Today we can all tackle time a little more comfortable. Yesterday's sailing has yet pretty geschlaucht us. So sleep and nice breakfast, but not English :-). The galley had scrambled eggs and bagels on offer, served with fresh fruit, Tired of tea and coffee.
Had frittered After we read some time and write emails, it was time, finally to explore the area further away. Quick unfolds the wheels and on the lake. After more than two weeks in England, we expected us good chances of survival in left-hand traffic from. About two hours we rode back and forth across the area. Es war toll, to be traveling by bicycle once again. Although I'm sure, I will surely regret it tomorrow. Unfortunately, none led the way we tried then ultimately to the sea. But that was not really matter. The journey was the reward. Und der war für den ersten Tag mehr als ausreichend 🙂
On the way back we stumbled by chance on an enchanting, old church with a dilapidated graveyard called “St. Mary The Virgin”. Inside the church we received the friendliest. Two Lady led us right through the entire interior and told us all the special features and historical background. When we told them both, that we would travel by sailboat around the world and England is our first stage, we were supplied directly with excursions for the next days. Only after we had entered our guestbook and handed over a business card from us, durften wir weiterradeln 🙂 Es ist immer wieder schön, to meet such nice and interested people. This happens mostly surprising and unexpected!
Conclusion of the day:
Even though I have long been the butt not hurt so much as it is today has (and Dietmar felt the same way), it was a great day. Why we were before so rare with the wheel on the way, will give me less and less clear. Ab jetzt machen wir das öfters und zwei neue bequemere Fahrradsättel stehen seit heute auch ganz oben auf der Wunschliste 🙂