen auskennen 🙂

So my path led me immediately upon my arrival to my old friend Stephie and her mother, beide wahre Meister im Umgang mit Nadel und Faden 🙂 So musste ich erstaunt feststellen, dass ein Wäschesack nicht gleich eine Wäschesack ist 🙂

Fortunately I could delete but immediately my second concern the two of my to-do list: Insect protection net for our hatches, deviate very far from the standard. After we had cleared various details and discussed details, was I sure, dass ich Ende nächster Woche mit perfekten Lösungen nach Portugal zurückkehren würde 🙂

Now missing only the new ship stamps and cards. The design I had already designed in Portugal and needed to add only our call sign and the MMSI. Thanks to the Internet, these points were done quickly.

Schifftempel Cesarina

Visiting card - back

Our new call sign “DHKG” werden wir uns besonders gut merken können 🙂 Die ersten zwei Buchstaben “DH” are of course available for Dietmar Henke and the last two “KG” for Katja Glaubitz. It was my maiden name, before I Henke one was. It is a strange coincidence again, We got exactly this call sign assigned to. The beginning may be yes or from the applicant Dietmar Henke have revealed, but my name was not mentioned in the registration. Apparently once again a trifle, die wohl einfach so sein sollte 🙂




Congratulations, Mrs. Henke……..!

“Congratulations, Mrs. Henke!
As of today you are married with a paint brush”

These were the words of our English sailing friends David and Ann, When they learned of the purchase of the CESARINA. David sailing all his life and has to observe over the last several years in the seemingly endless painting of the CESARINA staff of the yacht service in Angra/Terceira. Exactly but I wished so that. A new project and a new full time job with a “meditative” Side effect. Such a classic you can just buy and then put your feet up. You must work out ships of this type, to own it someday. For that you get something, What has a special charm and good for the soul.


Good 6 Weeks after we picked it up from the Azores, can we say with pride, We have hinbekommen everything quite well. In gut 4 Weeks as planned we can cross the Atlantic and sail in the Caribbean.

It was interesting to watch, What does this boat on the personality effect. The workload and the amount of work to be done was very large. In addition there were also still quite a few surprises, that would have been previously easily enough, me like a HB male through the ceiling to let go. There were special moments, as Brian, the boss of the Carpenter, came to us and said “I have bad news for you” and so a special facial expression got.

First he told me, that the teak deck is due to revise. After his rough estimate is well 1000 Meter sealant, that must be removed and new name. A work, the 4 Craftsman would employ for a month. Well, What's it all about?, I just thought and started, to order me the necessary tools for this job. Because I am looking forward now to the moment, When I'm done and our CESARINA again a piece is perfect. The problem is that while still not solved, but by this point of view I'm staying relaxed and feel pretty well.



A few days later, then once again a “I have bad news for you”. A further investigation of the bodies one of the Carpenter has determined, that there is something wrong between Fiberglass and teak building. Water! Then slowly the layers when he started with the chisel to pay off, ran out of the water just out of isolation. Again this strange feeling started to grow. Instead of being disappointed or resigned, I was looking forward, We have excellent professionals on board, are available in the solution of the problem facing the US. The joy on a positive end result and a more perfect vessel is greater than the negative feeling of pain or disappointment. It's nice, When you have people at his side, you trust them and support a, If there are thick.


These kind of messages were not isolated. Nevertheless they have can never really spoil the mood us. Us was clear from the outset, that we have chosen for a ship, that takes a lot and really also required in all other respects. But it returns very much. Me such feeling and consciousness to something very special call my own. Or the feeling of satisfaction, When the wood after painting begins to glow and literally radiate natural beauty. How many times I sit in the cockpit and enjoy the sight. Interestingly it is not just me alone, but also other people, that I'm on the ship in the conversation.

I'm always happy, When Katja with light eyes others our boat shows. Also, not a day goes by, When anyone passing by comes or goes and picks the thumb. Das macht mich schon ziemlich froh 🙂

A friend has a guestbook entry (and an equally successful businessman) written by us: “It's been exciting to read, that one also without “Objectives”, Objectives can have, you are to live…. ”

That is increasingly aware, If I am just again unhappy with the situation, because things don't go, how I want it. The subject “CESARINA” with all the drum around told us in the last 4 Months so a lot requires. But just to look forward and to try, all odds to overcome, has brought much positive with me at the end of. I love my wife even more for everything, what she did for us. And I have come a bit closer in the ways my inner peace, I succeed always better, just to keep the feet still.


