Category Archives: Terceira


If I knew in may already, what organizational challenges I would be early September, would I be waived, for Dietmar 50. Birthday invite some surprise guests in the Algarve.

Unfortunately I could not clairvoyance but – or should I say “Gott sei Dank” 🙂 Ein paar Tage “Forced vacation” würde uns beiden nach den turbulenten Wochen ganz gut tun 🙂 Alleine würde ich den Chef sicherlich auch nicht bremsen können.

Are some time already I was in close contact with Claudia and Reiner, us today evening in Vilamoura “totally surprising” would expect. Now we needed from our Azores island on the mainland just yet as planned and on time back fly and return by train to the Algarve. We were going to the US between 9: 30 and 10 “random” in advance via SMS called restaurant at the port meet me.

Out of concern, that something could be I was a little nervous in the morning. The way was now also really long and there were many opportunities for breakdowns and unforeseen events.

In the run-up to Dietmar had made almost planning my niece, When he travel to the Azores from the 28. up to 30. August had planned. He had booked plane tickets even without my knowledge. I had but to prevent this accident, by I put our tight schedule as the reason for a previous visit to CESARINA. The airline had the tickets as an early birthday present, as the Lady at the travel agency noted, free cancelled. No joke!

But our return journey was completely uneventful until on a jacket forgotten at airport. We could win something even time (and taxi costs) in which we simply already in Quarteira, and thus a station formerly dropped out of our train. There we have come ever last week bus pass. Here one should say, dass Busfahren nicht bildet 🙂

Nevertheless we wandered only against ten o'clock on the harbour promenade along, because I was just sooo… hungrig 🙂 Nach einer gefühlten Ewigkeit (I could push Dietmar so badly to rush :-)) I spied the two – eigentlich genau im selben Augenblick wie Dietmar 🙂


Da war das Hallo natürlich groß 🙂 Mehr als 16 We had not seen each other months. Und nicht nur wir hatten viel zu erzählen 🙂 Erst morgens um zwei Uhr beendeten wir die lustige Runde, but not without to date us equal to the breakfast for the next morning. Because never is one with both the conversation and there is really much to laugh.

The next morning, then, we arrived at the hotel for breakfast, Because buying had I Yes unfortunately can no longer. Because the breakfast would have been but little too lean. Außerdem hatten wir uns in den letzten Tagen doch sehr schnell an ein gutes und ausgiebiges Hotelfrühstück gewöhnt 🙂 Mal gucken, whether the luxury hotel in Vilamoura with our * hotel Terceira could keep.

Extensive test showed, dass auch auf dem Festland ein hervorragendes Frühstück serviert wird 🙂 und das Personal musste uns schon fast rausschmeißen, because the dominions were already cover the tables for lunch.

Für den Nachmittag hatten wir dann etwas ganz außergewöhnliches geplant 🙂 Wir wollten an den Strand. Those who already follow our blog, which would have fallen on, that lazy, lying on the beach, does not belong to our favorite things. Obwohl das irgendwie falsch formuliert ist 🙂 Denn ich liege eigentlich sehr gern einmal am Strand 🙂 Außerdem war ich auch schon längere Zeit nicht mehr Baden 🙂 Hier an der Algarve sollte das Wasser ja angenehme Temperaturen haben.


Reiner and Dietmar wanted to right the way to the beach with a visit to the boatyard on the Marina area. This is while conveniently located within sight, But if you want to swim not over, so you must go around but the whole port basin. Und der Hafen von Vilamoura ist wirklich riesig und die Wege entsprechend lang 🙂 Somit trennten sich nach zwanzig Minuten unsere Wege und wir Damen suchten uns am Strand ein gemütliches Plätzchen. Endlich mal Zeit für ein Frauengespräch 🙂 Fehlte nur noch der Kaffee 🙂 Und da die Herren doch etwas länger auf sich warten ließen, zogen wir nach einer Weile in ein Strandcafe um 🙂

From there we saw also eventually pass the men on the beach. On their way along the water, although every Beach beauty was extensively evaluated (Pure always said “scanned”), aber die gesuchten Ehefrauen sind ihren aufmerksamen Blicken entgangen 🙂 Trotzdem ließen wir sie nicht bis nach Albufeira weiterlaufen 🙂

A small strengthening we were looking for a nice place on the beach us together. Bath time was now! The Sun was high in the sky and it was quite warm. A dip in the Atlantic Ocean should now bring cooling. So I went with Claudia first on the way to the cool waters.

