Nicht wie geplant morgens um vier Uhr, sondern schon um halb drei ging Dietmar Anker auf. Irgendwie konnte er sowieso nicht schlafen. Weshalb dann nicht gleich lossegeln? An diesem Morgen war mit mir gar nichts anzufangen. Anscheinend hatte ich mich beim Tauchen etwas erkältet und mein Kopf dröhnte. So durfte ich luxuriöser Weise liegen bleiben und meine Erkältung gleich im Keim ersticken. Das lässt man sich ja nicht zweimal sagen und erst um elf Uhr steckte ich das erste Mal meinen Kopf aus der Koje. Aber nur ganz kurz 🙂 Erst am Nachmittag, als wir kurz vor Virgin Gorda waren und die Genua bergen mussten, war ich wieder mit von der Partie und deutlich fitter als am Morgen.
Wir hatten uns nach fast einem Monat vor Anker entschieden, once again to treat ourselves to the luxury of a marina and headed for the Virgin Gorda Yacht Harbor. In front of the entrance with a water depth of only three meters, it gave us a little shudder, but it worked without touching the ground. A little later we fastened to a finger bridge. Without any swings or splashing about, we almost felt a little uncomfortable on the boat. But the prospect of a very quiet night made us both very happy.
For ours as a whole 17 Recharge the batteries on board completely after a long time, we wanted to put our power cable to the junction box on the jetty, as always. Now we had to find out, that we had left Europe for good. Our adapter did not fit. The American connector system was already used here. Good, that the yacht chandler was still open. Of course, there was no simple solution to buy. It would have been too good, if you had just got an adapter from the Euro standard to the US standard. The assortment of different plugs was large. Dietmar made a decision, to take another look at the CESARINA, what we really needed. Because a bad buy would have cost us dearly:-(, because the prices are outrageously high here. That's how it is when there is only one provider on the market.
So we stayed without shore power for the time being, But already had internet access via wifi. What a treat! Right in the boat without a long way you could finally check emails again and take care of our website. So war die Hauptbeschäftigung für den heutigen Abend schon mal ganz klar vorherbestimmt.
Am nächsten Morgen mussten wir aber noch den offiziellen Teil unserer Einreise über die Bühne bekommen. Also machten wir uns auf den Weg zum Einklarieren. Mehrere nette und hilfsbereite Menschen bescherten uns mit ihren Wegbeschreibungen einen halbstündigen Spaziergang durch das gesamte Stadtzentrum, bis wir endlich an der richtigen Stelle waren. Dort angekommen gab es eine Menge Formulare auszufüllen. Dank des schlechten Durchschlagpapieres sogar mehrmals 🙁 Das Cruising Permit kostete aber für eine Woche nur zehn US-$. Das war dann wirklich mal erfreulich.
Während Dietmar wieder im Yachtshop verschwand, kümmerte ich mich um eine Möglichkeit, to transform our dirty laundry back into clean laundry. Then I examined the local shops and tried my luck at the ATM. After all of that done and thus the basic supply was ensured, I turned my back to the blog writing to:-)
Dietmar was now furiously from the Yacht Shop back. Several times I had heard the word "cut-throat" in his rants. He could not calm down almost. For plugs and wrapping they had over him 180 US-$ abgeknöpft. That was really an outrage. A highly praised "made in USA" plug turned out later but again only as a "made in China" out :-(. Dietmar made the wiring still himself, and soon we were then connected via our luxury plug to the shore power and our batteries were charged. And so everything was also equally charged, what ever had a battery. Laptops, cameras, Phones ...... everything.
After that, Dietmar turned to his next important task: to repair the rumbling generator. Fast the entire ship's interior was transformed into a construction site and it took more than three hours, to a tired and sweaty captain with his work was finished. The result but still not convinced him. Then he would go meters in the near future again on troubleshooting%