Where the coming of the West Wind forth all over the world? After this morning, the rain clouds had finally vanished into thin air, it looked after a great day of sailing. Wind from the West, 3-4, afternoon turning to North. Now it's a quarter past nine. Have I misunderstood something? In the ship everything rattles, always goes above water and the SUMMER down hard with the bow into the wave.
In the middle of the whole, quite noisy mess: The captain sleeps peacefully in the salon. It's his right, since I have the first watch. Nevertheless, I am always impressed, the conditions under which this man sleeping and that too so relaxed.
To twelve clock I'll try, here to keep the position and bring us to our goal as close as possible. And of course, keep us neugirigen tanker from the body. They have well today especially bent on the SUMMER. Even the Second, the quite close to us passed. But do not get us, da bin ich wachsam 🙂