Category Archives: Preparations

Home leave – Part 1

Irgendwie bin ich vor fast drei Wochen ja sehr schnell und kommentarlos von der Bildfläche verschwunden. Ich hatte mir zwar fest vorgenommen, direkt nach meiner Ankunft in Deutschland einen Blog zu schreiben, aber manchmal ist man einfach nicht in der richtigen Stimmung 🙂 Da sitzt man vor demleeren Blattund weiß nicht was man schreiben soll. Denn der Grund für meinen Urlaub vom Urlaub sind wahrscheinlich für ganz viele von Euch nicht nachvollziehbar: ich hatte Heimweh.

Noch keine zwei Monate in der Karibik angekommen und mit traumhaften Stränden, türkisblauem Wasser und herrlichem Wetter gesegnet, fehlte mir der Winter. Schon die Weihnachtstage waren zwar sehr schön, fühlten sich aber doch irgendwie merkwürdig an. Richtige Weihnachtsstimmung wollte bei 30° bei mir einfach nicht aufgekommen. Kein selbstgebackener Weihnachtskeks, kein Weihnachtsbaum, nicht einmal eine Weihnachtspalme 🙂

Da half nur eins: zurück nach Deutschland und etwas Winter tanken mit allem was dazu gehört. Kälte, Schnee, Regen und Matsch, aber auch gemütliche Abende mit der Familie oder Freunden, Sauna, leckeres typisch-deutsches Winteressen und natürlich große Mengen an Kaffee zusammen bei langen Frauengesprächen 🙂

In den letzten drei Wochen konnte ich meineWinterakkuswieder aufladen und bin jetzt wieder bereit für Sonne und Meer 🙂 Die Zeit habe ich diesmal nicht nur in Leverkusen und Umgebung verbracht, sondern auch einen Ausflug in den hohen Norden unternommen 🙂 Neben meinen “old” Freundinnen Sabine und Andrea stand auch ein Besuch bei Dietmars Schwester Andrea auf dem Programm. Und auch bei lieben Seglerfreunden aus dem Jahr 2014 war ich zu Gast. Jana und Alia von der SY JOY OF Life, Waltraud und Wolfgang von der SY Mentor und Violetta und Martin von der SY Ganescha hatten sich Zeit für ein Treffen genommen 🙂 Leider war der Zeitplan recht eng, aber ich habe jede Minute genossen 🙂

Egal wo ich war 🙂 hatte man sich kräftig ins Zeug gelegt und ich wurde nach Strich und Faden verwöhnt. Good, dass sich die Übergepäckregelung am Flughafen nur auf Gepäckstücke bezieht und der Fluggast selber nicht auf die Waage muss 🙂 Das würde wahrscheinlich teuer werden 🙂

Ganz besonders genieße ich unser Badezimmer 🙂 mit der Badewanne. Das ist zwar nicht jedermanns Sache, für mich aber ein großer Genuss. Auch beim Duschen kommt das Wasser direkt warm und in vernünftiger Menge aus dem Hahn. Das ist in Marinaduschen keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Auch die Sauberkeit habe ich selbst in der Hand und wenn ich die Tür zu machen, bin ich ganz alleine 🙂

Mein erste Besuch im Supermarkt führte leider dazu, dass ich das Waschpulver, das ich eigentlich kaufen wollte, vergaß und mit einem ganzen Korb voller ungesunder und kalorienreicher Dinge wieder Zuhause ankam 🙂 Beim nächsten Mal war dann wenigstens auch Waschmittel unter meinen Einkäufen. Sicherheitshalber habe ich danach keinen Supermarkt mehr besucht, die Verlockungen sind einfach zu groß.

Für unsere weitere Reiseplanung konnte ich drei Wochen lang das gesamte Internet von recht auf links drehen :-), entspannt auf der Couch ohne Angst vor meiner Telefonrechnung und mit angenehmer Geschwindigkeit. Ein Luxus, den mal erst zu schätzen weiß, wenn man ihn nicht mehr hat 🙂 Jetzt freue ich mich aber, die ganzen Pläne in die Wirklichkeit umzusetzen. Denn mit jedem Tag in Deutschland wächst auch wieder die Reiselust und die Neugier auf Neues.




