Category Archives: La Gomera

Bye-Bye La Gomera

Amazingly we both had slept badly. When we heard the alarm clock, the US should sound at seven out of bed, were we already late. Somit waren wir auch um acht wie geplant startklar und machten uns auf die Socken 🙂 Wie erwartet waren Wind und Strom die ersten Seemeilen gegen uns und unser Motor musste wieder einmal kräftig arbeiten.

2015-04-10 Panorama 1.jpg

But we had hardly left the country coverage of Tenerife, an and our SUMMER turned a wonderful half wind ran over seven node direction La Palma. Once a school crossed our course far dolphins.


Also, I saw even a Physalia, a really fascinating animal.


Briste it until an hour before arriving at the port on and we recovered the mainsail, What did not diminish but our speed.

Thick clouds hung over Santa Cruz and a strong wind swept over the Harbour. Was für eine Begrüßung 🙁 Im Vorhafen machten wir die Leinen klar zum Anlegen und hatten dann auch im Yachthafen schon einen guten Platz anvisiert, as the harbour master cross back whistled us over the Harbour. Although we had written an email to the port in the morning and also via VHF on channel 09 called, only we but got no reply both times. But now he quoted us at the reception bar back. Bei dem Wind wirklich unnötig und kein Vergnügen 🙁

After the registration we got assigned to a box in the nearly empty Harbor and moved our boat. Since the port through the permanent existing swell is quite restless, were this time two shock absorbers used in addition. When we finished our SUMMER rocked out quite smoothly and peacefully on. So that we could live well. As the weather today not could motivate us to a further trip, There was a delicious dinner on board. Morgen ist ja auch noch ein Tag 😉 und da sind wir bereits mit Veronika von La Palma Diving verabredet.

Waiting “La Palma – Weather”

Actually Dietmar wanted to keep our time in La Gomera as short as possible, but he had made his statement without the wind and that is it crucial for us. Yes, our next shock should go West towards the island of La Palma. Because we want to sail further from there directly to Madeira or Lanzarote to Madeira, had we decided with a heavy heart, not to sail to Tazacorte. Tazacorte is situated in the West of the island and would be a strategically awkward port of departure. That's why we wanted to control this time de la Palma Santa Cruz, this as you know is on the East side. Even though the city was very liked us, the Marina is missing but any charm. Also was always swell in the Harbour and the boats rocked even on windless days vigorously back and forth and pulling on the lines.

Die ungünstige Wettervorhersage bescherte uns noch drei weitere Tage auf La Gomera 🙂 Dietmar hatte sich schon morgens darauf gestürzt, all to clean out lockers, clean and reorganize. Loomed around noon, that I could probably no longer hope, to convince him to a trip, I set off alone. I had picked me out two hiking tours on the Internet and decided, the longer of the two tours today alone to undertake. Maybe I could convince Dietmar on next Thursday, to accompany me. Und da wäre eine kürzere Tour bestimmt ein gutes Argument 🙂

2015-04-07 Panorama 2a.jpg

Since I had already missed the 12-o'clock bus, I promised myself a taxi to the starting point of the tour, the Roque de Agando. It is located right in the middle of the island. From here I wanted to run back La Laja above the village of San Sebastian. Tried the Canary taxi driver in polite small talk during the twenty minute taxi ride. He was totally unmoved by the fact, that I understood not even every 20th Word. I would really like, What a life story he himself had put for me together. In any case, a boat came, My husband as the Kapitan, but person even eight more in it before. Sehr merkwürdig 🙂

Once at the top but something was me queasy to mute. Good 1100 Altitude is below me San Sebastian. Hoffentlich hatte ich mich nicht wie beim letzten Mal auf La Gomera bei der Auswahl meines Wanderweges total verschätzt und würde mich morgen vor lauter Muskelkater wieder nicht mehr bewegen können 🙁 Aber jetzt konnte ich sowieso nichts mehr ändern. I marched so go and enjoying the great view. The path went though quite steeply downhill, but with the climbing Hermigua not to compare.