“Cool wet” was somehow not the apt description. The water was so cold, I got goose bumps even on the arms, was already as I'm only using the feet inside. Soft love to, aber doch keine Erfrierungen 🙂

Back in our men we had to listen to us then the clever sayings. Surprisingly, neither of them was willing but, terms of hero-jump into the waters. That would be completely under their dignity they meant. Somehow it galled me yet, that I had taken a bath in the Atlantic small frostbite. I've been in January on La Gomera in the water. It might not be here yes even worse. So I took all courage together and ground plunged into the water. Unfortunately, the feeling was “If you once inside, is it not as cold” even when swimming is not a. Claudia was following me now. Women are the real heroes?. However, we both were happy, as we again lay on our towels in the Sun. Now was once again “Thawing” angesagt 🙂


In the evening we left the beaten track of Vilamoura then behind us and went by car to Faro. We made plans for the next day in a nice restaurant in the old town. Tomorrow we were going to go sailing. If the wind would allow it, After Culatra, we were planning to drive. This particularly beautiful corner, We knew that already from last year, wollten wir den Beiden doch so gern zeigen 🙂







Drum check, who is forever binds :-)

Heute sollte es also ans Eingemachte gehen 🙂 Mal sehen, What has everything to offer the CESARINA.

We have a ship with our SUMMER, that no sailor wishes, who want to go on a long journey, leaves. In recent years, much time and of course lots of money in their equipment has been and for the planned crossing of the Atlantic Ocean end of November 2015 haben wir sie perfekt vorbereitet 🙂

Wassermacher, Washing machine, Shortwave and almost every imaginable technical gadgetry, the one could wish and think. Reliable and tested on good 7000 I saw no reason rationally considered nautical miles, mit einem anderen Boot wieder von vorne anzufangen 🙁

Now I would like to once Dietmar's new love a closer look imagine, denn sie ist eine Yacht mit einer bewegten Geschichte 🙂

CESARINA is a Swan 55 Yawl (Hull 004) and was 1971 built by Nautor Swan in Finland. Her first name was Laurita and she was severely damaged mid-nineties in a hurricane in the Caribbean.


After that, the yacht was completely gutted up on the bare hull and to Holland to the now world famous “Campbell” Take appropriate.


Up to this point the Campbell shipyard built only wooden ships. But the former owner of the LAURITA and the beautiful classic form of by “Sparkman&Stevens” winning yacht was able to convince the throwing owner Nico Claasen and within three years she was without any limits with much passion, Love and highest craftsmanship for the ideas of the avowed perfectionist Nico from the keel to rebuilt. Since only the J-class super yachts are built by Campbell. What kind of a reputation! After you received your new fine-sounding names: CESARINA. Sie hat das Feeling einer J-Class Superyacht sagt Dietmar 🙂

Thus she did so with one “Classic” Swan not really much to do, sondern kann ohne Übertreibung als ein einzigartiges Kunststück bezeichnet werden 🙂




The Interior impresses with many loving details and plenty of room to live. Also, deck and superstructures are a collection of many beautifully crafted details.




On the other hand, there is also much to do. The on-board water maker was given way to a new bow thruster. It's also super, aber jetzt fehlt der Wassermacher 🙁 . The whole day we drove emotional rollercoaster and asked us, whether we can meet such a ship . Again and again during the breaks we sat on the harbour wall and viewed the CESARINA and their beautiful lines. In any case, it would be no easy decision.

Our appointment of the Atlantic crossing at 22. November 2015 hovered on the horizon. Would it be feasible, until then all work requested by us to do? The description of a ship of this size is unfortunately no small thing, because ab 15 Metres in length must be registered in the German ship register. There so much paperwork to do. You can do it in less than three months ?? Where should we later on the new ship “move”??? Both vessels must be yes then together in a port, so that we could easily rearrange our home stand. In the SUMMER, everything was well organized after more than three years. Did we start really back? We would all our belongings and goods on the CESARINA can accommodate?? The Sunbeam 42 DS is really a space saver. Could keep the four meters longer CESARINA da?? And the most important question ever: What should be done with our SUMMER????

Location speech – short of it: At midnight we have then done and sealed the purchase handshake. Also Rini and Pieter are emotionally gone through hell all day, because the CESARINA lay them close to our hearts. Now they look forward but, You will go with us on the journey. Und wir freuen* uns natürlich auch 🙂 Sie wird bei uns sicher das sein, was man ein geliebtes Schiff nennt 🙂

*(To describe, what you feel, When making such a decision, is kinda impossible for me. Freuen ist auf jeden Fall nicht das richtige Wort 🙂







A small world tour

Why is it actually, When the night anyway shortly through the alarm clock, plagued by a Portuguese killer mosquito?

Our Tuesday morning started early and because of the mosquitoes unfortunately also with moderately good mood. Without breakfast we headed to seven on the way, to go with our taxi ordered the previous day in the direction of Faro train station. With a small detour through the airport (The English of our taxi driver was probably not so good as expected) waren wir aber immer noch sehr früh am Ziel und es war endlich Zeit zum Frühstücken 🙂 Für unschlagbar günstige 5 We were saturated and provided with boxed euro. Auch die Stimmung in der kleinen Reisegruppe hatte sich deutlich verbessert 🙂

On time at 8: 30 our train Faro left with the aim “Lisbon Oriente” and exactly as planned, we arrived at noon there. The train ride in the pleasant and spacious carriages was pleasantly. Only two American ladies, They sat till almost the end of the trip behind us, with their loud non - stop talking about all the important things of life our nerves quite worn. It was a bit like Chinese water torture: If you once had the pitch of both in the ear, again she was going on and it felt, as you slowly drilled holes in our eardrums.