I would like to just continue to discover the beauty of our Earth with my Katja, and lead a beautiful life. And on our CESARINA, which is in my opinion of one of the most beautiful ships, die ich jemals gesehen habe 🙂


Fully befuddled

Solvent vapours are not completely foreign to me as a chemist, But today I had a smell experience of a special kind.

Because the weather should be worse this weekend and even rain was announced, had I made me for Saturday, to paint the kitchen cabinets from the inside. Directly after breakfast, I turned the Interior of the CESARINA so again in a battle field, because it had everything back out from the cabinets. Finally everything was empty, was I really impressed with, how much space our new pantry (ship german cuisine) However, bot. Diligently I started, to grind and clean surfaces. I wanted to experience again so not a fiasco like in my first attempts of painting . Everything was prepared, I put the 2-component varnish and began after the wait respect to by 10 Minutes to swing the brush highly motivated.

Actually, the work went me quite easily by hand, but the depth of the cabinets made bothers me a little. The Cabinet underneath the worktop has an impressive width of over a meter more than 60 Cm depth. There, you must creep already in blending, If you want to catch all corners. So kämpfte ich mich hustend im ekligen Gestank durch die Tiefen der Schränke und war nach kurzer Zeit völlig benebelt 🙁 Bald war im ganzen Schiff die Luft so dick, you could cut them into slices. Airing was not possible due to the heavy rain. I had planned this so super – about the odor problem I had made but at all worry me. Und gerade ich sollte es doch besser wissen 🙁

Good, that the MIELI was still with us at the pier in Vilamoura. Emil und Marita gewährten uns Asyl inklusive frischem Kaffee 🙂 Als ich nach vollbrachter Arbeit etwas später zu der Runde stieß, rümpften the three short nose. Anscheindend war ich im Moment eine wandelnde Geruchsbelästigung 🙂 Also verschwand ich schnell unter schnell noch unter der Dusche.

Auch das Abendessen musste heute nochmal außerhalb der CESARINA stattfinden 🙂 Kochen wäre ja auch schwierig gewesen denn die gesamte Einrichtung stand ja noch im Salon herum. So we enjoyed a delicious sushi from Japan us still even four. When we in the evening back on the boat were later, the solvent plumes were already as good as gone, and nothing in the way was our night's rest.


An invitation to dinner differently

For the evening we invited Emil and Marita from the SY MIELI to us for dinner. After a busy day, it looked but already very dignified in the ship. Also in the pantry, not much in the way was preparing a dinner for four people. So I went in the afternoon on the way to the supermarket, to complete our dinner. I had planned meat skewers and a big salad.

I had done the planning but without my back-ill husband. In the afternoon, it was virtually impossible him, to find a position that is convenient or painless. Sit, Standing or lying was more about no pleasure. Especially sitting in our salon gave him problems and knapp 10 Minutes, before our guests arrived, had he hobble over to the SY MIELI.

Aber wir wollten das Essen natürlich nicht ins Wasser fallen lassen 🙂 Das Cockpit der MIELI hatte sich seit gestern zum absoluten Lieblingsplatz meines Ehemanns entwickelt. Here, he was always a possibility, to be able to sit at least a short while without pain. He already had our salad in the luggage, and I could meet a little later with the finished skewers. It was still a fun evening, different than planned, aber die beiden waren ja flexibel 🙂



Separate bedrooms or the revenge of the buzzer

Apparently the time comes in every relationship or marriage at some point, in der getrennte Schlafzimmer gefragt sind 🙂 Das war bei uns jetzt auch der Fall. It sounds now but much more dramatic, When it was really. It was not about marital strife and irreconcilable differences :-). No, which was a totally different cause underlying.

