The time had come, keeping one's word, I in December 2012 have given a human, with whom I on a racing yacht of Gran Canaria across the Atlantic to St. Lucia had sailed. We are talking about “Uncle Tom” from England. Katja and I have spent the last year shortly after the beginning of our trip several weeks at Ann and Tom in Felixstow / Suffolk. A beautiful time, in which we have closed the two very into our hearts.
On Monday at 12:30 landed the plane on time in Tenerife and against 13:30 we were with Uncle Tom together aboard our SUMMER. Tom has long had to do with his life boats and sailed almost everything, which has a mast and floats. Ann and Tom have just been a busy parade behind, to live closer to your children and numerous grandchildren. Another good reason, to spend a few days relaxing on the sunny Canary Islands with us.
On Wednesday at 8:45 we have cast off the lines in San Miguel and applied course in San Sebastian / La Gomera. The sailing developed as recently as often: only little wind, then no wind and 12 Miles from Gomera there again 30 Knots of wind and wave tidy “on the ears”. It was once interesting for me to see, as it looks, wenn der Steuermann eine Dusche nach der anderen einstecken muss 🙂 Normalerweise war es ja meistens ich, was wet. However, the role change also had other advantages. Mit jeder heftigen Dusche von Tom lernten wir auch ein neues Schimpfwort kennen 🙂 Keine Sprachschule würde diese in ihr Programm aufnehmen!
On Friday we took the car in the west of the island to Valle. The roads are really excellent and very curvy. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to drive faster than Katja allowed me. If the tires started to “whimper” like a puppy, hatte ich schon Ihre Knie im Kreuz 🙁 Naja, das 24H-Rennen ist ja glücklicherweise schon gebucht 🙂 Derweil Katja den botanischen Obstgarten von Valle besuchte, Tom and I were on us, the “Alexander von Humboldt II” to visit from Bremerhaven. The ship was 2011 known as the sister ship of the Becks advertising “Alexander von Humboldt” built. That's the ship with the green sails and the song “Sail away…live your dreams….”
What a coincidence! Aboard the Tall Ship I discovered a man, the known seemed to me because of its exceptional hairstyle. It was actually Frank Mestemacher, I ago 2 Years in the course “Leak and fire fighting” have met on the Baltic Sea. Frank has stayed with me as a real sailor in the traditional sense memories. He wrote the book “Celestial navigation” written and is a master at dealing with the sextant, the highest art of navigation. Frank could also remember me and so he invited us, his “World of traditional ships” know each other better. Since he was in Tom come to the right address, because he has previously worked for several years at a shipyard and built wooden boats.
The Ship “Alexander von Humboldt II” was only 2011 newly built and spends the winter in the Canary Islands and the summer in the Baltic Sea. A maximum 78 People can be accommodated on board. The team consists of volunteers and paying guests. However, such a ship is also extremely expensive to maintain and so, at least a portion of the costs are covered. And the fan base gets bigger every year!
We wanted Frank of course not interfere too long at his watch and gave us just under 2 Hours then passed again by board. The sailors will take in the next week to Lisbon and then move back to the Baltic Sea. We thanked him very much for the great leadership and wish Frank all the best for the journey.
Of course we did not go, ohne ein handsigniertes Exemplar von Franks Buch zu erwerben 🙂 Wenig später trafen wir dann auch Katja wieder, which also had a nice trip. In the Garden, she has visited, they had learned a lot over the Canarian flora. For Example, that the widespread Kaketen a particular concern lice is grown, from which then the red dye is obtained for CAMPARI. Yummy, delicious! Heute war ein guter Tag für uns alle 🙂