Also on this night was not to think about sleep. Too many unanswered questions were still to clarify and organize many things. All had unfortunately not just turned off and we worked all night. So we showed up every morning but still quite wrinkled in the Harbor Restaurant about nine o'clock, where Pieter and Rini sat at breakfast. Wir gönnten somit auch noch einen weiteren Kaffee 🙂 Vielleicht würde der ja die müden Lebensgeister wieder wecken 🙂
Dietmar had done already good preparatory work in advance and we were prepared for everything. So we turned the Café into our Office and made our community about the standard purchase agreement here. Amazing, was dort alles abgefragt wird 🙂 Auch Pieter und Rini kamen erfreulicherweise nicht unvorbereitet zu unserem Treffen. Did you also, We had a little pressure of time. Diligently we met until early afternoon in the Café. Zwischenzeitlich war immer mindestens einer von uns zum Telefonieren an der Hafenpromenade unterwegs 🙂 Trotzdem dauerte es eine gefühlte Ewigkeit, until the formal part was done.
We wanted to still use the rest of the afternoon, to take measure already once vigorously on our new home. So we could better prepare our moving and also information for a new Watermaker.
At dinner we planned then the other timing of sales. We had decided, an der Algarve auf die CESARINA umzuziehen 🙂 Nach Dietmars Geburtstag am 6.ten September würden wir auf die Azoren zurückkehren, to pick up the CESARINA. Pieter had agreed, us is still a few days to accompany and helping us to the page, before we would turn back to the Azores and sail to Vilamoura.
After finally really everything was regulated, konnten wir uns auch wieder anderen Themen zuwenden 🙂 So bekamen wir einen tollen Einblick in Pieters Malerei und wir sind schon sehr gespannt, to see his studio in the old cheese factory of Sao Jorge. Pieter is not only sailors from passion, but also philosopher, Musician and painter.
A great painting of him hangs in the Salon of the CESARINA, that shows the home port of the Cesarina in Holland (Unfortunately we did have no photo of it. This will be submitted but). Unser nächster Besuch und die Übernahme der Yacht auf Sao Jorge wird also auf jeden Fall spannend 🙂