And what are you doing with your SUMMER??? The question we receive quite often and was for us in the decision-making process he “CESARINA” always a central theme.
Our SUMMER has given us since 2012 always good service done. Since may 2014 It is our solid home and lots of beautiful memories are closely connected. From the outset we have invested more money and gradually to the perfect long boat equipped. Now just before the planned crossing of old antique everything is actually done.
There is absolutely no rational reason, to exchange such ship against another and we know exactly, dass uns viele sicher für völlig verrückt halten 🙂 Jede Vorratsdose habe ich extra passend zur Schublade beschafft 🙂 Unendlich viele Detaillösungen haben wir in mühevoller Kleinarbeit realisiert. Now we know it like the back of our hand and it gives us a good feeling and good safety at sea.
But where love falls, passieren schon merkwürdige Dinge 🙂 Fernab jeglicher Vernunft werden Entscheidungen getroffen 🙂 Und plötzlich steht unsere gute SUMMER ganz alleine da 🙁
It should remain but hopefully not for long so, because we have decided, to leave it in good hands. Perhaps we find Yes someone, which you want to show the world. Actually we had promised that Yes to you.
Until then she will hold safely situated in Vilamoura of things on land, the da will come. We have taken the initial preparations already in attack. The water maker is cleaned and has been preserved because of the long break. Early next week, we will cut off the sails and stowed under deck, before the SUMMER most 25. September with the crane on land will be.
For interested and curious here once all, collected information about our SUMMER: SUNBEAM 42DS sale