From train station Oriente, we went by taxi to the airport of Lisbon. Here was some haste, Since we the conditions (Traffic, Removal, Roads and traffic at the airport) could not estimate. But again, everything went smoothly, and after a lunch at the box host (a Bavarian friend of ours always for McDonald's used this beautiful name) was it sated and strengthened to the gate.

But we have not betrayed Yes always have you, wo diese Reise eigentlich enden sollte 🙂 Mit dem letzten Blog vom 24. August we have stretched well quite some impatient on the torture. Our destination of today was Terceia. Diligent readers have now arguably an idea, why it drives us towards this, or rather why it drives Dietmar in this direction. For all, now do not know which, what it's actually about, can am 22. and 25. Juni nachlesen 🙂

After a pleasant flight, so we ended up on Terceira and Pieter and Rini, the Dutch owners of the CESARINA directly in reception included. With the car it went directly to the Marina of Angra, where the two are your piece of jewellery at the moment had.


Of course many change of email and phone calls ahead took this visit. Aber nicht nur das 🙂 Als mir klar wurde, that the CESARINA was not only an obsession with my dear husband, had the blessing hung pretty wrong too a long time. The discussion on other ships, they were much great as our SUMMER, war mir nicht neu 🙁 Aber diesmal schien der Wunsch doch von sehr ernstafter Natur zu sein. So I had to leave at some point but convince me, to take the beauty again scrutinized. Und da waren wir nun 🙂 Jetzt wurde es ernst.

Since the next days wind up thick nine announced was, We decided to make us a trip before the waters of Terceira. Even as Pieter the 23 Tonnes heavy and 17 Metre long yacht skillfully in the port turned, were we impressed. Would we get that too? She was simply impressive long, almost four meters longer than our SUMMER.

Out in the troubled and yet quite rough sea, you showed us your strengths. She has been built for such conditions and brilliant Nautor Swan has done his job. Soft she dived into the waves and ran as if on Rails at about 20 Knot wind calm and sure progress. And she was also still fast. I could see formally Dietmar heart beat. Endlich bei jedem Wettrennen mit guten Chancen dabei zu sein 🙂 Er wird im Herzen wohl immer ein Rennfahrer bleiben 🙂 Da es mir persönlich nicht so sehr auf Geschwindigkeit, but rather depends on security, was I but also pleasantly surprised. Ihre Bewegungen in der See schlugen mir nicht direkt auf den Magen 🙂 und auch bei heftigeren “Pushers” (Gusts) I felt the unknown ship safely.

Das Wetter beendete unseren kleinen Ausflug dann aber recht bald 🙁 Heftiger und ergiebiger Regen machte das Segelvergnügen doch zu Nichte 🙁 Aber für einen ersten sehr guten Eindruck war es schon eindeutig ausreichend.


So we ended the day at Angra's Harbor Restaurant. There were yet very much to discuss, and also to talk about. Morgen würden wir ins Detail gehen und die CESARINA auf Herz und Nieren prüfen 🙂 Jede Schublade, the locker and every detail we wanted to see. Da kam uns das schlechte Wetter gerade recht 🙂


Around midnight we fell exhausted into bed, but somehow we both could find no sleep. Too much excitement, Before friends but also worries drove carousel in our minds. Would turn these days on Terceira again upside our lives?

Further, we celebrate :-)

After the strenuous race on Saturday we had the Sunday something go. Even if we celebrated yesterday itself won't be so long, had music made up morning to half-past four strong the others at the port and that had gone without a trace over to us. Ohrenstopfen hin oder her 🙂

So it moved us only in the evening again in the city to the “Desfile do Desporto”. Hid behind the relocation of sports clubs. Now not so spectacular sounds, was it but.

Live total on the island of Terceira 55.000 People and it is really amazing and impressive, How many clubs participated in this parade, and with how much effort and attention to detail the clubs have presents itself. More than one and a half hours took the move and there were almost all kinds of sports, that you can imagine. Focused on this evening most definitely rather young athletes, die sich hier stolz präsentieren hatten 🙂









The next day, the sense was me then after contrast and I wanted to take a trip on the Mont Brazil, während Dietmar am Hafen anderen Booten schöne Augen machte 🙂 Eine Schönheit hatte es ihm ganz besonders angetan 🙂 Ceserina


The Mont Brazil is the local recreation area of Angra and very well developed. One finds also a picnic area with large children's playground and some birds in aviaries in addition to the usual here hiking trails. Even outhouses can be found at several, zum Teil überraschenden Stellen 🙂

Once at the top a great views over Angra on one side and the small Caldeira overlooking the sea on the other side, I had.




