In ARC office lists hanging for various specialists from, where you can still make an appointment to correct problems or to install new equipment before departure. Schon seit letzter Woche standen wir bei auf dem Zettel 🙂 Leider hatten aber die Boote der ARC+ Vorrang. After they had turned their backs on Las Palmas yesterday, we are finally on the series. Directly on Monday morning it was time. Time knocked at nine clock Jörg to the ship's side and went for a coffee, the two men set to work.
I undressed during which a precaution in the salon and devoted myself planning our further trip. On my to-do list was still namely the acquisition of some host country flags. Therefore, one should then have likely ever, in welche Länder und zu welchen Inseln man eigentlich noch segeln würde 🙂
Outside the gentlemen care to our first Achterstagantenne.
After a trip in the air, Jörg then disappeared into the depths of our locker. Here the ground had to be applied over a large area by means of Ground Paint.
Then, of course, had to postponed various cables, the tuner and ultimately the unit will be connected. 10000 Things, that I really have no idea. Good, that we had a professional on board.
Gegen Abend gab unsere Anlage dann die ersten Lebenszeichen von sich 🙂
The first voice connections were despite the disturbing harbor environment (too many masts and large freighters cause probably a large disturbance field) very promising. So we called also equal to a weather fax from Hamburg from, The little later starred in very good quality on the computer. A Sprechunkverbindung over 3500 Kilometers to Dresden even worked to the astonishment of the professional out of the harbor with a perfect signal strength of 9,5, what is unusually high! Also our Pactor modem, that we use to send and retrieve email, wurde abschließend getestet 🙂 Die Übertragungsraten waren ebenfalls sehr hoch und so dürft Ihr Euch wieder auf Emails von uns freuen, wenn wir auf hoher See unterwegs sind 🙂 Mal wieder ist es gelungen eine hervorragende Installation zu liefern. It is already the second Intsallation, die so gut funktioniert 🙂