Men time – Technology and lots of TLC


Katja is now already for almost two weeks in Germany and spends time with her family, Friends and horses. Before she departed, she has me a decent list with some quite tricky “homework” to hand over, so it will not be the man on board in the Marina Bas-Du-Fort boring. After the nearly 2 Years to travel with her husband at times exhausting, it was once again time, to define the standards of our trip again and align then fit new. The joy and the desire for new destinations and adventure does no abort, but rather increases or desire. With the outlook, after all, the views and perspectives on everything that is going on around you also change. In any case, we're looking forward to that 8. February 2016, wenn ich Katja in Antigua wieder an Bord habe und Ihr dann die vielen neuen Errungenschaften und Verbesserungen an unserer CESARINA präsentieren werde. Außerdem feiern wir dann am 22. Februar unser 15. jähriges Zusammensein. Hab sie immer noch so lieb wie am ersten Tag 🙂


Eigentlich hatte ich mich mit meinem alten Kumpel Martin für eine Woche Segeln und Tauchen verabredet. Die Freude darauf war beiderseitig groß bis zu seinem Anruf. Gesundheitliche Probleme ließen unsere Pläne wie eine Seifenblase platzen und die Enttäuschung war ganz besonders auf Martins Seite sehr groß. Allein wollte ich auch nicht segeln, weil mir das Schiff bei den Anlegemanövern einfach zu groß ist. Und es zu riskieren, meine geliebte CESARINA zu beschädigen, kommt für mich nicht in Frage. Somit hatte ich wieder Zeit für meine lange Liste an Aufgaben.

Eine gute Gelegenheit für mich, meiner langjährigen und auf Dauer auch ruinösen Lieblingsbeschäftigung zu frönen. Die zahlreichen Yachtausrüster verführen einen ja schon direkt sich eingehend mit den angebotenen Leckereien zu befassen und bereits schon beim Aufrüsten des Einkaufwagens eine Argumentationsmatrix für die Notwendigkeit der Produkte gegenüber der Chefin zurecht zu legen. Darin bin ich aber geübt und kann das auch schon ziemlich gut 🙂 Nur als ich den kompletten Bestand an “Height”-Paint had cleared out of the shelf and have asked the seller at the counter, I wondered it myself, if I had, it might not again somewhat exaggerated. Had I but also immediately in discussion with other yachties, who probably wondered, where I or let it all. will process. In general, the recognition and appreciation among boat owners quite large, if someone makes zoom to the painting of wooden constructions. The smell of fresh paint is attractive and the gloss on the fine woods just beautiful. That's how it is, if you have a true classic. A lot of work, much joy and much TLC (Abbreviation of “Tender Loving Care”).




After three days I had about 30 Journal sandpaper consumed, 6 worked up brush and 3 Liter “high brilliant varnish” painted. the cockpit, the deckhouse, the cover strips, the table, the stairs in decline, the windows and the doors I have from first- or. abraded and 2-3 times painted with glossy paint. Previously, I had cordoned off with tape access to the ship, so just no one can accidently step on the surfaces. Partly it looked after grinding, as if someone has dumped a bag of flour over the CESARINA. The result has become really convincing to a very large extent. It looks, than if the timber is under a thick layer of clear water. One can partly truly reflect the fact. So slowly I am learning, how to make a perfect “Finish” and perfect surfaces hinbekommt. Ein Jahr weiter und dann werden auch noch die letzten Fehlerstellen ausgebessert sein 🙂 Lackieren ist wirklich alles andere als trivial. But it's very satisfying, if the result is correct.



On the days in between, I installed a fan over our bunk during the day. That was at the top of Katja's list, because when the air is in the boat at night, it gets pretty stuffy and hot. This means, that the woman sleeps badly and is not in a good mood the next morning. It's not good for the man at all. The next big construction site was our air conditioning. We have two of them on board and the one for the salon was unfortunately out of action. Whenever I look at the tangle of pipes, engines, Pumps and hoses, they cast deep built-in inside plant, I have the door closed and the same rate again. Too complex and confusing, To deal with it in detail. Today then was the technician of the company ICEBERG aboard, to solder a crack in the piping of the gas supply of the compressor, to evacuate the plant after that and be filled with a special gas, and ultimately to take the unit into operation. The day before, I had already isolated and expanded the whole unit from the water circuit. Also I already had a new water pump for the secondary circuit incorporated. A backup of the control was to renew and after two hours of joint work we started then the device. The result was overwhelming! From the ventilation slots in the salon, There was cold air in the bathroom and bedchamber! Almost jumped out of his pants for joy and the technician also had the big grin on his face. Now I have finally understood the system and then properly wired and screwed it again. It can go on like this!