And also the many different flowers were my photographer heart beat.




For the evening we wanted to continue but the Festival program. It would be so bad, If you missed something. Tonight there were two different program points: “Desfile de Carnaval” and “Animação pelos Grupos Folclóricos municipality de Angra do Heroísmo”.

So we went first to the parade of carnival groups. After the Carnival in the Canary Islands we hoped us here color magnificent costumes, Samba groups and lots of music. We got music, but unfortunately no dancing ladies, but actress gentlemen. Funny and fanciful costumes were listed on the flyway skits and jokes. That was very funny, zumindest wenn man Portugiesisch verstehen würde 🙂 Die anderen amüsierten sich also köstlich und wir schauten eher in die Röhre.



Good, dass es noch ein Alternativprogramm gab 🙂 So sahen wir noch mehrere Folkoregruppen mit Gesang und Tanz, bis der ungewohnte Musikstil dem Kapitän zu viel wurde 🙂




Down at the port, we drank another beer and a Calpi ordinary pop music, bevor wir unsere privaten VIP-Plätze für das Mitternachtskonzert in unseren Betten auf der SUMMER aufsuchten 🙂 “They are always in the front row with us :-)”






Angra Bay Cup – Is our SUMMER a race of goat?

In the context of the whole festivities, various sporting events held in Angra, including a regatta: the Angra Bay Cup.

On Thursday night, some members are of the “Angra Iate Club” come with us on the bridge over and had invited all the boats, to take part in the regatta.

The Ragatta would start on Saturday at 1: 00, and around two small islands around before along the coast. About thirteen nautical miles would be to go. On Friday evening a briefing for all participants in the Yacht Club would instead find and then there should be little snacks and beer. And after the race, a traditional dinner with awards ceremony takes place in the harbour restaurant. Die Teilnahme an allem wäre natürlich kostenlos 🙂

Das hörte sich schon fast ein bisschen zu gut an 🙂 Aber das Ganze hatte auch einen großen Haken. Almost no wind was announced for Saturday and our thick SUMMER needs a few nodes, um in Schwung zu kommen 🙂 Und wir beide haben ja auch schon so unheimlich viel Regatta-Erfahrung sammeln können. After all, we have ever watched a finishing of such an event from the beach. Would that be??

Next to us was the American Yacht CADENCE at the jetty. So we consulted with Bill, What to do. The racer was awakened quite soon in Dietmar. And so a short time later it was clear: Wir fahren mit 🙂 Ich sah das eher olympisch, denn dabei sein ist bekanntlich alles 🙂 Außerdem gab es etwas Leckeres zu essen 🙂

So we went on a Friday night with Bill to the briefing. Sure all our questions would be answered here. Just in time we arrived at the Yacht Club at seven and were once again the first :-). After the other participants arrived. Everybody knew everybody and it was laughed a lot. The remaining field of participants seemed to be a sworn community.

Ragatta briefing

Once the formalities were settled. Anyone got a sign-up sheet with many empty fields. To enter, we needed but only the name of the boat, the boat class and the number of people, the morning for dinner would appear. That's when you knew direct, was eigentlich wichtig war 🙂 Dann begann das Briefing……in Portugiesisch 🙁 genau wie die Regatta-Satzung und das weitere Regelwerk auch, We got handed out.


We were just relieved, als im Anschluss noch eine kurze Unterweisung in englischer Sprache folgte 🙂 Anscheinend hatte man die vielen Fragezeichen über unseren Köpfen sehr deutlich sehen können, denn nach dem offiziellen Teil kam direkt ein jüngerer Portugiese auf uns zu und beantwortete sehr freundlich alle offengebliebenen Fragen 🙂 So verließen wir die Veranstaltung halbwegs beruhigt. I hope you had ordered wind for tomorrow yet tidy, otherwise we would have to probably vigorously rowing, um irgendwann die Ziellinie zu passieren 🙂

On Saturday morning, it knocks on our boat wall: Outside stood Birgit by the Dutch SY synergy. We had met Birgit and Dan in Velas, but here not seen in Angra. She had a really good idea: “Whether we would like, to sail the regatta with the two as crew on the buzzer? Das wäre doch viel lustiger 🙂 🙂 :-)” There she was clearly right and therefore it was agreed.

Our crew was highly motivated in our on board against 12: 30. Until now we have never sailed the SUMMER with other sailors together, but everything went smoothly from the outset – einfach super Teamarbeit 🙂


Outside the port romped already the boats. We continued, Once there, also sports the sailing and dümpelten back and forth at three knots wind in slow motion. Das konnte ja heiter werden 🙂

Also the regatta line found, that the conditions were very difficult and shortened the routes and moved the starting line. The start should now half an hour later, to 1: 30. Fortunately, we got this information in English on the radio. Unfortunately we could not understand but, where they had moved the starting line. To ensure the general confusion, they drove for a walk the red marker buoy with the inflatable boat.


