For today, according to the weather we had the perfect weather for the trip to Ramsgate: Wind 3-4 aus West, later turning on Southwest. In bis Boo 5. Clear and sunny, no rain.
After detailed consideration of the tides, we wanted to go at nine clock, so in the evening we reach Ramsgate also run-in water. So it was at half past eight: Cast off and shortly diesel bunker on the other side of the harbor. After we had finally made it, to find the harbor master and fill our tank again, a policeman came to our boat: „Good morning, I`ll check your boat“ J Ok, we have nothing to hide and smuggled we do not have. Then new items, with the young man in the parlor. An endless form later we were released with best wishes again. With half an hour late, we went out into the river Chrouch. From the promised 3 Wind speeds was unfortunately only one half-site. Good, we thought, then we can finally try the Parasailor. When all the lines were ready prepared, then stood still over suddenly 12 Wind accounts on the display so repacked L-what the heck. So it does not rust at least one.
With a good pace we followed our planned route. But then around noon we witnessed, that slowly moved in together dark clouds around us. The wind fell asleep. On the prima! Yet appeared on our boat the sun, So we decided to an extended lunch break with Angel insert (unfortunately unsuccessful) and waited for what, were to come. They came but - thank God - not. The wind can again, the clouds broke up and before us came a wind farm in sight, I had overlooked in my probably planning. How annoying L So we put a new route laid on a flat. Driving over flat spots, which are at Tide to sandbanks, is simply nothing for my nerves. Although the water depth would have been definitely adequate for our 2m draft, I kept to the other side breath.
The last quarter of the way it felt the wind but then again pretty "good" with us. Or maybe it was a single, lasting three hours with gust 20 Node, which blew us quickly to our port. Once again, it was much more strenuous than we had planned. With more than seven knots speed on wind, against a short, bolt steep and high North Sea wave , shoveling hundreds of gallons of salty North Sea water over the deck. For the last 4 Nautical miles to the buoy we enjoyed the trip under engine. Shortly after eight o'clock we were alongside the western bridge in Ramsgate 5 Mooring securely moored.