Sometimes a rainy day, exactly, what you need. For sailors, it would be optimal, to combine a rainy day with a good Internet connection. Now it's been ten clock and it is still not succeeded me, upload all pictures. To eleven clock I'll still try, then it goes into the trap. Morning at six clock we set off towards Carmaret, our first real Atlantic Station.
Today was through and through a lazy day. After a late breakfast we had indeed move the boat, but that we are making now with the left. The night we spent alone in a double box and now the berth holders of the second mooring was returned. He had to find, that in addition to our thick SUMMER unfortunately there was no room for a second boat. Sehr peinlich 🙂
Now we are back alongside the MENTOR by Wolfgang and Waltraud. Very handy, as we were invited for a sundowner at the two of them. Sundowner way you can drink very well without sunset, with would of course have been even nicer.
Even at noon, we had used the new neighborhood, to discuss the next day's course and resolve technical hiccups along. This is simply much nicer than always alone. Beautiful, that we store tomorrow at six clock with the same destination port.