So mussten wir wohl oder übel eine andere Strategie entwickeln 🙂 Also suchten wir uns ein sportliches, Portuguese boat and put us on his heels. As it turned out then, We had chosen well and were in the starting signal with one of the first, took the course on the first island.


Came then with the go-ahead “How to order” the wind and we made good speed. So we cruised up diligently towards the Islands. In the meantime us long ride sailors was somewhat queasy, because the tough sailor flew over time with less than three meters distance across our bow.


We enjoyed the sporty sailing, a quite a change to the, was wir sonst für gewöhnlich so machen 🙂



Even if subsequent images give a different impression, wir waren wirklich sportlich unterwegs 🙂 Es wurde gekurbelt und getrimmt, und irgendwann war dann einfach alles perfekt getrimmt 🙂 Dann war auch einmal eine kleine Pause angesagt.




On the last route was then once again used the parasailing and brought us despite decreasing wind quickly towards the target.


Auch die Presse war mit von der Partie gewesen und so konnten wir uns über einige Bilder unserer SUMMER unter Segeln freuen 🙂


Perhaps we were also in the television? We will probably never know. If we were also not the fastest, so haben wir doch die schönste Hummel des ganzen Feldes links und rechts auf dem Bug 🙂

The great day sounded out atmospheric Harbour restaurant for good food in fun round.


Each skipper got even still presented a bottle of port wine.


And small souvenirs were ready for all participants.


A really interesting experience, auch wenn unsere SUMMER sicher keine Rennziege ist und auch nicht werden wird 🙂 In unserer Klasse sind wir immerhin auf Platz 9 by 16 Participants ended up.











Here we go – San Joaninas: 10 Day party

On Thursday and Friday busy unrest in the city. Everywhere was finishing, decorated and made up. We used the time, in Angra closer to look around us. Above the Harbour, a beautiful old church in a large fortification is located at the foot of the Monte Brazil. She had it done to me from the first day. Von dort oben hat man einen schönen Blick auf den Hafen 🙂


The fortress is today used as barracks and we were unfortunately not have access to the Church, even though we have encircled the entire system extensively.


Dietmar felt directly as a landlord. So ein ordentlich befestigte Burg fehlte ihm noch in seiner Sammlung 🙂


From the castle walls, you have an excellent view on the big stage, on the starting Friday evening several artists and bands will perform. Let's see, whether we would look there also pass.


The Harbour has been working hard on the decoration. Das konnte sich wirklich schon sehen lassen 🙂


In the course of Friday, also the houses with ceilings and carpets were decorated colorfully. Even empty shops have been converted short hand in bars and to fill it again with life in the next ten days.



Alles war bereit 🙂 Nun konnte es los gehen. The food stalls had open from lunchtime and we decided, today's time away to feast. Well strengthened with an original Terceira we were cheese-ham plate on the way to the main road.


Here, just the red carpet was rolled out. Ganz Terceira nutze die Gelegenheit mal wieder gepflegt zu flanieren 🙂 Im feinsten Sonntagsgewand spazierte man gemütlich auf und ab. Cozy??? When the ruling here shoe fashion I could not imagine that.


Da hätte ich mir schon lange die Beine gebrochen oder wäre mit dem Kopf an einem Türrahmen hängen geblieben 🙂

Started on time at 9: 00 with a cannon strike, turned on the lighting. Wunderschön sah es aus und auch der Himmel hatte sich passend in Schale geworfen 🙂


On the main road in front of the Cathedral was almost no seat to snag more.


The first move was spearheaded by the official city gracefully. Die waren aber nicht so dekorativ 🙂 Da fange ich lieber mit der ersten traditionellen Gruppe an 🙂


The following is to say to the explanation of the Sankt-Johannis-Festival:
It is celebrated in June, is the largest secular celebration of the Azores and attracts every year many tourists, on the island of Terceira, who want to get to know local customs and traditions, and participate.

The story of St. John, always had a great cultural significance in the Azores, ranges in the 16. Century back. The festivities opened with a parade and the parade of the Queen, the last few days and in which many cultural, Leisure, Customs- and sporting events.

A highlight is one of the most important his art for the Iberian region of the bull market- -, bullfights are held during which. Also find a bull Festival, Bullfights in the knitting and a bull run through the streets rather than.

So so today was the pageant of Queen. What the young man with the whale there had to search, konnten wir uns nicht erklären 🙂 So blieb uns manchmal der tiefere Sinn der Wagen und Gruppen verborgen, but we could just act the beautiful images on us.




