Since we have last night executes, did you say, that we would have to leave the port of Horta at the latest morning at eight o'clock. Also klingelte der Wecker schon um sieben 🙁 Der Morgen war regnerisch und wir noch nicht richtig motiviert, but the way to Velas on the island of Sao Jorge was not so far.
When we tried to start the engine, We got only a tired buzz to hear. After a week at anchor, the batteries were probably quite empty. Das sollte eigentlich nicht passieren 🙁 Erfreulicherweise ließ sich aber wenigsten der Generator starten und nach fünf Minuten hatten wir die Batterien so weit geladen, that the engine again jumped on. Am Thema Energiemanagement müssen wir bis zur Karibik noch etwas arbeiten 🙂 Solche Pannen sollten einem nur einmal passieren 🙂
Directly after the entrance of the port could we set sail and made with half wind wonderful ride. Because we forgot quickly cloudy weather. But between the islands of Pico and Sao Jorge, the pleasure of sailing was already over, because the wind was so distracted by the Islands, he blew us from the front on the nose.
We liked the new island by sea. Fast 40 Kilometres long, but never wider than seven kilometres is it from 300 (!!!) each, small volcanic cones. From a distance we could see the lush and green meadows, the by 25.000 to 30.000 Dairy cows are populated. Come on each island's inhabitants (9000) statistisch fast drei Kühe 🙂 Hier auf der Insel wird der bekannte “São Jorge” Cheese produced, We have the in Portugal and appreciate on Faial have learned.
The port was small and cozy. Picturesque steep front of the, Green rock face he was well protected at the edge of the island capital of Velas. We had called yesterday, us to secure a berth in the Marina. So we were comfortably alongside directly behind the outer breakwater. The entire system is well maintained. Showers and sanitary facilities are like new and also the two washing machines can be seen. Since we could not resist, our clothes again without regard to water consumption (:-)) to wash ashore. Then tomorrow we would tackle this task.
While Dietmar einklarierte us, I cooked ever something tasty for lunch. The harbour master was just as nice and helpful, How did yesterday on the phone. The police also, She looked later on the SUMMER past, bid farewell with the words: If we had any questions or requests, could we always like to look at them. So viel Herzlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft 🙂 Da kommt man gern an!
After dinner, we started the exploration tour in the city. Small, well maintained and well manageable Velas lies at the foot of the Green volcanic crater. Supermarket, Car rental companies and of course many other shops were easy to find and really well sorted (for a small island)
Saturday night, a Festival should take place in the city. Already the harbour master had told us about this. We found the location of the event ever in any case. Because we wanted to look tomorrow evening most definitely times past.
After a refreshing Panaché (Portuguese for cyclists :-)) in a rustic bar with local, passionate card players we did welcoming us with a video on the buzzer.
Saturday was the big laundry day as planned :-). Around noon, our SUMMER once again looked like a luxury wash stand. All three machines laundry hung everywhere on the ship. Now the wind and the Sun had to dry only. The weather forecast was actually also quite reasonably priced.
Around eight o'clock we had thrown both of us properly in shell and willing, Village life to shake up. We had not yet left the port, as the first profitable showers drove us back to the SUMMER. Therefore we wanted to wait rather, denn so lange konnte der Schauer ja nicht dauern 🙂
Slightly annoyed, I watched as my almost-dry laundry was getting wetter and wet. That would have been really unnecessary now. I found them before actually clean enough.
Nach über einer Stunde hatte es sich eingeregnet 🙁 Das würde wohl nichts mehr mit der Fiesta :-(. Whenever we thought just to get out of the boat, immediately picked up the wind and the diminishing rain was back to his best. Then it should be probably. The next Festival is determined. Sure!