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The weather was hot and dry and I progressed well in the sparse pine forest. The climbing on the uneven path awaited me this time at the beginning of the tour, later I would continue on a small country road. Das kam meiner Kraft und Kondition sehr entgegen 🙂

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After nearly one and a half hours, the village came into view La Laja. Now, I could continue on a flat road. During my entire trek to San Sebastian, I not once met twenty cars. Over several reservoirs, Fields and lush gardens I came slowly back to civilization.




I found also this handsome detached house on the edge of my trail. Geschickter Handwerker gesucht 🙂 wäre wohl ein passender Titel auf der Verkaufsanzeige. Maybe I Dietmar should even suggest this new challenge.

After over five hours and strenuous 15 I arrived again kilometers at the buzzer. Dietmar had accomplished during my absence of miracles and vorbildlichst on front man brought back boxes. As a reward, I conjured up still a delicious dinner and then put the feet up in the Salon.

The next morning the drive I was missing something, very enterprising looked over the breakfast table while Dietmar. Spontaneously we decided, that he now would go diving with Andi, while I a domestic- and would insert the Office day.

Our last day on La Gomera we wanted to go hiking together. This time, with the 12-o'clock bus in the direction of Hermigua, we chose the first stop. Irgendwie ging es hier nur bergauf 🙁 – No matter where I looked. Well, now I wanted to show no weakness and strode briskly forward.

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2015-04-09 Panorama 5.jpg

The route took us from a stunning vantage point to the next, Right at the beginning to the Roque Jaragan uphill and later San Sebastian neatly downhill.


Auf unserem Weg wurden wir genau beobachtet 🙂


As we in the afternoon after 11 Km in San Sebastian were on the marketplace, hatten wir uns den anschließend großen Eisbecher redlich verdient 🙂 Jetzt mussten nur noch die Wanderschuhe verstaut und das Boot seeklar gemacht werden. Tomorrow morning we wanted to go early, order to arrive more easily during daylight hours in Santa Cruz on La Palma.







Bye-Bye Tenerife

It was somehow a funny feeling, today's tomorrow going to throw the lines and to leave the port. Because this time we would come back again. About La Gomera, La Palma, We would continue sailing Lanzarote and Madeira in North direction to the Azores. Hier wollen wir unsere Sommermonate verbringen 🙂

The Marina of San Miguel has become our home in recent months over a long period. A fixture, from which we had undertaken many of our island tours and traveled to Germany. Hier kannten wir uns aus und auch uns kannte man hier 🙂 Heute morgen hatten wir sogar unseren Reserve-Toilettenschlüssel, the we the last months just had remained on board, an dem Marinero zurück gegeben 🙁

Even the Atlantic showed that day once from its best side. Because after we were motort around the southern tip of Tenerife around, We had pleasant and also constant sailing wind from North-East between 15 to 20 Nodes all the way to Gomera. Ein wunderbarer Segeltag 🙂

Already at three o'clock we arrived in San Sebastian and made a short time later at the pier 1 fixed. This time we had a special reason, to sail to San Sebastian. Last week, just before Dietmar flew back to Germany, had he been wearing new glasses in order here. Or more precisely, even two. Because the optometrists currently has a very special offer: Eine Brille kaufen und eine zweite gibt es gratis dazu 🙂 Heute sollten die beiden Brillen also fertig sein. Let's see, whether the date despite Semana Santa would work.

But once we were faced with a closed door. The Canary shop opening hours are some getting used: 10:00 to 14:00 Watch and 17:00 to 20:30 Watch stood at the door of the optometrist. Until then we went to have a quick coffee.

Our second visit was much more successful. A pair of glasses was finished and was adapted from a fellow really very conscientiously to Dietmar nose. It took almost 20 Minutes: Put on – drop off – turn – put on – check – drop off – turn………..At some point she was then pleased with your work and we were allowed to go. Tomorrow in the afternoon the second glasses would be ready and could be picked up.