You can find more pictures as always in the picture gallery at Terceira. Das würde hier wirklich den Rahmen sprengen 🙂 Gegen elf Uhr war das ganze Schauspiel dann vorüber. We drank a beer still down at the port and enjoyed the first concert, It started at noon, on our SUMMER in our bed. Since we needed open just far our Luke. Schon saßen wir in der ersten Reihe 🙂


On after Angra

Last night, Dietmar had experienced yet, that the Marina of Angra do heroism of the port with all the strongest threshold should be the Azores, the know, day and night on the mooring lines pulling the boats can be used. Also when this morning still no breeze stirred, stellte der Chef unsere ganze Planung wieder in Frage 🙁 Was wir denn eigentlich in Angra wollten?? Here it would be also very nice… etc….pp

Hmmmm, What should I say? The mood of the captain was not the best since the departure of our friends yesterday. I wanted to not visit but the Festival and with the car or bus, I wanted to be like on the ground. Also resting was returned in Praia after the agriculture exhibition, ehrlich gesagt war hier jetzt wieder der Hund begraben 🙂


After some back and forth we were then on the way. Under engine we used at least the time, to fill the water tanks with our water maker. On the way we saw several dolphins, but our views here so often sighted whales were again hidden. After around four hours we reached the port of Angra and moored at the Jetty of the reception. Of course prevailed at the port very much stronger swell and the box, that we got assigned to, was also not particularly cheap. But now we were there and had to deal so that's fine.

So all shock absorbers were once again used, and eventually rocked the SUMMER also quite silent in their box. Wir haben schon schlechter gelegen 🙂 Direkt vor der Haustür lud die Stadt zur Erkundung ein. Also you can dive here as well in Angra. It is located directly in front of the port “Cemetery of anchors”, that should be worth a visit. Thus I could motivate even Dietmar. So we went to the city, to find a dive center.


Angra was already completely in the character of the upcoming Festival “San Joaninas”. All were rebuilt stands and stalls. The main streets were very elaborately lighted and decorated. Überall war Bewegung und es lag eine gewisse Spannung und Vorfreude in der Luft 🙂



The search brought us already a detailed walk through the town after the dive, because she was away in the next Bay from the Centre of the city. From the outside the shop looked not very confidence and the Interior remained hidden our eyes behind thick rusty sliding doors, denn es war bereits schon geschlossen 🙁 Also versuchten wir unser Glück telefonisch. So we got the Info, that for the “Cemetery of anchors” four divers would be necessary. There was a prospective for Saturday, Let me see, If another would show up. “Tomorrow, it would register with us.” Well, then, schauen wir mal 🙂

While Dietmar enough feet had represented, I wanted to further explorations.


Through these beautiful gardens you could climb up high over the city up. Auf einem kleinen Platz steht dort ein Monument ohne Namen 🙂


Von hier oben hatte man eine tolle Aussicht über die Stadt und im Park fand ich noch weitere interessante Fotomotive 🙂



They were also not talk back to me, hatten keine weiteren Termine und waren sehr geduldig 🙂



So I totally forgot the time and came back late on the SUMMER. Mein Kapitän stand schon kurz vor dem Hungertod 🙂 und so startete ich in der Kombüse gleich durch, to conjure something delicious on the table for us.





Gloomy sentiment despite sunshine

Heute war der Tag 🙁 Katya und Per mussten zurück nach Schweden. We had got our car rental, so that we could drive the two to the airport this morning. In the meantime we had thought seriously about to feign a breakdown :-), Thus, they miss their plane. But that would have been even no solution at least on time.

Therefore, we adopted our dear friends just in time at the airport a short time later and were again times together but thank God not alone :-).

Katya had us from the past few days is still a “couple” their pictures (as. 400) da left :-), of which we you a few highlights not want to deprive. Also used it even once, I'm actually also included in this journey and not just a disembodied voice from the “Off” am, die den Blog schreibt 🙂

This image was out probably quite often the SCARLET crew from their cockpit, Since their yacht ashore is.


On the buzzer was cooked hard. Zusammen war es sowieso am schönsten 🙂 Aber viel Platz hat man nicht wirklich, aber man gewöhnt sich dran 🙂


A small addendum:
We have a new crew member named since Saturday due to the agriculture exhibition “Mr. Piggy”. Die genaue Geschichte hinter dem Schweinchen bleibt aber nur uns Vieren vorbehalten 🙂 Dietmar war so begeistert, the pig hidden in a bag had the whole afternoon and scared people with the grunts and brought the women to laugh, When he called to piggy in your Pocket “Shut up my friend” 🙂 im Supermarkt, im Café eigentlich überall 🙂 Erwachsen werden wird bei ihm ganz sicher völlig überbewertet!


IMG_0662 (2)

IMG_0676 (2)

Hoch über der Stadt am Aussichtspunkt 🙂


Und wieder zurück zum Hafen 🙂


And at the end still a very rare example: ein Bild von uns beiden zusammen 🙂 Kaum zu glauben, but soon we are 10 Years married.


As I had seen all photos, was it already late in the evening. To the 400 Pictures of Katya were also still being mean 1200 Photos added :-). So we made our SUMMER still seaworthy, because tomorrow we wanted to drive over after Angra do heroism. Dort sollte ab Freitag das Fest des Jahres statt finden und uns dann auf andere Gedanken bringen 🙂



A fun round of island :-)

Yesterday we had seen much, But today we were once again with the car on Terceira on the road. This time together with Katya & By by the SCARLET :-). That would be sure fun.

