What should I wear only???? This typically female question tormented not only me, After we had made the ride in a day for the next day. Auf Reiten waren wir an Bord irgendwie nicht eingestellt 🙂
But the next morning we had found something both, the is “horse riding suitable” felt. If our assessment was right, würde sich dann im Laufe des Tages zeigen 🙂
With the car we drove today tomorrow then more directly directly to the stud by patio. To 9: 30 we would meet our guide Diogo and the other fellow riders Alex. Of the two only best had been reported us. It was after a short briefing on the route then finally, our horses.
With or. on this young lady, I should spend the day today: At “Diana” was the name of the program, a little Princess as she stood in the beech. One of the best "Cruzado Portuguese" Mares of the Azores, cute, reliable and willing.
Also Dietmar would spend the day with a young lady, except here I hope the name would not program. “Devil” described on the Internet as the cool lady, a black beauty without stable airs. That sounded so promising.
The starting point of our day's ride was not of Justice but, but a coupling in the West of the island. Two horses had spent there the last night. So, we invited the two ladies on the trailer behind the Land Rover and drove off. At an intersection somewhere in the nowhere Diogo parked the trailer. On the other side of the road, we could make out two horse heads in the thicket. Die beiden warteten schon ungeduldig auf ihr Frühstück 🙂
After a good portion pellets were cleaned all horses and saddle. After the last declarations, it was then: Upgrade and get rid of. Good, that the “Cruzado Portuguese” not so great are advised. So we both were no more embarrassments in the saddle.
Riding is somehow but as “Cycling”, man verlernt es nicht 🙂 So folgten wir erst einmal der Hauptstraße, What was not a problem with the really safe horses (not for cars, TRUCK or even garbage truck :-)) This gave us a good feeling ever. Unfortunately you never know, how well horses are trained, until you're really on it.
Then it was on to sand- and gravel roads to the sea. Diogo shows us many beautiful corners of the island, die wir ohne ihn wahrscheinlich nie gefunden hätten 🙂 Auch die Trab- and Gallop tracks were well chosen. The horses went forward willingly and diligently, could be kept but also easily again, What is unfortunately not always of course, as we well know from your own experience.
Unfortunately, I got always the dirt in the face as the last rider at the end of the Group. Aber einer muss ja wohl hinten reiten 🙂 Ich unterstelle den Herren mal keinen Vorsatz, was die Einteilung der Reihenfolge angeht 🙂
After three hours I knew slowly no longer, auf welchen Teilen meines Popos ich noch sitzen sollte 🙂 Gut, It was time for the lunch break. From our saddle bags we could conjure up today a decent picnic :-). Our picnic was in the immediate vicinity of the lighthouse, the we had yesterday already visited. So we renounced a repetition of the museum visit and were lazy in the Sun, While there formed Alex Fort. This place is the westernmost point of Europe, by the way. But politically not very correctly Faial is located just on the European continental plate, Meanwhile, Flores and Corvo in the West on the American plate located. The African plate is located in the South of the Azores. All plates are drifting apart to 2, 5 cm per year and the Azores in the Centre are you should urgently complete earthquake insurance for his house. Sounds maybe strange, but is so!
After a one hour rest for riders and horses we continued to the end of the world, more specifically in the village of Norte Pequeno and the bar “FIM do Mundo”.
Here we came up again and have been hosting quite excellent local products. The island of Sao Jorge cheese was very tasty, Fortunately, our next goal is :-. The men enjoyed also the one or the other beer is (but only in very small bottles ;-))
Our horses enjoy the rest. Sunk to the belly in the green stuff, they could appease their hunger finally. Vorhin am Vulkan war für sie nicht wirklich was zu holen gewesen 🙂
After about an hour we reached the crossroads again with the coupling. This time the other two were allowed to go home with horse, Diana and Devil remained all alone in the forest. The two obviously enjoyed their freedom, and after the extensive rolling a few funny buck jumps were in there.
We were not so dynamic. While we helped on the farm away to clear just the gear, were then glad, go back to the Marina. A hot shower and then the weary limbs stretch out, mehr wünschten wir uns heute nicht mehr 🙂
Katja Love,
mit Freude haben wir euren Bericht gelesen. Steuert den Kurs eurer SY Summer so, dass es Euch immer wieder zu uns führt. Wir wünschen Euch eine tollkühne und genussvolle Weiterreise!
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