In the past week we have our Parasailor and a new anchor chain of the company “Wälden” get. Through discussions with our sailing friend Martin, I have learned, that our previous VA chain is not resistant to seawater. Even the best VA chains rise sometime by “Lochfraß” in the weld from, no later than when the water temperature rises above 30 ° C. The only marine grade and Pacific appropriate VA chains just provides Fa. Wälden of Chiemsee. Made in Bavaria / Germany give us a good feeling and confidence in our ground tackle.
Next week Wednesday at 26.3 already comes the moving van and we leave bayrisches “Territory” after almost 19 wunderbaren Jahren unter weiß/blauem Himmel 🙂
It's hard to believe, that we in good 4-5 Weeks will sting with our SUMMER in lake. A “unreal” Feeling…..
Tonight is the farewell party with all our Bavarian friends instead. About 19:00 is it going on and we are excited to see how it will run. The train is moving and always takes longer ride on.