In the evening, finally succeeded Dietmar, to meet with Andi of the diving school. He had offered him in January, our two aluminum tanks to Exchange two spray bottles. While I peacefully stood under the hot shower, hatte Dietmar allein die Flaschen den langen Weg durch den ganzen Hafen zur Tauchschule hin und zum Boot zurück geschleppt 🙂 Stolz zeigt er mir die neuen Strahlflaschen, that would fit through the lower level also in our lockers now. Die wird er dann morgen auch sicherlich optimal darin befestigen damit sie nicht bei Seegang umfallen können 🙂



Victory over the technology :-)

I confess, I was a little suspicious because of imagined by Dietmar development of the seal of our rudder bearing . Heute stand also die Testfahrt an 🙂 Mal schauen, what would happen.

But first we looked at something completely different: namely formula 1 in Sepang / Malaysia on Spanish TV. How long we had not done? 🙂 Daher war es dann auch gar nicht schlimm, that we were on our way until about eleven clock. Nach Sebastian Vettels Sieg auf Ferrari war die Welt für uns in Ordnung 🙂

Outside the harbor waiting for us again the well-known sailing conditions (35 Knot winds for about. two hours, then no wind, and wind on the nose with 28 Node). Das nervte schon so ein bisschen 🙁 Aber nach der Starkwindperiode kontrollierte Dietmar das Runderlager und hatte beste Neuigkeiten: The rudder was BONE DRY loader !!!! Bald werden wir in der Bilge Staub wischen müssen 🙂 So sollte es sein.

During the monotonous driving under engine ensured dolphins and pilot whales for change.


Three different dolphin species, we identified this time. A special highlight was the Atlantic spotted dolphin, with its special drawing.


(The picture is not of us, sondern aus dem Internet geklaut 🙂 )




A short hiking trip :-)

If no one wants to walk with me, dann gehe ich halt alleine 🙂 Dietmar war heute leider unabkömmlich, since it around 14 Clock had arranged to spark.

I had planned, at twelve clock bus ride into the center of the island and then walk over to El Cedro towards Hermigua up. On the way to the bus station I wanted to do a few little things.

To surprise Dietmar, I was out of the huge amount of pictures, which had accumulated since our departure, a small collection of these and wanted to deduct. In San Sebastian, there is a tiny photo studio and the owner had assured me yesterday, that he could do it in five minutes. It took more than five minutes, but the time passed in the store talking to the old man in a flash. Even though he only spoke a few words of English and I unfortunately still only a few word of Spanish, haben wir uns wirklich gut verstanden 🙂

Time clock at twelve I was sitting on the bus and off we went. From sunny San Sebastian we went to the cloudy and misty island center. In Parajero I got out and walked away. Yet less than a mile I had to follow the road, Before I could turn into the cloud forest. The trails are wonderful signposted and I wandered laid down.



Eventually came the trail to a stream and followed him down the valley further. Until El Cedro the roads were to some extent a bit muddy, however, to run great.




The descent towards Hemigua proved to be quite difficult. Gone were the wide trail. Now it went downhill and the path was always rocky and narrow. In addition, the stone steps were additionally by the rain or slippery. Several times I ran faster downhill, as I wanted. And once I even landed on the ass. Thus, the descent took frightening in the length. But on his way simply no hurry announced…



Nevertheless, the view and the scenery was just great, almost more beautiful than the route through the cloud forest.




Below arrived, wanted my legs and my feet no meter go any further. The Bus, I had selected for the return, was long off and away to San Sebastian. Im Restaurant an der Hauptstraße rief man mir ein Taxi und eine halbe Stunde später konnte ich auf der SUMMER meine Füße hochlegen 🙂

To do much

After the wine-loving last night I had it today to take things slowly and clearly Dietmar had solidarity and ordinary headache, although he had drunk only two Shandy.

On the other hand helped definitely fresh air. So we made our way to the market, because we had gone out for the planned hangover breakfast the bread on the SUMMER. After a short walk and breakfast, the world saw then again much rosier.