Last Saturday, Dietmar and Christian had, the new owner of the buzzer, the SUMMER with their brand new cover securely “packed”. This was tailored it perfectly on the body and was therefore also like a glove. Attached was around with many hooks and straps on the Seereeling. And to properly install these attachment lines and clamping rubber, had to “Man” under the tarp on her hands and knees crawling, with the weight of the heavy canvas in the back. So Dietmar complained after work on Saturday evening over severe back pain. Apparently, the last occasion had used the SUMMER, and be Avenged on the unfaithful captain. Da konnte ich sie wirklich verstehen 🙂

So we left the Sunday only once quietly go and hoped for improvement. Unfortunately, it was instead better still worse. Heat ointment, Also no relief of the torments brought pain pills and hot water bottle. Forced almost idly next to a huge mountain of work to sit, deteriorated Dietmar mood with each passing day, He went to the country. Well intentioned advice, Finally a doctor to consult , were heard but still beflissentlich. Only on Wednesday after a made by night despite high-dose analgesics , When really nothing at all went, My captain made his way to an osteopath. Our RAYMARINE specialist Janusz raved about the man as a true “Faith healer” and let it not take therefore, Dietmar personally there to go. With so much crush you will healthy almost while listening to.

While the two were, I went on the way, our ordered rental car pick up. Still on the way, I received the message, dass der Kapitän nahezu wieder hergestellt sei 🙂 Nur einmal schlafen und morgen wäre er wieder wie “new”. It sounded very promising. Quite so rosy as described, not the State of health of my dear husband but then developed but still. When I in the evening loaded with the purchases from the hardware store at the port came to, had I wear but better once alone all reasons on board. Did I like to do, I wanted to say yes miracle healing way.

So it went better much him the next morning. But it was very important, due to the fast and careless movements, again to destroy this fragile condition. In the afternoon our coffee pot then made all the progress to niece. Spoke with someone while Dietmar on deck, had I placed the jug with the coffee residues from the breakfast next to him on the bench, so that he could dispose of the coffee grounds over the side when the call. I believed, that he had perceived me and also the jug. Well, believe is as you know don't know. And a short time later the pot and any remaining coffee ended up on the cockpit floor. That would have been not so bad, but when you try, to prevent this, heard an unhealthy and loud resounding crack in the back Dietmar. Now, he could no longer move.

Dinner with Emil and Marita by SY Mieli, today came from Albufeira to Vilamoura, to visit us, He took brave yet behind it, but a subsequent glass wine could no longer imagine Dietmar. So again heat ointment and pain killers on the troubled Cross and go to bed. Ich verbrachte noch einen lustigen Abend mit den Beiden und trank einfach Dietmars Wein mit 🙂 Als ich zurück auf die CESARINA kam, I decided, prefer to sleep in the living room. Dietmar rolled from left to right and with a width of berth 1, 40 m eh no place would have been there for me more free.

The next morning we were both sleepy and tired. The pain had robbed the sleeping Dietmar and unusually narrow bed without me soft mattress. Because a speedy return to common bed in the course of the day was all the more improbable, I set out, Finally the forecastle to dispel. Here we had still a comfortable berth, buried under all the things, yet no new space in the ship had found. Aber nach zwei Stunden hatte ich mir einen tollen Platz für die kommenden Nächte erkämpft 🙂 Das sah wirklich sehr vielversprechend aus.


So Dietmar could cure on his back alone and with uninterrupted sleep on the wide mattress, and I couldn't find even a good night's sleep in the forecastle. Manchmal sind getrennte Betten nicht die schlechteste Lösung 🙂 Trotzdem freue ich mich darauf, When my dear husband is healthy again. Denn eine Dauerlösung ist das zumindest bis jetzt wohl noch nicht 🙂





He came, saw…..and bought

Yes you should not talk about unlaid eggs, Therefore, we can introduce you today.

Am letzten Freitag hatten wir Besuch 🙂 Der erste Interessent für unsere SUMMER ließ es sich nicht nehmen, get to know the good even in the water. The crane was scheduled for the afternoon, at 2: 30, and Christian was just in time to 10:00 with us at the pier. After a short coffee break the two men once again made up, to turn a lap at sea with the buzzer. Sailing was not possible, no wind today there was. Was a check of all aggregates but also not so tragic, Optimally, the outing was sailing and facilities.

I remained alone on our CESARINA back and tried there, the chaos to fight. This morning we had the last things, more or less ordered over worn. Actually, there was no getting through more – All bags, Boxes and baskets. Only on our bed, in which we so our first “official” Night had spent on our new home, was delivered not with stuff. This should change in the course of the day but.