To celebrate the day, I installed a loudspeaker for our VHF radio with Martin's help over the phone. Now we can finally follow important messages in the cockpit and don't always have to go to the radio below deck. In addition to a lot of other work on the ship in almost all areas, the list is almost finished. But a big task is still waiting, to be done. In Martinique we had a gas alarm on board in the middle of the day. The reason for this was our batteries, that were charged by one of our two chargers with a voltage that was far too high. 27,6 Volt is the absolute highest voltage that our batteries can handle. With the displayed 32 Volts start to gas the batteries and go dead in a very short time, when they are then dried out. Thank goodness we noticed that in time. So the VICTRON charger is gone! Tomorrow the new device will finally be delivered, that I before 10 Days at Solarshop in Aiblingen / Bavaria. Twice the performance, High-frequency technology and that with the same dimensions as the old device. Mr. Lardy is there, the managing director and has settled really over backward, that all hurdles such as customs and shipping were taken. This I will then install itself and I am looking forward already huge. Every day, one learns that, and that alone keeps me at least in a good mood and momentum:-) I'm curious, What is Katja say to all….


but the evening entertainment was just as great and diverse as it did the entire day. Frank from the SY Jucunda, who had also arrived here with his brother Stefan and all our sailing friend Kai day before Katie's departure, had before, to treat his ship here a new underwater paint. It was really fun, to drive the ship together to the boat lift and put it on land there. In the evenings we were mostly out and about together and had a lot of fun together. A few days ago Peter and Petra from SY MERIDIAN took me to go shopping and in the evening we had dinner together. Yesterday I met Regina and Matthias from SY JASINA. The two come from Lübeck and Hamburg and sail on their ETAP 32 already since 3 Years through world history Another beautiful evening with loved ones and very interesting and meaningful conversations. The last few days I have once again felt very comfortable and in good hands. It's just like that, that I need this community and it's very nice, to exchange ideas with other people and to spend time.

On Friday my old friend Maik from Los Angelos will land here. We already plan 31 I learned the trade of glass apparatus builder together in the same company for many years. Maik emigrated to America shortly afterwards and has his company “Glassware” founded, which he still manages successfully today. We never lost touch and I'm really looking forward to our time together here on board. We will cast off here on Saturday and will be sailing for a week, Dive and have fun together. We are almost like brothers and I am very happy, that maybe I can teach Maik something about sailing. What could be better than a tour with friends? At least I'll try, that we have a great time. Everything else arises!