Back on La Gomera I had wished, to finally go sometimes migrate properly. Dietmar was indeed go in January with Peter and Manu of the SY MELODY with a hiking and has been pretty excited, though indeed not migrate to his favorite pastimes belongs. Even the phone number of hiking he had saved himself. So we tried to make out with him for an appointment. Really stupid, that he the next FIVE (!!!!) Weeks was booked. The nice lady at the tourist office could not help us: All booked up – Wir waren zu spät 🙁

So tried Dietmar, To achieve Andy least from the diving school in San Sebastian. If not on land, dann wollten wir wenigstens unter Wasser etwas Neues entdecken 🙂 Leider nahm niemand unsere Anrufe entgegen und auch im Laufe des Tages bekamen wir keinen Rückruf. Auch hier waren wir nicht wirklich erfolgreich 🙁

If nothing else works, helps women actually always shopping. That should also work on La Gomera. But safe side, I did not pull off alone, alone because shopping is so boring. And of course, Dietmar stood at your disposal.


Schon im ersten Laden waren wir sehr erfolgreich 🙂 und hoffentlich werden sich nächste Woche verschiedene Leute über die von Dietmar überreichten Mitbringsel freuen. Aber mehr wird noch nicht verraten 🙂

During our stroll through the city we passed also an optician. By Dietmar's loving care of his current spectacles with kitchen paper and lens cleaning cloth, the plastic glasses were badly scratched and Dietmar annoyed the whole time. Now he saw his chance for a new pair of glasses. But it was not so easy. To investigate the prescription you need an appointment. Tomorrow morning at 10 Clock will Dietmars eyes expertly measured and a new pair of glasses is then probably nothing in the way.

Thus, the optician was the first date on our Friday work schedule. Otherwise I had actually only a prescription medication for me organize. Since the medical center (Comedy) is located directly opposite the marina, I wanted to take the opportunity. In Tenerife again I would need a car, um zum Ärztezentrum fahren zu können 🙁

Actually, it was not all that difficult. The doctor spoke only Spanish, the drug goes in a different brand name than in Germany and on the island had it not available, you had to order it. Despite all the adversity I had the next morning, genau das was ich brauchte 🙂 Leider war der Preis auch nicht besser als in Deutschland. Next time I will'd rather do something at home leave.

In the afternoon we went on a sightseeing tour. In the large bow, we had to shoot this time in the harbor from the driveway, was the lighthouse we noticed on the cliff high above. That was our next destination.



In part, our path led through abandoned banana plantations. Dort sah es fast schon etwas gruselig aus 🙂



But if such thick storm clouds raise, see it would be creepy almost anywhere.












Everywhere dolphins

Our mood was still somewhat depressed after yesterday when we loswarfen half past nine Linens, but the sea strove for sunny intervals. We were half an hour on the way, because already the first dolphins came past our boat.

So we had during our crossing all three times visiting the fascinating and fun-loving companions. A great school even accompanied us for about half an hour on our trip.




Before La Gomera the wind freshened again on strong and Dietmar had to put behind the wheel of one or the other salt water shower. The time of our arrival at the port we had today but gets very unhappy. As we had only three miles to the harbor entrance in front of us, came up behind us on the horizon, the 15-clock-speed ferry from Tenerife on, followed by “normal” 15-Ferry Clock. We rolled the mainsail and hoped, thus reducing our speed so far, that we would not make the both in the narrow harbor entrance. But with the wind we ran just under Fock still nearly eight knot speed. So we had to drive a beautiful bow, until the two big ferries had reached their places in the harbor. Which one should simply not invest. Quite apart from, have ferries before everyone else anyway a “right of way”

The amount of water in the bilge was after almost six hours with almost half a liter in an acceptable range. Nevertheless, Dietmar had an idea, to the rudder stock further seal in addition. Thus, once again stood a visit to the in BT on the program. But before we went after the successful crossing first eat an ice cream.

With us today SY Aponia of San Miguel had left for La Gomera. We made an appointment with Patrick and Peter for half past seven for dinner in the city. Before Dietmar but was again unstoppable and had his idea, of course, immediately implement. Let's see, whether we will be able to achieve a further improvement.