After lunch the two men were already short back and in the best mood. Now even the second Headsail had to be cut off and stowed in the bow of the buzzer. Also here was Christian Dietmar skillfully to the hand. If he should decide for the SUMMER, would he have met already quite well so in any case. Meine Hilfe wurde heute auf jeden Fall nicht benötigt 🙂 Und auch zum Bootslift fuhren die Beiden auch ohne mich. Maybe a good decision, because I built on the water yet always so close. So I was able to see one last time from a safe distance, how our SUMMER lift ashore has been raised.


By evening, everything was done then. The summer neatly cleaned the Marina was on a stable hard stand on a safe place at the end. The Lords approved himself a well deserved beer of investors and had still have a lot to tell. It went funny in subsequent eating sushi. What a nice and funny guy. We would really like to leave the Yes our SUMMER.

Also on Saturday was still a lot to do. Today, the cover produced specially for the SUMMER would come at last to the usage. She travels with unused for two years already and well packed in one of the back boxes. The building proved to be costly, but the result could be really. Only in the afternoon were Christian and Dietmar back. Now but still important things had to be discussed. Das war ja keine Vergnügungsreise 🙂

In principle, everything was actually clear :-), but on such a decision it must be thought a bit. Also was to have a conversation with the better half, She had unfortunately not so spontaneously with can travel to Portugal. To prepare further steps, füllten wir aber schon einmal den Kaufvertrag komplett aus und vereinbarten eine Bedenkzeit bis Mittwochmittag 🙂

So Christian went on Sunday morning on the way to Germany and we turned to us again our work on and the CESARINA. Slowly came the time in the country and we are guardedly optimistic about powerlessness Wednesday afternoon.

Wednesday afternoon, we both were then somewhat frustrated. No message, no call – nothing!!! That matched at all with our first impression of Christian. If he had decided against the SUMMER, dann hätte er sich doch wenigsten gemeldet 🙁 Irgendwie sehr merkwürdig.

Wenig später klärte sich die Situation auf 🙂 Schon am Mittag hatte Christian versucht, to reach us by phone. But somehow, Dietmar phone had boycotted all calls. Also the email then sent arrived only late at night. But about five o'clock Dietmar was again available and could take then but personally opposed the good news:

Our SUMMER is sold!!

And it comes in really good hands in our opinion. We wish them only the best, many great experiences and always a Handspan of water under the keel. To put it simply: Es soll für die Beiden mit der SUMMER so spannend weitergehen wie bisher 🙂




Time, to take stock

Undoubtedly some pretty eventful weeks behind us lie for us. Everything could have been simple, would have us not the CESARINA on the way in the Azores. We had to leave everything, as it was and with an admittedly in every respect continue our journey as planned can perfectly equipped ship. Stress-free, worry-free and with plenty of room and time for more excursions, to know how far country and people to learn. But everything was just different and from the very first day the CESARINA has let me think just more "straight". She has captured me and since that day, was I thinking of you, When I went to sleep in the evening and then again when I am aufgewachte. Every day! So it was at that time also, I got to know Katja or was possessed by the desire as I someday, to start a business. Reason or any general conventions are me since always been always been foreign and have always my wish castles and visions subordinate themselves must.



But the adventure "CESARINA" is somehow playing in another dimension. In contrast to my time as an entrepreneur, I always my ideas and visions could implement in the, because a great team and a strong woman behind me confessed, I stood this time often all alone. Katja had made yet over two months almost daily me, She would get off, If I would stick seriously. She had built it, that the subject over time would burn itself out, If the fever would have laid back. Pieter, the previous owner, had I listed all the disadvantages, that would bring such a ship. He said so aptly, that there is absolutely no rational reason, to decide, but only love and passion could justify this enormous effort. But that was the case and so it was as it had to happen. For two days, the SUMMER's country and we live on our CESARINA.