Karibik für Anfänger

Martinique liegt zwar in der Karibik, ist aber ein Teil von Frankreich. So findet man hier sozusagen: Karibik light 🙂
Man bezahlt mit Euro. Das ist natürlich sehr angenehm und erspart einem das Umrechnen mit dem Faktor 2,8. Das im Kopf zu rechnen ist schon recht anspruchsvoll. Die Preise sind moderat und weder vom Nasenfaktor des Verkäufers noch von der Hautfarbe des Käufers abhängig. Außerdem bekommt man auf der Insel fast alles, was das Herz begehrt 🙂 Und gibt es keine Boatboys, die einem dauernd etwas verkaufen wollen. Somit liefert aber auch niemand mehr direkt ans Boot. Das ist eigentlich etwas schade 🙂
Die Straßen sind in einem guten Zustand, es gibt Verkehrsschilder, Speed ​​limits and fortunately one is driving on the "correct" side of the road. That was enough of a reason, to convince us, rent a car here.
The disadvantage of the French "colony" is however, that many people speak little to no English. Now we had to muddle through with our French rather badly.
In the morning right after breakfast we picked up our rental car. That was a real challenge, because the rental car station in the marine center had moved and everyone, that we asked had never heard of her. On the other hand, orientation on Martinique's streets was child's play. Past the capital Fort-de-France, it went on a small winding road into the mountains and the rainforest. Our first stop was in Batala-Touret, where a scaled-down replica of the famous Parisian Sacre Coeur cathedral can be seen. Well, but we weren't particularly enthusiastic about it, but good. You can find photos in the picture galleries, then you can get your own picture :-). But the view of Fort-de-France was very nice.
But the rainforest, which pulled up the steep mountain slopes to the right and left of the road, was wonderful. Again and again streams crossed the road and low-hanging clouds with rain showers made it clear, that the name says it all.
In the far north we actually wanted to drive up to the island's volcano, but shrouded in dense clouds. Entering 19. Century was the trigger of a disaster, in the former capital St. Pierre completely destroyed and 30.000 People were killed. St. Pierre was at this time the Paris of the Caribbean and the People, who lived at the foot of the volcano, underestimated the danger. At the 4. More 1902 a 7.52 AM was the city of a 150 overrun kph and 2000 ° hot lava avalanche. Even the ships caught fire in the port and the windows melted together into clumps. The residents had no chance, and burnt to ashes in minutes.
Part of the ruins is still very well preserved, such as the old theater or the prison. Here were the helpers, after the volcanic eruption to St. Pierre kamen, the only survivors. The man was in prison and after three days he was badly burned and half starved to be released. It's always amazing, die das Schicksal so spielt 🙂
The city never recovered from the volcanic eruption and is sadly rather dilapidated. Nevertheless we found a nice restaurant, in which we enjoyed a delicious lunch. Then it went back along the coast to Le Marin. The mainsail was due to be delivered at four o'clock, to which the sailmaker Garvin from NORTH SAILS still had to sew the mast slides. While Dietmar took care of the sail, I wanted to use our luxury car to do some extensive grocery shopping. Here in Martinique there is the supermarket chain Carrefour and after that, what we heard, The choice should be wide and the prices (by Caribbean standards) be small.
Am Abend waren wir dann noch mit Ralf und Sylvia von der SY FELUKA verabredet. Die Beiden haben auch an der ARC teilgenommen und bleiben bis Ende der Saison in der Karibik. Schon in Saint Lucia hatten wir am selben Steg gelegen, aber ein Treffen hatte sich nie ergeben. Das würde jetzt aber auch mal Zeit 🙂 und natürlich war es ein lustiger Abend. Wir freuen uns schon auf ein Wiedersehen.

A Black Friday – in every relation

Somehow this Friday was not probably our day. It was also Friday the 13! But so far in our life this date has still been no cause for alarm. The next Friday 13. werden wir sicher etwas skeptischer entgegen treten 🙂

It started right after breakfast, though the radiant sunshine a good start to the day promised.

We still expect a package from Germany. Our passports with US visas and some little things have been around for almost two weeks on the way to us. Since Monday the package at customs stuck. Today then was finally time, to take the whole thing more closely. In order to perform such calls, reichte unser Spanisch aber ganz sicher nicht aus 🙂 So war ich froh, dass das ARC-Büro mir Unterstützung angeboten hatte 🙂 So dauerte es nur eine geschlagene Stunde um herauszufinden, that our package is on the way to us though, but you could not say exactly, where it was and certainly not, when it would arrive here. But the probability is very high, that would land it in Gran Canaria before the start of the ARC. Those were wonderful prospects, da brauchte ich mir ja keine Sorgen machen 🙂 Und wozu brauchen wir auch schon Reisepässe 🙂

Back on the CESARINA I met Dietmar in very dark mood. How actually every day he had telephoned with North Sails, to clarify the exact date of arrival of our new sailing. We had received a firm commitment from the beginning of the week, that they had been sent from England on Monday and waited eagerly for the tracking number. Imports of goods to the Canaries is quite special and complicated, as had some of the customs in advance to be clarified. So far we had but North Sails nor can report no tracking number. The reasons were not understandable for us and it crept over the days feel uneasy a. Today we wanted to finally know the truth. So Dietmar starting a true phone attack both in Belgium at the sales office as well as in England at the production site.

At about three clock in the afternoon then was made final: There was no sailing for our CESARINA. The manufacturing plant in England had never received a production order. Alle Telefonate und alle bis heute erhaltenen Informationen waren Schall und Rauch 🙁 nur leere Worte und Lügen.

What should we say, We were totally floored. Due to a recommendation we decided, to order not in Jan-sailing in Germany. Now we are left without a sail. The old sailing we had brought to the sailmaker on Wednesday, damit dieser sie entsorgen sollte 🙂 Was nun? Rowing is truly no alternative.

So we introduced our next way to the sailmaker. Perhaps the disaster was indeed to prevent yet. And Lo and behold, the owner told us relaxed, that they would always dispose sailing only, if the boat had left the port with new sails. A very clever approach, the evidence of a lot of experience. Since we are probably not the first, must make such experiences.

But the day had yet another terrible news ready for us. Late afternoon found himself “Jerry, The Rigger” with us aboard one ordered for Riggcheck.