Our trip began with initial difficulties. On a small country road, we suddenly trapped in a herd of cows and the long line was going to take just no end. Patiently we were waiting by the roadside and were staring incredulously from the passing beef things. When I dared to leave the car, made a very wide arc around us cows. So funny tourists as we seemed to come at them not often over.


Top arrived at the first lookout we noticed, that now a very special fragrance cloud went out of our car. No one steals the now and if we Park it, you would need to follow only his nose, um ihn wieder zu finden 🙂

Our “cow-related” The Azorean clouds had used latency, den vorher wolkenfreien Aussichtspunkt schon mal auf einer Seite in Watte zu verpacken 🙁 Wer will auch schon in beide möglichen Richtungen schauen, wenn die eine schon so schön ist 🙂



The prospect of the sea was again blocked. Azorische Wolken scheinen Fotografen einfach nicht zu mögen 🙁 und bemühen sich, immer vor ihnen den Berggipfel zu erreichen 🙂


Next, we went along the coast. Biscoito was our next destination. Here you could probably beautiful walk in the vineyards and a Weinmuseumes were there . The Azores, museums have closed on Mondays :-(. Go trekking then you? In the middle of the place, we finally found the map of possible paths. Only one thing was missing: Unser Standort 🙂 Da wir uns nicht einigen konnten, which one would be the right direction now, we postpone hiking on a later date and on secure premises. Nicht das wir auf so einer kleinen Insel auch noch verloren gehen würden 🙂

Not far away was a vantage point on the coast. Time for a little photo secession. Hier ein paar Highlights 🙂


Don't worry, der Skipper wird nicht springen 🙂 Er genießt nur die Aussicht



The monument is a great stage. Two scenes with different actors.



Und dann noch einmal mit einer schönen Aussicht 🙂 Eigentlich kann man ja nie genug Fotos haben, but at some point it became the Lords then too much.

Next we went to the West side of the island. Und schon wieder trafen wir auf ein traumhaftes Fotomotiv 🙂 Ein ganzer Wald von Zylinderputzer-Bäumen. So the next photo stop was due. Our two men had it today really hard.




By now it was already significantly after noon and shooting is just hungry. So we headed up to the next larger town and were looking for a restaurant. After some small snack-bars, we were looking for. Hidden something in addition to the main road was a small restaurant. From the outside, it looked really nice, but somehow also locked. In the window, we found a note on the “TripAdvisor”. We were very surprised. When we opened the door, showed a nice guest room. Unfortunately, he was completely crowded. The operation came up immediately and asked, If we had reserved ??? Reserved????? At a Monday lunch somewhere in the nowhere???? Hatten wir natürlich nicht 🙁 “Then nothing would unfortunately make!” Schade! 🙁

Hungry, we continued and ended up in Angra de Heroism, the island's capital. Hier bekamen wir auch um drei Uhr noch ein Mittagessen 🙂 Gestärkt gingen wir hinunter zur Marina denn in ein paar Tagen wollten wir mit der SUMMER hier auftauchen. Unfortunately, no reservation of moorings was possible but.



Also tonight we wanted once again to the “Bull fighting”, Yes, we now know is not a fight to the death. This time, he should be held directly in Praia. We could find only the exact location on any map. Back in town, we were hoping, to find any clues. Yesterday it was also quite easy. So we had a blocked highway in mind and many people, that preclude hurriedly sought this target. But we found a note anywhere. Even passersby on the street even sent us in one, mal in die andere Richtung 🙁

But at some point we met a really knowledgeable, She sent us with its wonderful unique drawing on a beer mat into the pampas. Und dort waren wir dann richtig 🙂 In einem kleinen Dorf stand am Straßenrand ein Imbisswagen und ein Pick-Up, Beer was sold by its loading area of. The trappings were not fifty people, you waited for the spectacle. Below the street, separated by a low stone wall, was a large meadow – the place of the action :-). Das war ja mal ziemlich ursprünglich 🙂

Dear Uwe

The Bulls were waiting in your large carriers already on their appearance. Again, strong men in Sussex were responsible, that the bull not on and it ran. In this case, they were clothed with green polo shirts and three.


Right at the beginning, you've got slight concerns, ob die Herren den Stier wirklich im Griff hatten 🙂 Vielleicht war es eher umgekehrt.

