If I knew in may already, what organizational challenges I would be early September, would I be waived, for Dietmar 50. Birthday invite some surprise guests in the Algarve.
Unfortunately I could not clairvoyance but – or should I say “Gott sei Dank” 🙂 Ein paar Tage “Forced vacation” würde uns beiden nach den turbulenten Wochen ganz gut tun 🙂 Alleine würde ich den Chef sicherlich auch nicht bremsen können.
Are some time already I was in close contact with Claudia and Reiner, us today evening in Vilamoura “totally surprising” would expect. Now we needed from our Azores island on the mainland just yet as planned and on time back fly and return by train to the Algarve. We were going to the US between 9: 30 and 10 “random” in advance via SMS called restaurant at the port meet me.
Out of concern, that something could be I was a little nervous in the morning. The way was now also really long and there were many opportunities for breakdowns and unforeseen events.
In the run-up to Dietmar had made almost planning my niece, When he travel to the Azores from the 28. up to 30. August had planned. He had booked plane tickets even without my knowledge. I had but to prevent this accident, by I put our tight schedule as the reason for a previous visit to CESARINA. The airline had the tickets as an early birthday present, as the Lady at the travel agency noted, free cancelled. No joke!
But our return journey was completely uneventful until on a jacket forgotten at airport. We could win something even time (and taxi costs) in which we simply already in Quarteira, and thus a station formerly dropped out of our train. There we have come ever last week bus pass. Here one should say, dass Busfahren nicht bildet 🙂
Nevertheless we wandered only against ten o'clock on the harbour promenade along, because I was just sooo… hungrig 🙂 Nach einer gefühlten Ewigkeit (I could push Dietmar so badly to rush :-)) I spied the two – eigentlich genau im selben Augenblick wie Dietmar 🙂

Da war das Hallo natürlich groß 🙂 Mehr als 16 We had not seen each other months. Und nicht nur wir hatten viel zu erzählen 🙂 Erst morgens um zwei Uhr beendeten wir die lustige Runde, but not without to date us equal to the breakfast for the next morning. Because never is one with both the conversation and there is really much to laugh.
The next morning, then, we arrived at the hotel for breakfast, Because buying had I Yes unfortunately can no longer. Because the breakfast would have been but little too lean. Außerdem hatten wir uns in den letzten Tagen doch sehr schnell an ein gutes und ausgiebiges Hotelfrühstück gewöhnt 🙂 Mal gucken, whether the luxury hotel in Vilamoura with our * hotel Terceira could keep.
Extensive test showed, dass auch auf dem Festland ein hervorragendes Frühstück serviert wird 🙂 und das Personal musste uns schon fast rausschmeißen, because the dominions were already cover the tables for lunch.
Für den Nachmittag hatten wir dann etwas ganz außergewöhnliches geplant 🙂 Wir wollten an den Strand. Those who already follow our blog, which would have fallen on, that lazy, lying on the beach, does not belong to our favorite things. Obwohl das irgendwie falsch formuliert ist 🙂 Denn ich liege eigentlich sehr gern einmal am Strand 🙂 Außerdem war ich auch schon längere Zeit nicht mehr Baden 🙂 Hier an der Algarve sollte das Wasser ja angenehme Temperaturen haben.

Reiner and Dietmar wanted to right the way to the beach with a visit to the boatyard on the Marina area. This is while conveniently located within sight, But if you want to swim not over, so you must go around but the whole port basin. Und der Hafen von Vilamoura ist wirklich riesig und die Wege entsprechend lang 🙂 Somit trennten sich nach zwanzig Minuten unsere Wege und wir Damen suchten uns am Strand ein gemütliches Plätzchen. Endlich mal Zeit für ein Frauengespräch 🙂 Fehlte nur noch der Kaffee 🙂 Und da die Herren doch etwas länger auf sich warten ließen, zogen wir nach einer Weile in ein Strandcafe um 🙂
From there we saw also eventually pass the men on the beach. On their way along the water, although every Beach beauty was extensively evaluated (Pure always said “scanned”), aber die gesuchten Ehefrauen sind ihren aufmerksamen Blicken entgangen 🙂 Trotzdem ließen wir sie nicht bis nach Albufeira weiterlaufen 🙂
A small strengthening we were looking for a nice place on the beach us together. Bath time was now! The Sun was high in the sky and it was quite warm. A dip in the Atlantic Ocean should now bring cooling. So I went with Claudia first on the way to the cool waters.
“Cool wet” was somehow not the apt description. The water was so cold, I got goose bumps even on the arms, was already as I'm only using the feet inside. Soft love to, aber doch keine Erfrierungen 🙂
Back in our men we had to listen to us then the clever sayings. Surprisingly, neither of them was willing but, terms of hero-jump into the waters. That would be completely under their dignity they meant. Somehow it galled me yet, that I had taken a bath in the Atlantic small frostbite. I've been in January on La Gomera in the water. It might not be here yes even worse. So I took all courage together and ground plunged into the water. Unfortunately, the feeling was “If you once inside, is it not as cold” even when swimming is not a. Claudia was following me now. Women are the real heroes?. However, we both were happy, as we again lay on our towels in the Sun. Now was once again “Thawing” angesagt 🙂

In the evening we left the beaten track of Vilamoura then behind us and went by car to Faro. We made plans for the next day in a nice restaurant in the old town. Tomorrow we were going to go sailing. If the wind would allow it, After Culatra, we were planning to drive. This particularly beautiful corner, We knew that already from last year, wollten wir den Beiden doch so gern zeigen 🙂