The SY INFINITY had arrived two hours ago us on Porto Santo and had decided, not to anchor, but rather to moor in the marina. The JOY OF LIFE we expected only for the late afternoon, since it was only with the headsail significantly slower traveling because of their broken main halyard.

So we took some time for us first, to arrive at rest and relax a bit. Dietmar made the dinghy ready to go, looking at the past INFINITY. I had decided, to stay on our SUMMER and to take a bath first attempt. Whether the water was here at last so warm, I would dare me to the water? In Spain I had backed out. Something I was undecided on the rear swim platform and tested with the big toe, the water temperature. Actually quite pleasant or too cold?!?
To gain time, I closed the first swim ladder. Faster than I could look, the belay loop of the swim ladder disappeared in the water. There was only a courageous plunge, otherwise the stupid part would have disappeared never to Reunion. Sometimes it is really nice, if a decision is taken. In the water it was just lovely!

As I turned around so my rounds the SUMMER, let the JOY OF LIFE right next to us dropped her anchor. So I could watch from the water, wie „Quax, there Bruchpilot "von table ging. For the past three days traveled Jana, Alia and Lars no longer alone. 15 Nautical miles away from mainland Portugal was an emergency landing a completely undermines pigeon on the JOY OF LIFE and traveled with since perforce to Porto Santo. We had all kinds of heard of the little guy on radio.
As it stood a short time later, Quax wanted the luxury hotel "JOY OF LIFE" but do not leave without a fight. Who should it because then repeatedly serve the beloved sunflower seeds daily? Also, the room service was really excellent. After a brief stopover on land he steered again determined direction catamaran. It took almost a whole day, to move the little guy to, to fly back to shore. In the meantime, he even tried his luck with us. Initially Dietmar found him still really cute. But when he had to scrub the deck, hörte der Spaß auf 🙂
If the water is so inviting, There is also work on a boat, which then becomes a real pleasure. So I extended the next day my bath time, by I very diligently abschrubbte our water pass. In the time Dietmar had a much more unpleasant task: He cleaned the one Bakskiste including all supported therein by things the greasy remains of spilled oil can. And since then conveniently, also the diving compressor for cleaning stood on the deck, he wanted equal time to fill our scuba tanks. The devil is in the detail as usual: A small defective seal made the perfect mess. Dietmar and the deck was decorated with thousands of tiny oil drops. So it took a while, emerged to Dietmar end up with two filled scuba tanks as the winner of the duel. But the real loser was his blue-white-striped polo shirt. I will not be able to help more.

The night at anchor was quite rough, since the Summer in the shaft from one side to the other and swung repeatedly slapped the water under the stern. So we thought the next morning, whether we should not treat yourself to a quiet night in the harbor Us. But first there was a taxi tour of the island on the program. So we sped to seventh in Greater taxi in the next three hours on the barren island. Our taxi driver gave a good tour guide and told us many interesting facts about Porto Santo.

In the early afternoon we finished our tour in the city, to eat a little something together can. In addition, we wanted to buy colors, to us to perpetuate on the harbor wall with an ornate paintings, as it did before us many sailors. After we had done everything, we walked along the beach back to the port.

Even from the shore could see, that the anchored boat rocked violently in the shaft, much more so than in the morning. In addition, the wind freshened considerably, and deep black rain clouds were on the horizon. So we went in the first port on the way to the harbor master, to ask for a mooring for the night. Luck was with us hold, for us was a free cookie. Dann mussten wir ja nur noch die SUMMER holen 🙂
Move in the dinghy we found, that the wave, which had looked from the shore quite high, looked from this perspective, unfriendly. No matter how Dietmar tried, we had no chance. Until we reached the SUMMER, waren wir nass bis auf die Unterwäsche 🙁 Endlich angekommen, is designed entry into the fierce pounding in the lake SUMMER also as a challenge. Finally on board I made fenders and lines ready harbor, while Dietmar caught the anchor. Meanwhile the wind had on good 20 Refreshed node. Therefore, this time we were very happy, that one already waiting for us at the dock. There were even more people than we had to forgive linen. So we were moored a short time later and were able to safely and securely looking forward to a more peaceful and relaxed night.