Since this afternoon would take off my flight back to Germany, was another dive this morning unfortunately not possible. So when I could not even look out at the water for fish, then we wanted to do on the water just. So we sat ready on time at ten-thirty, to go with the camera on whaling. Finally change, mit einem Boot sind wir ja schon ewig nicht mehr unterwegs gewesen 🙂
Around Madeira, there are relatively many whales. Sorry, we had seen no, as we were traveling with our SUMMER. Last week, almost 500 Been spotted off our port three sei whales meters. The animals up to 18 Be meters long and weigh between 20 and 30 Tons. Unfortunately we had let this special opportunity and made no boat trip since we did not know, that the whale-watching boats launch directly from our harbor. Now we wanted but some games a try. Let's see, if we were lucky.
Normally the boat operator gets information from a so-called “Spotter”, located on land on a mountain and scans the sea with a powerful binocular. Unfortunately, today was the view rather moderate and thus we were on our own. After a short time we were able to find. In the distance we saw another whale watching boat, that a large group observed pilot whales. This can be adopted by our coming not fazed.
So we had the opportunity, long good fifteen minutes to watch the animals right on the boat. The pilot whales are also “Grindwal” stated. They can be up to eight feet long and weigh up to three tons. In our group, the largest animal was about five feet long and very impressive imposing. In addition, there was also a calf, that always remained close to his mother.
After this first success we went in search of other animals. Unfortunately wanted the dolphins, are quite common in this area were well on the way, not show today. For us it was not so bad, dolphins because we had quite often seen. For the other holidaymakers, who were traveling with us, did us but sorry.
But if only the rapid travel in the well be motorized boat was a pleasure, take a bit of roller coaster. A little further away from the land of the east wind had already rebuilt light waves, die mit zunehmendem Bootsspeed wie Sprungrampen wirkten 🙂
On the way back we met our Grindwalfamilie after once. There are simply beautiful and impressive animals. On closer observation we were sure, that it was not the first pilot whales, we had seen. On our way to Lisbon, we were surprised us over the lazy dolphins, who came to our boat in the past sunrise but very slowly and leisurely. For Dolphins, it would certainly have been slowly, aber Grindwale sind wohl immer viel gemütlicher unterwegs 🙂
Back in the harbor it was then first goodbye. The bags were packed and I was on my way to cold Germany. We had cleaned out properly in the last week. My luggage consisted of a huge bag filled with warm clothing, that were clearly redundant on board, and one of our two folding bikes. After much back-and-forth we decide, but not take the bikes, because they do take a lot of space below deck. Also, my backpack was filled to bursting with other things, were not required on board. So packed like a beast of burden, Dietmar took me to the airport. Wait for me in Germany ten event- and busy days.