With his assistant, they took everything very closely examined and unfortunately they were successful: a crack in the mast, directly at the level of first Sailing. With which we can not sail. That needs to be fixed first. This will certainly be a scarce number, until the start of the ARC next Sunday. The ship has to be repaired from the water, and then maybe even the mast be drawn. So this is nothing with a relaxed last week in Gran Canaria. In my mind I stressed before the island tour, I would like to still have companies. Maybe then the next time…..

Our mood had now reached the nadir. Kerstin and Thomas from Munich, who today paid us a visit on a holiday afternoon, sat pretty scared in the middle of chaos. That would probably no longer be with the planned nice evening together, while the afternoon but had started quite promising.



So they decided to, better to leave us this evening alone. Much was also really no more to do with us.

We both had once digest. Now participation in the ARC is suddenly on shaky legs, quite apart from all the work and stress, who would come to us. We also had definitely once the noses painted full. After a big dose of Tortellini (Noodles do just happy) I retreated with a good book to bed. Dietmar tried to the ARC opening party distract something, but he was definitely not in a celebratory mood. Shortly before eleven he was back.

After a restless night with many confused dreams and thoughts of a shock followed in the morning. At about eight we received the news of the attacks in Paris. Very quickly moved the crack in the mast in the background. So we both sat silent and stunned at breakfast. Again Paris it had met, a town in the heart of Europe. Our deepest sympathies go to the families of the victims and many injured. Our problems appeared to us in the face of such a tragedy suddenly small and unimportant. That could certainly take care of everything, because there were only just yet “Luxury Problems”.

You never stop learning :-)

Today the seminar program of the ARC began. Actually, all seminars were interesting and relevant for us, but we decided, to distribute the seminars as much as possible on both weeks.


Nevertheless, today there were four seminars on the program. They started in the morning with ten clock “Emergency Management”. Here all the contingencies were discussed, wishing we absolutely avoid: Mastbruch, Rowing break, Man Overboard…… diverse unpleasant scenarios were raised. Although we are still certainly try, to avoid such situations, we know now, how we can better deal with it. Das ist doch auch schon mal was 🙂

After that, it was very hands: “Jerry, The Rigger” talked about the rig. The rig is and everything fixed the mast itself the pole and the tree in the desired location on the ship. Das ist nach dem Rumpf und der Ruderanlage das wichtigste Teil an einem Segelboot 🙂 So sollte man sich immer gut darum kümmern und immer ein Auge drauf haben 🙂 Nach diesem Vortrag ist mir noch einmal mehr klar geworden, that I wanted to make the offer of the ARC Rigg check necessarily. Before the lunch break, we wore our CESARINA in the list.

After lunch we went to a very important topic. Namely how to not starve within three weeks on the Atlantic crossing. I'm actually still so far been very relaxed. In an Excel list, I once had a rough estimate,, I wanted so shopping for three people for three weeks foods. War eigentlich nicht so wild 🙂 Im Seminar wurden dann aber komische Probleme auf den Tisch gebracht. “What are they doing, if you can not cook, d.h. For example, have no more gas? Take enough food with, they can also eat raw”. Hmmm…… with a little patience and a lot of water, you can also eat them raw noodles yes. But still not really convinced me. But I decided to take a different approach. You probably drive off with two full gas cylinders and also check once stove and Zuleitunggen. Dann sollte doch eigentlich fast nichts mehr schief gehen können 🙂

Something scares me but had a sample calculation of the amount of food for the crossing for a crew of four. Since were 30 Listed kilo pasta or rice. 30 Kilo????? Who is that supposed to eat anything????

At the end of the afternoon there was advice “Down-Wind-Sailing”. Because we sail across the Atlantic with the trade wind, dh.hoffentlich all the time with a tailwind. Unfortunately we had to wait until the very end because of a power failure to the many insightful pictures to illustrate, but we still got a few good tips on the way.

As evening program the ARC had a workshop for “Two-man crews” auf dem Programm 🙂 Da waren wir sehr gespannt, whether here a few interesting suggestions were still getting to. But after 18 Monaten auf Tour hatte das Seminar uns fast nichts Neues zu bieten 🙂 Und auch Konfliktbewältigung haben wir während der Zeit ganz hervorragend gelernt – In theory at least.

