On Thursday and Friday busy unrest in the city. Everywhere was finishing, decorated and made up. We used the time, in Angra closer to look around us. Above the Harbour, a beautiful old church in a large fortification is located at the foot of the Monte Brazil. She had it done to me from the first day. Von dort oben hat man einen schönen Blick auf den Hafen 🙂
The fortress is today used as barracks and we were unfortunately not have access to the Church, even though we have encircled the entire system extensively.
Dietmar felt directly as a landlord. So ein ordentlich befestigte Burg fehlte ihm noch in seiner Sammlung 🙂
From the castle walls, you have an excellent view on the big stage, on the starting Friday evening several artists and bands will perform. Let's see, whether we would look there also pass.
The Harbour has been working hard on the decoration. Das konnte sich wirklich schon sehen lassen 🙂
In the course of Friday, also the houses with ceilings and carpets were decorated colorfully. Even empty shops have been converted short hand in bars and to fill it again with life in the next ten days.
Alles war bereit 🙂 Nun konnte es los gehen. The food stalls had open from lunchtime and we decided, today's time away to feast. Well strengthened with an original Terceira we were cheese-ham plate on the way to the main road.
Here, just the red carpet was rolled out. Ganz Terceira nutze die Gelegenheit mal wieder gepflegt zu flanieren 🙂 Im feinsten Sonntagsgewand spazierte man gemütlich auf und ab. Cozy??? When the ruling here shoe fashion I could not imagine that.
Da hätte ich mir schon lange die Beine gebrochen oder wäre mit dem Kopf an einem Türrahmen hängen geblieben 🙂
Started on time at 9: 00 with a cannon strike, turned on the lighting. Wunderschön sah es aus und auch der Himmel hatte sich passend in Schale geworfen 🙂
On the main road in front of the Cathedral was almost no seat to snag more.
The first move was spearheaded by the official city gracefully. Die waren aber nicht so dekorativ 🙂 Da fange ich lieber mit der ersten traditionellen Gruppe an 🙂
The following is to say to the explanation of the Sankt-Johannis-Festival:
It is celebrated in June, is the largest secular celebration of the Azores and attracts every year many tourists, on the island of Terceira, who want to get to know local customs and traditions, and participate.
The story of St. John, always had a great cultural significance in the Azores, ranges in the 16. Century back. The festivities opened with a parade and the parade of the Queen, the last few days and in which many cultural, Leisure, Customs- and sporting events.
A highlight is one of the most important his art for the Iberian region of the bull market- -, bullfights are held during which. Also find a bull Festival, Bullfights in the knitting and a bull run through the streets rather than.
So so today was the pageant of Queen. What the young man with the whale there had to search, konnten wir uns nicht erklären 🙂 So blieb uns manchmal der tiefere Sinn der Wagen und Gruppen verborgen, but we could just act the beautiful images on us.
You can find more pictures as always in the picture gallery at Terceira. Das würde hier wirklich den Rahmen sprengen 🙂 Gegen elf Uhr war das ganze Schauspiel dann vorüber. We drank a beer still down at the port and enjoyed the first concert, It started at noon, on our SUMMER in our bed. Since we needed open just far our Luke. Schon saßen wir in der ersten Reihe 🙂