Somehow, we were in the course of the week at the right time at the right place (in this case the dive) been and the Buzzard for today had with get this two places for the coveted dive trip.

The BUZZARD is a true shrimp, how he today by fishermen in the East- North Sea used. By freezing ego Koog from the ship was in the year 2006 Gran Canaria and finally end 2008 transferred to La Palma. She was we noticed during our stay in Tanzacorte.
So it was to get up early, because at quarter to eight Caro stood in front of the Harbour entrance, to pick us up. In the dive, we met the rest of the Group, of which we knew only Raphael. Five non-divers were so part of the game, just wanted to enjoy a nice boat trip.
After an hour we reached the Marina Tazacorte and stowed our gear on the Buzzard. And then it all started even. The sea was smooth as a duck pond, and the sun shone from the sky. Endlich waren wir mal wieder auf der Sonnenseite der Insel 😉

Already after 20 Drive minutes it said for the divers: Prepare equipment, move and ready to go for diving. On the first dive site "la Bombia" we would go to five in the water: Raphael, Frank (Name changed from the editors :-)), Dietmar, our guide Shaun and I. Frank was all still a blank slate for us, because so far no one had dipped with him. Somehow I had a funny feeling while of preparing the equipment. Raphael fared alike because he had to actively support Frank when it comes, the bottle on the jacket and the regulator to connect. I'm still pretty early in my diving career, But what made it so frank, seemed pretty Spanish. He strapped himself to the Grand Finale is still a 25 Centimeters long dive knife around calf. Das konnte ja spannend werden 🙂
The Buzzard had reached the first dive site and it went into the water with a great pace through the side door. While diving off showed his impressive technique us frank and fierce paddling disappeared into the depths.
The dive will be probably still remembered, because somehow it was different today. Shortly after defrosting, we saw a large Ray on a sandy area. Slowly and carefully, we emerged closer, because no one wanted to stir up verscheuchten or sand the animal. But Frank managed easily, to beat the animal to flee, indem er immer noch heftig paddelnd einen wahren Sandsturm unter Wasser auslöste 🙁
A few minutes later, we were suddenly only another three. Amazed and somewhat insecure we agreed to wait for the first time and to stay together. Where were frank and Ronni gone? Unfortunately, the sight was not enough to the surface of the water. After a perceived eternity approached two divers from above. You could see from afar, that the two do not agree was because Ronni was frank in his bottle in tow. We followed with a certain safe distance and continued the dive. From the underwater world I got really nothing more, the scenes were to fascinating, which took place in front of us. In the meantime Ronni Frank had on its emergency air supply (Octopus) taken. Again you could properly both under water “discuss” see. Or Ronni Herzog at his Octopus behind Frank as a defiant child.
After thirty minutes, Ronnie finished the tragedy and we showed up. The Buzzard was straight to the point and all divers and equipment back on board were quickly. What had happened right there under water, is complicated to explain in detail. A but we can safely say: Our diver Frank probably had not the qualifications, He had specified that in the diving school and was with him, its equipment and its surroundings completely overwhelmed. Thus he could have been very easily a danger to himself and all other divers. For him, the diving trip for today's end was thus and Ronni took him for a serious conversation again extra to the page, nachdem er sich etwas beruhigt hatte 🙂 Ein solcher Tauchgang ist auch für den Guide kein Vergnügen 🙁
After an hour leisurely cruise tempers had calmed down again and we reached the next dive site “Carbo Verde”. Here the lava under water has created three great arches. The second dive was in relation to the first completely uneventful and relaxed. Several morays, a great damsel, We have seen shoals of trumpet fish and all sorts of other animals.

Back on the Buzzard has a table waiting for us. Delicious Spanish tapas such as Patatas rojo arrugadas with Mojo or Mojo verde to grilled chicken taste at sea after the dives twice as tasty as otherwise on land. On our way back then also the non-divers on their cost came to Tazacorte, as a large school dolphins and three pilot whales crossed our path.

Frank stay still, our topic of conversation during the next days. Especially after one of his friends had told Dietmar, that they no longer go diving with him, because them too dangerous unless. Frank was unfortunately just. You no longer comes out of the head-shaking. A small note at the diving school before the trip would have been really helpful. Good, nothing happened, such situations can be slightly dangerous. We had ours in the next few days in any case “Running gag” and could just laugh. Frank, wir werden Dich niemals vergessen 🙂