Friday 6. June: The ringing of the alarm clock to 6:00 was very unusual, because we have become accustomed in recent weeks because, just as long to sleep, open up the eyes of its own. Not so today, since we need run-off flood, to speedily reach the North Sea with the flow. About 7:00 it was cast off and down into the lock of Ipswhich Harbour. The lock keeper was once again very friendly, as it apparently is the type of Englishman early in the morning. With perfect weather and plenty of sunshine, we went quickly to the Orwell River downstream, again towards the North Sea. In addition to the steering wheel was a steaming cup of coffee and a delicious bagel for breakfast.
The way to the open sea leads directly to “Roughs Tower” past. Originally this was a military naval fortress from the Second World War. In the 60s were from the Tower “Pirate Broadcaster” operated. 1965 Paddy Roy Bates has the Tower to independent principality “Sealand” proclaimed and appointed himself and his wife (a former Miss England) to unrestricted rulers. It even has its own currency. It's worth it at WIKIPEDIA even have to read the eventful history. The vintage 1965 scheint besonders gut gewesen zu sein 🙂
After a nice day of sailing we are on the recommendation of a sailor, we have come to know in the Suffolk Marina, been run in the Hamford River. A short time later the anchor and 35m chain were then applied and we hung securely on the “Hook”.
Actually, the man had told the truth. Left and right emerged from us 5 funny and hairy fellows from the floods on. It's just a completely different number, when you meet the animals in the wild. The joy was enormous and we had the best evening program, that you could wish for.
With these pictures we went early in the bunk. At least my confidence in the anchor was large enough, that I could sleep well. In the night we had a thunderstorm and again much wind between 15-18 Node. Our Summer has certainly pretty on the chain “danced” Katja and hardly slept. The only thing was was something to me in the stomach, I in the bilge in the engine compartment ca. 10 Liters of seawater had to pump out. As the water came only in the ship? Engine and sea valves were tight. Solution: The seals of the lockers are not tight enough, if sailing is too much sea water over the deck.
Saturday: Anchor up and breakfast on lake. So it was this morning. Our destination was the Marina “Burnham Yacht Harbour” in the “River Crouch”. After this crossing we decided, more intensively to set us apart with the topic of weather and route planning. Were announced 3-4 Beaufort and Boen with 5-6 Wind strengths. According to the motto “already fits” and it is eaten as hot nothing, as it is cooked, I have also made me not have to worry more. Katja slept below deck and I actually had everything pretty well under control. The mainsail was reefed in time and the heeling of the boat (Angle) was thus in the green area. Eventually we went, however, go. The Coast Guard began for commercial shipping warnings for strong winds (Galewarning) and high threshold (Dünung) Send to. The high point we reached at 11:00 resistant than the display 25-30 Knots of wind speed indicated. The wind was in the right against the current and then causes short and high waves. Unfortunately, we had to sail exactly counterclaims, as in Lee (Windschatteseite) numerous shoals were. It was very wet and the deck was constantly flooded by seawater. Katja came sometime on deck and said only: “I find it not so bad today! Probably I'm already hardened….”
At exactly 16:50 we then created our Summer at the dock B40. After an investor beer and a visit to the harbor master a little trip on foot was hot in the city. The swell in the legs has made us very to create now. Ich hatte ständig das Gefühl mich an irgendetwas festhalten zu müssen 🙂 Nach der Rückkehr an Bord hat unsere Sumsi eine ausgiebige Süsswasserdusche bekommen. As a sort of compensation for the salty crossing!
About the city and the harbor lay a mantle of silence and peace. Once again, making a sense of “here I want to stay” wide. So similar it feels good to, when someone is in harmony with the world. Simply beautiful!