To Vilamoura, close to Faro drove us, the largest city in the Algarve, that has unfortunately not own port. So we made today with the bus on the way. Almost a three-quarters of an hour we gondelten through various hotel castles and villages, Faro until we finally reached.
Our goal was the German Honorary Consulate. It was time again, somewhat annoying paperwork to do. When we found the address on the Internet, were we more than happy. Somehow we feared already, Once again as in the last year, having to travel to Lisbon.
According to the Internet research was our goal close to the railway station. A not really inviting district, There were houses on its streets more or less dilapidated. Not five minutes later we were faced with the specified address. If it is correct, were we at least ten years too late. Das Haus war zum Abriss freigegeben 🙁
Very strange. You explained to us in the neighbouring PC shop, that there should be a street with the same name even further outside. To keep our appointment, war jetzt ein Taxi angebracht 🙁 Der Taxifahrer wollte uns zuerst einfach wieder dorthin schicken, where we just had come from. But so easily we could not get rid of us.
So we can overtake directions in Portuguese for the cab driver directly at the Consulate. You will help, where you can :-). Und dann waren wir auch endlich auf dem Weg 🙂
Not half an hour later we had done everything and once approved us a second breakfast, before we walked back to the Centre. In contrast our way led to the railway station district but due to much appealing areas and the old city centre next to the small motor boat Harbour (not for sailing boats, Driveway is dry) was really pretty.
But in the midday heat, we wanted to not stroll through the city. Also we had to go to the train station, to buy the tickets for our trip there to Lisbon Airport. Tomorrow we will make a little trip--and come back on Friday.
Wohin wird aber noch nicht verraten 🙂 Vielleicht veröffentliche ich Euch ja morgen mal ein Bild, dann könnt Ihr gern raten 🙂 Und der Grund unseres Ausfluges???? Da müsst Ihr Euch leider auch noch ein bisschen gedulden 🙂 Man soll ja nicht über ungelegte Eier reden 🙂
Jetzt bin ich aber ganz schön gespannt, wohin der Kurztripp geht und über den Grund hierfür.