Hopefully, the wall was also high enough. Somehow I my today's dress choice regretted something. Not, that the silhouetted, red dress accidentally fell into the Centre of attention of the bull. With per (in the red T-Shirt) I discussed already second possible escape routes. Der Pick-Up war ja nicht so weit entfernt 🙂



Also the matadors beaten to were played in a different age group than yesterday, but she fought bravely. Also, she understood her craft. When the little guy stumbled and went to the ground, He curled up right to the ball and won't budge. So he was immediately boring for the bull, He looked around for other victims. Denen blieb oft nur die Flucht in höhere Sphären 🙂


We had enough after two rounds with two different bulls. The last night with Katya and wanted to we spend on the SCARLET with even cooked prawns with special sauce. Because the two already in the morning had their flight, was the evening not very long, aber wie immer lecker 🙂 und lustig.



Dance in the volcano

This morning we looked slightly puzzled out the laundry. As us by and Katya had left yesterday but clearly after twelve o'clock, was the place next to us at the pier still free. There was a boat with German flag this morning and the name was also known to us: SY LUBINI :-). We had ever taken in Lagos. Still, we are not knocked the Tailboard. Who arrived yesterday as late or rather early, also must sleep.

Somewhat later movement in the neighbouring ship then came and we went over, a “Hello” zu sagen 🙂 Schon im Laufe des nächsten Tages wollten Klaus und Bernd mit der SY LUBINI wieder in See stechen. Spontaneously we invited them, to spend the day with us and to circumnavigate the island, because today we had again a car before the boat. Since the two were bad “No” say and by noon we folded Fiesta us together in the Ford. Mit vier Personen war es schon recht kuschelig darin 🙂


Unterwegs gab es natürlich viel zu berichten von den Rückkehren aus der Karibik und wir sammelt fleißig Tipps für unsere Zeit dort am Ende des Jahres 🙂

Our first destination was Biscoitos on the North coast of the island. Here you can swim protected from the surf and relax in a beautiful natural swimming pool. And since it was Sunday, machte das auch halb Terceira 🙂 Da haben sie Recht, so weather you let go it is also so good. The water was still too cold for us and we found, dass ein Eis in der Sonne eine mindestens genau so gute Abkühlung sei 🙂


From the coast, you have a good view on the highest mountain on the island, the “Santa Barbara”. This showed up for once without clouds. Damit stand das nächste Ziel unseres Ausflugs fest 🙂



So it went over big bulls and idyllic lakes, but the goal came and unspecified. The signs on the island had almost despair us and we shot several Ehrenrunden, until we finally reached the Summit.

2015-06-14 7

So waren uns die Wolken dicht auf den Fersen und keine zehn Minuten später war es mit der Aussicht dann auch vorbei 🙁 Aber für ein paar Fotos hat es noch gereicht.



On our way were two volcanic highlights, that you can see only on Terceira. First we came to the “Furnas do Enxofre”. Here get hot sulphur fumes from many small crevices in the ground. Das Geruchserlebnis kann ich hier leider nicht wiedergeben 🙂



A short distance away it went into the volcano. Good is a hundred meters deep to commit the crater of the extinct volcano and ends in a crystal clear Lake.


There is also still a large sinus, used for the special acoustics for concerts. Das wäre ja nichts für mich 🙁 Hier unter war es doch empfindlich kalt und außerdem regnete beständig Kondenswasser vom Himmel 🙁


The visit of the volcano was really a unique experience, but we had another exciting program point on our list: Bullfighting at the knitting.


So we headed over to Vila Nova, where the spectacle instead should take. Fortunately, it was easy to find, It is needed to watch only the other cars, They showed up everywhere around us. So we parked then somewhere on the side of the road and marched on foot further in the city centre.

On the main street were all goals, Barricaded doors and Windows with boards. Safely behind the fences and walls of the things Women awaited, the da would come, While the men still on the road strolled.



A nice, older man showed us a safe place behind the high wall in front of a public building. There we were comfortable it. Let's see, what would happen.


By a loud bang was made known, that the bull was. And quickly saw movement in the crowd :-). The bull came running from behind, backed by a strong rope, at the other end, five strong men in white shirts hung.


On the picture above, it is not easy to find :-). Below he has set itself spectacularly in scene.


The process of the whole spectacle is as follows: The Bull is accompanied along the main road from the rope and chasing the brave on his way, more or less young men, that is him armed with jackets, Make ceilings or umbrellas in the way. Unit he led astray or leave the right path the men come at the other end of the rope to the usage. Verletzt werden soll weder Stier noch Toreros 🙂 Nach zwanzig Minuten ist für den Stier die Vorführung vorbei und der nächste Stier darf dafür sorgen, a few men can make the monkeys. Main thing is probably, people meet, man wird gesehen und es gibt genug kalte Getränke und leckere Dinge zum Essen 🙂 Man braucht halt nur einen passenden Grund. However, also regularly evil accidents happen when the bull wins the fight. This is the charm of the whole drive probably and provides voltage.

We wanted to eat after this “Effort” aber dann auch 🙂 und fuhren zurück nach Praia de Victoria. This time we chose a restaurant in the second row, Praising us with even lower and was able to convince higher-quality. A beautiful end of a beautiful day. Schade, that it probably will take longer, until we meet again the SY LUBINI and her crew.