14 Full work days are now behind us. The first time was in the last three months for a period no longer good with our decision. The reason for this was, I have felt, how much Katja suffers stress induced the ambitious project and the mostly by me. I had the sentence "I can't" only once in the last 15 Is years of her. It was even under the skin. The pace with which we've pushed the conversion of the CESARINA, but it was not bad parents. Which to implement in two months, What we used 2 Years have used, can be considered quite well as "very ambitious". Only at that time, we had engaged a company with the equipment of the SUMMER and today we ourselves are. Yet the fact is, that the SUMMER waiting for a buyer. The long-planned holiday with Katja's mother on Madeira has it on top of that even have to cancel, because the time has not simply would have been sufficient. It was just too much for them and me serious doubts, whether I this time not have exaggerated it. I had offered you, to make your holiday on Madeira with your mother. But leave she didn't want me too. As a wife and partner must think very long search "Man".


Katja's mother will come visit US now so in the Caribbean. There is diving and swimming determined as much fun. Katja has established our CESARINA already very comfortable and beautiful and we look forward to the coming and certainly exciting weeks and distant countries.


My dream has become our dream! What could be better? We are good things, finding a new and hopefully happy owner for our SUMMER. Ever the good feeling is back on board, to have everything done right. Also, I can not deny, very proud to be, that we must continue our journey with a such jewel of construction art. Almost every day we come up with other people in the discussion, take our 'vision' for himself as occasion, to work on the implementation of their own dreams. Das muss nicht unbedingt ein Schiff sein 🙂 Einfach nur das Bewusstsein zu haben, It can be very rewarding, If you are trust, einen Schritt ins Ungewisse zu machen 🙂 Auf sein Gefühl zu hören und etwas zu wagen! Es lohnt sich immer 🙂

The last night on the buzzer – 2. Attempt

Actually we had yesterday already announced, We would sleep on our SUMMER the last time. But so much for planning. Firstly, it is different and second than you think.

Actually, today was very successful. While I carried our last possessions and goods in bags on the buzzer, to take it in the evening more comfortable over, had already started Dietmar, the surrounding wood bar to grind and paint. Das sah richtig schick aus 🙂

Unfortunately we had the work of the craftsman, he exchanged the whether joints in the teak deck, not properly at a glance. Only in the late afternoon we went on, that right behind our Board entry almost a square metres joint and newly sealed were. Hier konnte man heute nicht mehr drüber gehen 🙁


And Dietmar the additional Board access had also still heavily restricted with his painting. So, there was still the possibility, When the baking days over a 20 Centimeters to climb broad metal fittings. Not the optimal access, If you want to change just the remaining House stand.

So zog ich wieder ein Bettlaken auf das schon ordentlich hergerichtete Bett in der Eignerkabine der SUMMER 🙂 Morgen gibt es aber kein Entkommen mehr 🙂 Weitere Lackierarbeiten des Kapitäns werden aufs Wochenende verschoben und unser Handwerker wird sich eine andere Ecke zum Reparieren suchen müssen 🙂 Morgen brauchen wir freie Fahrt mit Tüten und Taschen und den letzten Kleinigkeiten, that each move always up to the end stop.

On Friday, crane date for the SUMMER is definitely, Since there is no way it passes. And we are also pleased, together again to have all things on a boat. It's so nice, to go out to dinner in the evening times, This is clearly not a steady state. On the weekend I'll be my new huge fridge on the CESARINA with great, frischen Sachen füllen 🙂 Ich freue mich schon richtig darauf, If there is a sensible first meal on the new ship, No matter whether breakfast, Lunch- oder Abendessen 🙂



Between the ships – No easy exercise

Most of the time we are at night too tired, to write more readable for the blog. A large amount of work has broken about us. Here just to inform a small overview, What we have so far been successfully completed:

  • Engine maintenance
  • Generator maintenance
  • Built-in water makers
  • Wind control system installed
  • Navigation almost ready built
  • Expanded toilet pump, cleaned “refitted” and repainted
  • Bow Interior repainted (2x, Since the first color not who was right) In between a day-long quarters the color removed :-()
  • Bilge completely cleaned
  • Cleaned floor boards
  • Cupboards cleaned or repainted
  • Mattresses and cushions clean can
  • Various shelves for cabinets make let
  • Compass housing expanded to the chrome plating
  • Window to expand and new eingedichten can be
  • Let new sails ordered and measured on the ship by NORTH SAILS
  • Serviced life raft and life jackets
  • Create inventory lists
  • The entire House level checked, sorted, merged or sorted out

And in between we are moving also. An easy exercise, because the space on a ship is so clearly limited. More than four craftsmen at once should not be on the CESARINA, otherwise there would at some point be murder and death blow. And when working, at the same time moved. There is simply no chance. Nevertheless it precedes every day, in large, times in small increments.