During the last seminar we got talking with Micha and Sabina of SY ANYWAY SAILING. They both want to start next year and visit already the seminars of the ARC. We held our interesting conversation spontaneously during dinner at the Pier 19 and after that on the next CESARINA. Maybe we'll meet then end 2016 in der Karibik 🙂



Finally back shortwave :-)

In ARC office lists hanging for various specialists from, where you can still make an appointment to correct problems or to install new equipment before departure. Schon seit letzter Woche standen wir bei auf dem Zettel 🙂 Leider hatten aber die Boote der ARC+ Vorrang. After they had turned their backs on Las Palmas yesterday, we are finally on the series. Directly on Monday morning it was time. Time knocked at nine clock Jörg to the ship's side and went for a coffee, the two men set to work.

I undressed during which a precaution in the salon and devoted myself planning our further trip. On my to-do list was still namely the acquisition of some host country flags. Therefore, one should then have likely ever, in welche Länder und zu welchen Inseln man eigentlich noch segeln würde 🙂

Outside the gentlemen care to our first Achterstagantenne.


After a trip in the air, Jörg then disappeared into the depths of our locker. Here the ground had to be applied over a large area by means of Ground Paint.


Then, of course, had to postponed various cables, the tuner and ultimately the unit will be connected. 10000 Things, that I really have no idea. Good, that we had a professional on board.

Gegen Abend gab unsere Anlage dann die ersten Lebenszeichen von sich 🙂


The first voice connections were despite the disturbing harbor environment (too many masts and large freighters cause probably a large disturbance field) very promising. So we called also equal to a weather fax from Hamburg from, The little later starred in very good quality on the computer. A Sprechunkverbindung over 3500 Kilometers to Dresden even worked to the astonishment of the professional out of the harbor with a perfect signal strength of 9,5, what is unusually high! Also our Pactor modem, that we use to send and retrieve email, wurde abschließend getestet 🙂 Die Übertragungsraten waren ebenfalls sehr hoch und so dürft Ihr Euch wieder auf Emails von uns freuen, wenn wir auf hoher See unterwegs sind 🙂 Mal wieder ist es gelungen eine hervorragende Installation zu liefern. It is already the second Intsallation, die so gut funktioniert 🙂




Bye bye ARC+ – Fairwinds and a good crossing

The Saturday after the fun party started in accordance with tough. Good, that we did not have such stress how many other boats. We still have two weeks. Da kann man es auch mal etwas ruhiger angehen lassen 🙂

Wash clothes for today would secure decent employment, not too strenuous, aber doch sehr sinnvoll 🙂 Nur meine Terminplanung, do + the day before the start of the ARC, was unfortunately totally unhappy. Im Waschsalon hatte sich schon eine Lange Schlange gebildet 🙂 Naja, dann eben morgen 🙂


In the evening we met up yet with Dirk and Bettina from the SY ain't FANCY for farewell dinner at Pier 19. Jörg von was also one of the party .Up half past eight Both have worked hard on the still Törnvorbereitungen and at the end of the required for the cruise food were even stowed on board. No easy situation, which made their relationship to a real breaking point today. But now the two sat back quite peaceful nebeneinande with us. Then it could indeed go off tomorrow as planned. Dirk hatte sich schon die passende Strategie für den Start zurecht gelegt 🙂 Das würden wir morgen dann mal genau beobachten.

On Sunday morning we started quite early on the way, To still want both of SY ain't FANCY and the Katameran FIRST STEP a good crossing. Dirk and Bettina had now hauled to the gas station. A bit of diesel for the crossing should be even refueled for possible downturns. On our way over to the other side of the harbor we bought at the bakery still a few croissants as provision for the journey.

Having arrived at the gas station, we found, that Dirk and Bettina had suddenly disappeared. This was Martin and his son Micha were still busy with the final preparations. Since we did not want to disturb long. We made an appointment for the Caribbean and look forward to seeing you again.



So we started to look for Dirk and Bettina and found it next to the shipyard. So we were able to come for a coffee on board with our supplies. Danach mussten die Beiden noch die letzten Vorbereitungen treffen 🙂

Term before the start we looked for a nice place on the promenade, to all the action to be able to overlook good. Für uns war es ja auch eine Generalprobe denn in genau zwei Wochen würde es bei uns soweit sein 🙂 Ein bisschen aufgeregt sind wir doch 🙂 , but that is hardly surprising.