The evening at our favorite Frenchman was very funny. Back to the SUMMER expected but unfortunately the same battlefield, we had previously left. Although it was very late, we then had the last little things at the helm stock again assemble, before we could fall into bed tired.

That's always the problem on a boat. In most cases you will find the current construction site in a central square, the one still to sleep, need to cook or live. So one morning builds everything apart and admits it then again every evening together so far, that normal life can go on. Und am nächsten Morgen fängt das ganze Spiel wieder von vorne an 🙂


A stormy night with Calima and a crossing with consequences

We had originally planned, to have sailed on Sunday to Tenerife back, but the weather forecast had convinced us, nor to stay another day in La Gomera. On Monday, we really had to go but then, since Uncle Tom's flyer would start towards Manchester on Tuesday morning. Und der nimmt sicherlich keine Rücksicht auf das Wetter 🙂

After the Sunday was actually been pretty calm, then came the hip weather until Sunday night around two-thirty with us on. Strong gusts of wind swept suddenly through the port. What we saw here was Calima, a weather with easterly winds from the Sahara, which can be simplified as "sand wind from Africa" ​​described. From the Sahara comes with an easterly flow dry, warm air and often brings fine sand dust. The view is then clouded. The dust content of the air is warm, dry weather but not pleasant and can easily lead to irritation of the respiratory organs (See Wikipedia).


Thus, our Uncle Tom was sitting in the middle of the night awake in his cabin and wondered already back and forth, as he could because reached by ferry Tenerife.

However, towards morning the wind died down. So we sat three then pretty tired at half past eight at breakfast together and an hour later we were on the move. The short crossing was actually after the usual scheme. Only too much wind, then great sailing weather, but again not enough wind to sail for high steep wave front. Irgendwie hat man sich mittlerweile fast daran gewöhnt 🙂

Move controlled Dietmar as now during each sailing day the bilge. On the way he had finally figured out, as the water can into the ship. Apparently, the seal of the rudder bearing was defective or even worse. Exact details will report later he himself. I throw intended again the crucial concepts and relationships with each other :-). After a long phone call with the shipyard Schöchl in Austria, he had tried to La Gomera, something to improve. Unfortunately, without success, in fact, it had now become worse. But at least we now have a new huge quality pipe wrench to screw up 150 mm diameter on board, a toy for big boys all :-).


Thus today remained clear, that we here have to insert in Tenerife a forced break because the boat out of the water must. But we hope to achieve a clean and 100% solution of the problem.

Even if the mood after this realization at the beginning was a bit depressed, we had then but still a funny last night with Uncle Tom in our Japanese master restaurant around the corner. We hope, that it was a good time for him. We enjoyed it anyway.


For us morning Uncle Tom has to “english breakfast” invited the neighboring town of San Blas. Dann geht es für ihn leider zurück in kalte England 🙂

Now they have broken it :-(

The port of La Gomera seems to be a good training ground training boats. Since we are here, we could already see various training strategies. Zentrales Element der Segelausbildung ist wohl das „Rückwärts Fahren“ unter Motor 🙂

We were able to watch a boat, the import an entire afternoon again and again backwards into the harbor, turned around and went back out again. Since it was an almost giddy while watching. You already said, To see an extended channel there, where the boat went over again along, like a trail.

Another team we noticed particularly because of their high safety awareness. Life jackets are definitely important. It is only the question, if you have to wear them even in the harbor, if at- and drop exercises. Auch das Tragen von Ölzeug und Segelhandschuhen bei 25° und Sonnenschein erschien uns etwas übertrieben 🙂

On Sunday morning the crew of a charter boat practiced in the empty boxes at our dock backward and forward again purely out. I sat at breakfast in exactly the right place and watched the spectacle. Actually saw the whole quite skillfully ... .to the young man at the wheel probably mistook forward and backward and the boat began to swing back against a pontoon. Man, has the gescheppert L Even from a distance you could see, that this was probably assumed not get off so lightly. My two men were equal all ears. Now you some entertainment but first had to keep the same curious and could not dive from the boat.