Today we are in a strange intermediate state. We arrived Yes pretty well and the “Bounce” imminent. The next night is the last on our SUMMER. But we have to have breakfast clearly already on the CESARINA, because on the buzzer, there are no cups or plates more now. You have found over there already a beautiful spot in the closet.

Today's dinner, It should be cooked already on the CESARINA, was still in the water. Access to the stove was designed with tool boxes, that cooking was not safe to do so. And all utensils to carry back on the SUMMER, would have been counterproductive but something. So there was pizza from Pizza Hut today, very practically right out of the box. Und Besteck brauchte man auch nicht 🙂


How to become a member of a Yacht Club

Actually you organized in Germany in clubs, No matter what hobby you go. So we were long time member in a riding club, but for our profession, yet no appropriate Club the way ran us.

Das sollte sich heute ändern 🙂 Am späten Nachmittag macht die deutsche Yacht ARNDT aus Kiel bei uns am Steg fest. Wir waren begeistert 🙂 Nach den vielen Tagen harter Arbeit so ganz alleine in Vilamoura, Finally once again announced to change. Dietmar was also talking with the cheerful troupe of Lord. We are always back again, that like a magnet to people the CESARINA, and almost magically attracts especially sailors. The ARNDT told the crew the Lady at the front desk, dass deren Liegeplatz am Pontoon mit der schönen blauen Yacht liegt 🙂

The men came from Kiel, a Merry-tag crew members of the Kiel Yacht Club (KYC) with the task, to convict a club ship in the Mediterranean Sea. The X-yacht is for 18 Make a round trip with changing crews from Association members months with the mission, Advertising for the city of Kiel as a venue for water sports Olympics 2018 to make. It then went to evening entertainment, We decided to go for dinner. Our history with the two vessels seemed keen interest to have woken up.


A short time later we found a nice table in an English pub on the promenade. We both enjoyed it, having once again other interlocutors in the evening and sat so far it went to two Tischenden from each other away, um uns unter die Leute zu mischen 🙂 Ab morgen würde ja wieder mehr oder weniger traute Zweisamkeit herrschen, da musste man den heutigen Abend schon mal auskosten 🙂 Dietmar saß zwischen Hauke Bohnen (Skipper and CEO KYC) and the former tenants of the Dieter's Association Home. Beides äußerst erfahrene Segler und zwei Menschen mit einem extrem hohen Spaßfaktor 🙂

Our life planning and our previous journey woke in which one or other but also wishes and desires with regard to his future life plans. Funnily enough were also two tabs. There was clearly no lack of common themes and the time flew formally.


And the evening was later, the round was the merrier. Der anfänglich so belächelte Alleinunterhalter brachte dann doch richtig Stimmung in den Laden und es durfte getanzt werden 🙂

In the morning at two we were back on the buzzer, While the men further scourged the local. Erst morgens um sechs war die Crew der SY ARNDT wieder komplett 🙂 Die machen es genau richtig. Außerdem mussten die Jungs ja auch nicht am nächsten Morgen wieder arbeiten 🙂 sondern nur weiter segeln.

We were both morning although slightly later than usual on the next, but about ten o'clock, our relocation work continued. Saturday is a good day for us, because all craftsmen have disappeared around noon and we can play us right.

Around noon she made SY ARNDT the way further towards the West. Previously the CESARINA was been admired but still tidy inside and out, Although the current state requires some imagination is all their merits and their beauty to recognize. New membership at the Kiel Yacht Club was only a formality after the night and the request was before breakfast in the Secretariat of the KYC. It had thrashed out yesterday evening on his head Dietmar. Actually very funny, because we regardless of which anyway had chosen Kiel as a home port for our CESARINA. Jetzt flattert der Vereinsstander des KYC unter unserer Backbordsaling und irgendwann ist wohl auch ein Liegeplatz in Kiel für uns reserviert 🙂 Aber das hat ja noch ein bisschen Zeit 🙂