Time saw the launch and many drew their light wind sails on. A great image. In just over sixty boats but the mess was still manageable. Let's see how it looks in two weeks, if more than 200 Boats want as quickly as possible on the starting line. We were thinking about, that in the total distances of about 2700 Seemeilen wahrscheinlich nicht auf fünf Minuten ankommt und werden es sicher ruhig angehen lassen 🙂







Welcome to the capital of the creepy crawlies

When we had rested the next morning, we are on the way, nice to the harbor to eat breakfast. During our walk over the bridge towards Promenade, we believe not to believe our eyes. Three dead cockroaches were on the road before we reach the entrance gate. Das ist ein Alptraum für jeden Segler 🙁

Although we had heard in advance of it, that the Marina from Las Palmas to be an absolute highlight in terms of cockroaches, but too bad we were now not yet imagined. We have also received reports on the web, that sometimes even mice would come through the lines to the ship. A sailor had it even a proof photo. We both wanted About larger rodents but rather not even think. So we forged diligently during breakfast plans, how we could protect our CESARINA before stowaways.

For our hatches we brought from Germany Insect protection hoods. The mother had sewn my girlfriend Stephie for us. It only lacked the lead tape, the protective hoods over the hatches to securely fix on deck. I did not want to buy in Germany, because I did not want to burden them with three kilos of lead tape our luggage. So I set off in the city, um Bleiband zu besorgen 🙂 Gegen Abend hatte ich Gewissheit, that although there is lead tape in Las Palmas, but not in the weight I want to stay (150 g/Meter). For that I had after a day a fairly good overview of the entire business in the downtown area :-)……. and flat feet! Now the hoods are once without weighing on the hatches and we eagerly await the next weekend. There comes an acquaintance from Kiel. Hopefully then our lead tape in the luggage.

The second point of our safety concept foresaw, easy “on-board come” to prohibit blind pass through the lines. Consistently there are two different methods. Have proved probably halved plastic bottles, which are threaded over the lines or simple, round slices. The simplest and cheapest solution also, which struck me in the supermarket in your hands, waren Plastikteller 🙂


Back on the CESARINA then began Bastelstunde. With a bit of electrical tape could easily tinker a stable construction together. So watch it with us on the ship mooring lines from.


The shoes have to stay ashore from now consistently. Who knows, what else promoted among the shoe If everything on board.

The last entry opportunity for the disgusting fellows aboard our CESARINA we had identified our purchases. So we will previously control, as in recent months even exactly, which travels to the shopping bag on board. Wir haben unsere Altantiküberquerung mit drei Personen geplant und mehr wollen wir auch gar nicht dabei haben 🙂




It's time, to move

In Vilamoura, the season is coming to an end. In the evening it is also already very cold and the local Portuguese packaged in jacket, Scarf and boots. Holidaymakers get cold feet slowly in our flip flops :-).

Start the restaurants around the Harbour, the sun terraces to make Winter Festival. Now you can sit inside rather than outside. Various shops have closed their doors already until the next year and our supermarket, He reliably provided us with bread rolls and croissants since end of August, next Sunday will open the last time this year.


The amount of promenading along the harbour tourists has thinned considerably, and everywhere the autumn mood to feel, Although during the day, the Sun is still their best.


After more than six weeks of hard work our time in the Algarve is coming to an end. Much we did, but still a long way, not everything is perfect. Das wird uns aber nicht aufhalten 🙂 Heute wollen wir die Leinen loswerfen und mit unserer CESARINA in Richtung Gran Canaria aufbrechen. It is clearly time, turn your back on the European mainland and the coming autumn. Für diesen Winter haben wir sonnigere Pläne 🙂


Even if the three weeks in the Canary Islands will probably again quite busy, We look forward to this time. Because in addition to the work on the ship, We meet many like-minded people, who want to dare the leap across the Atlantic with similar target.

The next four to five days so once again, we are at sea and will test and try out, What we have improved in recent times on the ship or changed. The crossing is so to speak our small dress rehearsal for the big blow across the Atlantic. But we feel well prepared: The fridge is always well stocked!

The space it is almost difficult, nur Lebensmittel für vier Tage zu stauen 🙂 Heute soll der neue Wassermacher seinen Dienst antreten und uns mit Trinkwasser versorgen. Our wind control system has its first usage on this crossing. Hopefully she will take over as safe and pleasant service, as our "Liselotte" (Nicknamed of the windvane steering on the buzzer).

