Der Wind ist zurk 🙂 und beschert uns Spitzengeschwindigkeiten. So we get to our destination faster ner. Already twice we have in 24 Scarce hours 180 Brought nautical miles behind us, and the distance to St. Lucia is now already below 1000 Shrunk nautical miles.
That is a good thing, because life on board is tiring. Most of all I am looking forward to my first meal ashore, which will hopefully remain voluntary on my plate, until I've eaten in peace.
At the moment it's different. The challenge begins with the preparation. On the stove is still everything safe, but woe to flt a plate and puts it unattended anywhere from. Despite anti-slip mat it can easily happen, that he developed plzlich own opinion. And if the dish is braked by the anti-slip mat, makes the mevoll zubreitete food halt alone on the journey. That's why we eat now actually getting out there in the cockpit. This has the advantage, that is much easier to keep it clean. It is not so easy, with one hand to balance the full plate and with the other hand the silverware, wend the CESARINA tries, a ball rocking of the Bank. But so far we are not starving and also the ship's on by flying plates or cutlery are limited.
But the amount of bruises has increased significantly in recent days but. If we lift our legs apart against the wave motion, we give probably a funny picture from. But otherwise it is not easy, no matter how silly it looks well.
Dietmar supplied us with fresh fish verlslich. Ff Angel attempts with four successes. That is impressive safely. Today it was again a shear Mahi Mahi, will bring us a delicious dinner. But until nhsten week fishing ban was once again verhgt. Zum zweiten Advent gibt es bei uns Sauerbraten 🙂