After the crew had but then again safely moored the boat at the dock, there was no stopping.



For this charter crew of the holiday ends well before it has even begun. Very sad, because the boys had made a really nice impression. For Dietmar the extent of damage, however, was like water on his mills, as one of its two “ungeliebtesten” Boat brands was affected (and it did not was a Hanseatic :-)). Had we gone the maneuver with our SUMMER, hätte sicher der Steg nachgegeben 🙂

After the morning excitement we gave us quite a leisurely Sunday routine of the island towards. As at midday took off even the Crusader, who had arrived in the early morning, we had the island again for us. So we walked instead of lunch eating an ice cream, because a holiday is not a Proper without creaming for Uncle Tom.



Before we sail back tomorrow to Tenerife, Dietmar still wanted to address a few little things on the boat. So I had to tinker Mr and made a trip to the beach. Although the water was still quite fresh, but if it was then first inside, ging es schon 🙂 Und die warme Hafendusche war ja direkt ums Eck.

Our last night in La Gomera we left the café on the square in Baraquito and cappuccino finish as well as many of the locals, followed the Sunday evening there along the top match of the Spanish League.

La Gomera the clocks tick or otherwise

Before we set off again Saturday morning with the car on the way, I wanted to quickly buy a few things on the market. Even when leaving the port area you could feel this wonderful lazy weekend mood. Today had somehow all time. The café gentlemen sat together at the first coffee. Not yet a great many, because it was still quite early. Also available on the market it went leisurely. On bread stand chatted merrily, while bread and cakes changed hands. I could since the offer of the 15 Not withstand years on the island live from Switzerland. Fresh brioche and raisin bread was long since gone my way. In the afternoon, even some cake wandered to my shopping basket. So it but not quite as unhealthy approached, I bought then but still sufficient vitamins (associated with fewer calories) in the form of fresh fruit and vegetables.

After breakfast we made our way to Hermigua. Particularly struck us was the old boat davit. Has been in operation since the port of San Sebastian, it was no longer needed and the entire metal structure was 1957 dismantled and sold. Since only are the brick foundations, it is not so easy, imagine, as here earlier bananas were loaded. But in the age of the Internet you need actually no more imagination, man kann einfach „googlen“ 🙂


How it looks today


And the sooner

The natural swimming pool, which opened sometime thereafter at this point, has not enforced. The stainless steel staircase, which once led into the water, was also dismantled and the small restaurant is empty.


Further north, the town of Agulo is located high above the sea. The old town is very well maintained with a total of detached houses with red tile roofs, but also with many vegetable gardens.


On the square in front of the San Marcos Church be the night before St. Marko (24. April) lit large Sandelholzfeuer, jump over the especially the young men vied. We left it rather less sporty at the planned walk and returned before heading into the bar on the main road. Here too…..Weekend mood! The men were sitting together over wine and one way or another cigar was smoked. Auf ortsfremde Gäste war man eigentlich gar nicht eingestellt 🙂


Before we started our way back across the island by the Garajonay National Park, we visited the visitor center Juego de Bolas Las Rosas. Here you can get interesting information about the island and the National Park and can arrange tours.


To the visitor center around a large garden is, in which are found many plants of the flora of La Gomera.


It was particularly interesting for us but the area, in the old traditional crafts and skills of the islanders were explained in detail. An example is "El Silbo", The whistling language of La Gomera, which developed due to the difficulties of communication in the mountainous landscape of the island. So that they will not be lost, it is now available in the schools again as an additional course and enjoys great popularity.


The way back through the laurel forest, originates in the cloud forest Terziär, was really great. More than 20 different tree species, 18 Ferns and 120 Shrubs and herbs form part of an almost impenetrable thicket.




The whole day it was quite hazy, but in the afternoon, the view was adopted complet. So we were much earlier than expected at the port, as a lookout point with no prospect does not really invites you to linger. So the cake in the morning bought was used and we observed a cup of coffee from the SUMMER of, as well as San Sebastian disappeared behind a thick veil.