Whether we safely and well have stowed everything in the boat, will show. Although it is not the first trip with the CESARINA, but this time we brought our entire House booth.

Everything is so new and unusual. So we need to find surely some new processes and routines, to make life on board smooth and relaxed. But what we did once, We also once again succeed. Und beim zweiten Mal geht ja bekanntlich alles viel schneller 🙂

For the CESARINA, this crossing is the first ride under German flag. Since the 12. October is registered officially in the German Maritime Register. We now have a new call sign "DHKG" and an associated new email address at sea: (As usual: No images - only text. And please do not press "Reply", but writing a new mail). But at the moment we are still not as usual, Since our shortwave facility, with which we otherwise the emails and weather data receive / send, will be completed only in Gran Canaria. Until then, we bridge with our full elite phone. Unfortunately, it is clearly upwind and even more expensive than shortwave. Aber es ist ja das letzte Mal 🙂

For this reason, there will be no blogs on the site during the crossing. I wear the collected works after then but after our arrival. Our Internet address and we will keep the private E-mail addresses despite the new vessel. If your us on looking for, will you find, We have now a new MMSI: 211 70 59 40. On to this day, are we not listed. We don't know why. Hopefully this will change soon.


Portugal wants to let her live us

Lunchtime, we ended up with a lot of luggage as planned in Faro and later deposed us a taxi to the Marina. Been still busy on the CESARINA, sowohl innen auch als außen 🙂



By the rains in the last few days were the work on the deckhouse unfortunately significantly behind schedule and thus we come away from here in the direction of Canary Islands. At the earliest on Tuesday the carpenters could be finished when weather would play with. Thus, we got the impression, dass uns Portugal einfach nicht ziehen lassen wollte 🙁 Aber auf die paar Tage kam es jetzt auch nicht mehr an und wir fügten uns in unser Schicksal.

Auch die Programmierung unseres AIS wollte am Samstag nicht im ersten Zug gelingen 🙁 und es stellt sich heraus, that a plug was defective. This is of course even better, as if the entire antenna would not work. But it was still annoying. Since today we are but at least again to find online. While we still lack a beautiful photo, but that I will furnish any day. Sorry, no images are accepted in portrait orientation, so ein Pech aber auch 🙁 Morgen steht also noch ein ordentliches Foto-Shooting auf dem Programm.

Otherwise, the last days have been determined by the weather. Portugal presented itself further with an awful lot of rain autumn. It was great for us to determine, that our repairs were crowned all along the line of success. No more water in the ship, which was previously run by improperly mounted bracket of the liferaft in the interstices of the ceiling and walls. Each cabinet and each compartment – absolutely dry. A great success, of a very relieved wellbeing below deck. One might not always think about it yes, in welchem Schrank das Wasser jetzt gerade wieder irgendwelchen Schäden anrichten könnte 🙂

If we do not continue assorted things below deck and verräumten, was finally time again for a good book – almost like the German Autumn. In the now completed equipped kitchen there was also quite excellent cook and also it was now once again time. Our pressure cooker, which is unused for Grömitz with on the trip, durfte endlich in Aktion treten 🙂 Ich muss gestehen, I am but until then been very suspicious. So far I had not used such a device. Not, dass ich das Boot in die Luft sprengen würde 🙂 . With two 11-kilogram gas cylinders on board the buzzer, the incentive was, To save gas by the use of the pressure cooker, always been too low. So I had to push myself successfully before use. Now we have but “the only” two 5-kilogram gas cylinders available. That had me motivated, the first goulash “under pressure” prepare. Although I had decided, prefer to watch my pot during cooking with distance from the salon :-), but the result could be really. So I'll experiment from now on continue. Especially the cooking times are purely a matter of practice. Until I've got the hang of it, We are probably still several times mashed potatoes instead “al dente” essen 🙂

In order to keep the list of open work on Gran Canaria as low as possible, haben wir heute morgen noch einmal für zwei Tage ein Auto gemietet, denn Einkaufen kann man ja bekanntlich auch bei schlechtem Wetter. Und alle haltbaren Lebensmittel, die wir jetzt schon gebunkert haben, brauchen wir in Gran Canaria nicht mehr zu kaufen 🙂 So sind schon größere Vorräte an leckeren Obstsäften und Süßigkeiten unter Deck verstaut. Die muss ich nur noch vor dem Kapitän schützen 🙂 Nicht, dass ich auf den Kanaren wieder von vorne anfangen muss 😉