„A woman can with 19 lovely, with 29 its gorgeous, but only with 39 she is absolutely irresistible. And older than 39 is not a woman, which was irresistible once!“
Coco Chanel
My second 39. Birthday, far away from Germany, actually began as any other day. Eventually the sun tickled us awake and it was time for a leisurely breakfast. Nicht der schlechteste Start in einen Tag 🙂 Dietmar düste los, to fresh for our breakfast, to get warm rolls and surprised me with a piece of birthday cake. Despite the wonderful morning he was somehow tense. The answer was my birthday gift, not as planned lay on the breakfast table, but was still somewhere with the Portuguese Post on the go. Since I had to wait a bit….but it makes you look so do not spoil the mood.
So I was excited about the many calls, Email and News, reached me on that day. Despite the great distance we are probably not yet forgotten. The ordered for this day, beautiful weather was then delivered after a few short showers eleven clock. Thus our afternoon dive, nothing stood in the way. Let's see, what would we see out there today.
Time of two clock we arrived at the dive school and had already traveled a short time later to eight to our dive spot. This time we had the difficult task gewältigen, us completely on the narrow boat with BCD, To attract fins and bottle. A Performance, bei der es im 7mm-Neoprenanzug ganz schnell sehr warm wurde 🙂 So freuten wir uns, when we finally overturned in James Bond style per roll backwards over the side into the water. The water was really wonderfully refreshing.
As discussed in the detailed briefing in the diving school, Now we split into two groups. Today we were on the road with Marco. Our dive was to a maximum of 18 Meter Tiefe gehen, deeper than we could with our diving license not yet yes. Normally, the descent is my biggest problem, but today I sank like a stone down. Good, we are not plunged yesterday on the steep wall. As it goes up to 40 Meters depth rather steep downward. Who knows, wohin ich da verschwunden wäre 🙂
Underwater the conditions were good. Out here we met underwater currents for the first time, which could however be overcome easily. We also met many interesting creatures. Schade, that we had no suitable underwater camera, at all times hold. Our waterproof Pentax was only for water depths up 12 Meters allowed. That was a bit too little.
When we reappeared on the surface at the end of the dive, the boat was waiting for us already. In still water, we freed ourselves from the heavy equipment and these ranged up. After that we had it past myself. I preferred the swim ladder (I'm more of a lazy person), while Dietmar with three powerful flippers worked up the boat wall. After a short, faster ride we reached the port and sat on the Relocate longer together, to determine the observed fish.
At half past six we had arranged to meet with the crew of INFINITY SY and SY HAPA NA SASA for dinner in Port Restaurant. Previously, we wanted to just go with Urte of the SY HAPA NA SASA with the car for shopping. The family was so arrived yesterday and had to fill up your fridge again. I was also concerned about the physical well-being of my husband: Not that Dietmar had to starve in the next week, when I was in Germany.
The way to the supermarket was only a stone's throw, but first wanted to be found. So we had only 30 Minutes shopping time, not to appear in the harbor after our guests in the restaurant. Lightning fast we filled our cart, and soon everything was stowed in the car. The exit from the car park turned out to be unexpectedly difficult but. Nowhere was seen to pay the park a machine chips and nobody you could ask far and wide. Urte took the problem in hand and appeared a short time later with the paid chip. Den Automat hatte der Betreiber im Erdgeschoss gut versteckt 🙂 Auf dem Heimweg gerieten wir statt auf die Autobahn noch auf eine idyllische Landstraße, which again gave us a scenic detour. After all Urte so could not gain an initial impression of the beauty of Madeira win. However, we were nearing our guests at the harbor. Since gliders are indeed a very relaxed little people, we could even quickly putting away groceries in the ship. Dietmar was also a sigh of relief, when he finally vorfand the long-awaited package when returning to our SUMMER. So I got (Although after the birthday dive) a great diving camera, water resistant up to 58 Meters with high-tech housing. Now to all photos, I'm on land again at least as many underwater photos to come. I'm looking forward to the first fish, are me swim before the lens.
Then finally began the relaxed part of the evening. Leider ohne die Crew der JOY OF LIFE, which is indeed departed towards Canary yesterday, we sat on this warm evening outside long and celebrated my birthday extensively.
I thank all, who thought of me and have contributed in any way to, that the day has become so beautiful, as he was. I'm really looking forward to my next 39. Geburtstag 🙂