Actually Dietmar wanted to keep our time in La Gomera as short as possible, but he had made his statement without the wind and that is it crucial for us. Yes, our next shock should go West towards the island of La Palma. Because we want to sail further from there directly to Madeira or Lanzarote to Madeira, had we decided with a heavy heart, not to sail to Tazacorte. Tazacorte is situated in the West of the island and would be a strategically awkward port of departure. That's why we wanted to control this time de la Palma Santa Cruz, this as you know is on the East side. Even though the city was very liked us, the Marina is missing but any charm. Also was always swell in the Harbour and the boats rocked even on windless days vigorously back and forth and pulling on the lines.
Die ungünstige Wettervorhersage bescherte uns noch drei weitere Tage auf La Gomera 🙂 Dietmar hatte sich schon morgens darauf gestürzt, all to clean out lockers, clean and reorganize. Loomed around noon, that I could probably no longer hope, to convince him to a trip, I set off alone. I had picked me out two hiking tours on the Internet and decided, the longer of the two tours today alone to undertake. Maybe I could convince Dietmar on next Thursday, to accompany me. Und da wäre eine kürzere Tour bestimmt ein gutes Argument 🙂

Since I had already missed the 12-o'clock bus, I promised myself a taxi to the starting point of the tour, the Roque de Agando. It is located right in the middle of the island. From here I wanted to run back La Laja above the village of San Sebastian. Tried the Canary taxi driver in polite small talk during the twenty minute taxi ride. He was totally unmoved by the fact, that I understood not even every 20th Word. I would really like, What a life story he himself had put for me together. In any case, a boat came, My husband as the Kapitan, but person even eight more in it before. Sehr merkwürdig 🙂
Once at the top but something was me queasy to mute. Good 1100 Altitude is below me San Sebastian. Hoffentlich hatte ich mich nicht wie beim letzten Mal auf La Gomera bei der Auswahl meines Wanderweges total verschätzt und würde mich morgen vor lauter Muskelkater wieder nicht mehr bewegen können 🙁 Aber jetzt konnte ich sowieso nichts mehr ändern. I marched so go and enjoying the great view. The path went though quite steeply downhill, but with the climbing Hermigua not to compare.

The weather was hot and dry and I progressed well in the sparse pine forest. The climbing on the uneven path awaited me this time at the beginning of the tour, later I would continue on a small country road. Das kam meiner Kraft und Kondition sehr entgegen 🙂

After nearly one and a half hours, the village came into view La Laja. Now, I could continue on a flat road. During my entire trek to San Sebastian, I not once met twenty cars. Over several reservoirs, Fields and lush gardens I came slowly back to civilization.

I found also this handsome detached house on the edge of my trail. Geschickter Handwerker gesucht 🙂 wäre wohl ein passender Titel auf der Verkaufsanzeige. Maybe I Dietmar should even suggest this new challenge.
After over five hours and strenuous 15 I arrived again kilometers at the buzzer. Dietmar had accomplished during my absence of miracles and vorbildlichst on front man brought back boxes. As a reward, I conjured up still a delicious dinner and then put the feet up in the Salon.
The next morning the drive I was missing something, very enterprising looked over the breakfast table while Dietmar. Spontaneously we decided, that he now would go diving with Andi, while I a domestic- and would insert the Office day.
Our last day on La Gomera we wanted to go hiking together. This time, with the 12-o'clock bus in the direction of Hermigua, we chose the first stop. Irgendwie ging es hier nur bergauf 🙁 – No matter where I looked. Well, now I wanted to show no weakness and strode briskly forward.

The route took us from a stunning vantage point to the next, Right at the beginning to the Roque Jaragan uphill and later San Sebastian neatly downhill.

Auf unserem Weg wurden wir genau beobachtet 🙂

As we in the afternoon after 11 Km in San Sebastian were on the marketplace, hatten wir uns den anschließend großen Eisbecher redlich verdient 🙂 Jetzt mussten nur noch die Wanderschuhe verstaut und das Boot seeklar gemacht werden. Tomorrow morning we wanted to go early, order to arrive more easily during daylight hours in Santa Cruz on La Palma.